Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 383 The Scholar Dad of the Supernatural Academy 35

Chapter 383 The Scholar Dad of the Supernatural Academy 35
Under Yunfei's efforts to fight, the supernatural beings finally began to gradually appear in front of the public.

A fire broke out and the girl was trapped on the thirteenth floor.

I saw a rescue worker in red clothes suddenly flew up in the air, braved the fire, and flew down covered with a wet quilt.

In his arms was a seven-year-old child who stopped crying after he came down safely.

Looking at the big brother who rescued her in surprise, her mother cried and hugged her into her arms, her face full of joy of finding her back.

The girl smiled and said, "Mom, is big brother Superman? He hasn't transformed, but he can fly."

"Yeah, he's Superman." The woman said gratefully.

The young man who graduated from the Ability Academy smiled brightly at this moment, and then rushed to the sea of ​​flames.

There are also supernatural beings who can grow mermaid tails in the water, and participated in the defense work at sea.

All kinds of supernatural beings have been assigned to suitable positions. They have strong abilities and naturally take on a lot.

Social welfare is also a little higher than ordinary people, so everyone lives happily.

As for the island, although it is still a closed education, at least there is hope.

I can go out every month. Compared with the boarding schools in the outside world, it seems that it is not so difficult to accept.

Obviously, there are everything that should be on the island, but it is still somewhat different from freedom.

Just like the years when I wore a mask, I obviously don’t go anywhere, but there is a difference between being unable to go and not wanting to go.

With autonomy, you start to feel like a person.

Rather than a murder weapon supported by the state...


The college still has to accept the special tasks assigned by the high-level.

However, Yunfei raised the age to accept the task to over 16 years old.

However, there are usually many courses on that aspect.

Psychological quality education, assassination and fighting, physical training, survival skills...etc.

If there is one failure, he will not be allowed to go out to do the task.

Moreover, the task is no longer mandatory, unless it is really necessary and related to the survival of the academy.

And those who are unwilling or unable to do it, Yunfei will not force them.

After all, not everyone can kill someone calmly.

However, those supernatural beings who took up special occupations in society after graduation did not resist serving the country.

They did hate the academy, they hated the country, because they had been manipulating them to no end, to no end.

In a controlled life, long life or short life, what does it matter?
But after leaving that small island.

They met the family members they missed, made close friends, and colleagues who loved life and career.

Without a country, there is no home, and without a home, there is no sense of belonging.

Even if it is for the people they care about, they have to complete the task.

However, most of the supernatural beings do not need to accept the task, only special supernatural beings need it.

Aggressive supernatural beings have been doing tasks for many years. It is one thing for them to be strong, and it is another thing for them to pour their energy.

So now, most of the people who are doing missions are aggressive people with supernatural powers.

The supernatural beings living outside the island would call back for assistance only when they were needed.

The high-level people agree with and oppose the current freedom and semi-openness of the supernatural beings, because the two sides refuse to give in to each other.

We can only make a decision and let it go, and if something happens, we will control it.

Someone said, "What's the difference between managing and controlling an accident and repairing it after a dead sheep?"

However, the side that was supported rejected it, "The Ability Academy has a history of [-] years, how many dissidents have they eliminated for our country in the past [-] years?
How many cancers have been dealt with for the country?
If not for the protection of their families, these feats should be publicly rewarded!

With so many achievements, is it not worthy to just change one possibility?They have saved so many people, can't they even have a chance of trial and error? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

Although it may not sound good to say it, but...it is undeniable that one supernatural person is more important than a hundred ordinary people.

A chance to attract all supernatural beings and a choice that may kill a few ordinary people, everyone knows how to choose.

Finally the opposition compromised.

It's just that they still insist that if the supernatural beings behave uncontrollably, they must be controlled again.

As for whether they can catch those supernatural beings with strange abilities at that time, they are not worried at all.

People have weaknesses.

It's okay to have no weaknesses, and let the supernatural beings with weaknesses deal with them.

They just need to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.


Today is a special day, Tan Sixi's birthday.

Tan's mother is not in good health now, and has been taking various medicines all year round.

She is heart sick.

Although she is accompanied by her daughter and granddaughter, she often weeps until dawn when the night is quiet.

The death of Tan's father was a great blow to her. The two of them had gone through ups and downs for so many years. No matter who left first, the other party would not be able to accept it.

She thought that she, who was in poor health, would leave first, but she didn't expect that her husband, who usually pays attention to health preservation, would leave first...

If you worry too much, you will suffer from insomnia.

I can't sleep well, I'm not in a happy mood, coupled with my frailty and sickness after old age, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay with Tan Xixi's mother and daughter for long.

Because it was his daughter's birthday, Yunfei came back one day early and sent out the students who were going home to visit.

When she got home late at night, the lights in Tan Sixi's room were still on.

Tan's mother and Tan Xixi were already asleep.

Especially Tan Xixi, in the past five years, she has slept more and more every year, and her body is still fine, she can eat and sleep.

It's just sleeping too much and waking up too little in a day.

Hearing the sound of the key opening the door, Tan Sixi hurried downstairs and shouted happily: "Dad!"

"Honey, why aren't you asleep yet?"

"I'm reading a book." Actually, I was waiting for my father to come home.

After all, his father said in his dream last night that he would be back today.

For so many years, he never broke his promise...

"Dad, let me carry the things for you."

Yun Fei hurriedly avoided her with his luggage, and then said with a smile: "Who would let a child carry things, your father and I are not old yet.

Hurry up and go upstairs to rest, it's already so late, I'll read the book in the daytime, it hurts my eyes at night. "

"Well, the food left for you is warming in the pot."

Tan Sixi, who is really outstanding, is 1.68 tall, with cold eyes, and a top student.

Her popularity is still very good today, but more people regard her as an object of worship instead of a friend or girlfriend.

That is to say, it can only be seen from a distance, and it cannot be desecrated.

So the friends she can bring home now are few compared to when she was a child.

On the contrary, they are friends from childhood, and occasionally get together, much closer than the current classmates.

Yunfei has always known, both worried and helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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