Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 385 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 37

Chapter 385 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 37
Soon, several people arrived at Murong's house.

There are some flower-shaped arches and some balloons at the door, which are very beautiful.

The waiters that Murong's family invited today are busy shuttling around the manor.

Although they seemed to be walking in a hurry, they didn't make the slightest noise.

Today, Tan Sixi hosted a banquet for her classmates who have been in touch with her since she was a child, as well as her current classmates.

But the invitation was also sent to some people in the Murong family circle and the Tan family circle. In Xu Yuxian's words, I don't allow anyone not to know that our family has a precious granddaughter.

The banquet was scheduled to start at [-] pm, which was still early before the guests arrived, so the family simply went upstairs to chat.

Tan's mother was a little weak, and Tan Sixi helped her back to her room to rest.

Tan Xixi also fell asleep, Yunfei might as well carry her back to his room.

Looking at this family and the current situation, Xu Yuxian felt very distressed.

Usually the eldest son is on the island, and only the eldest granddaughter takes care of the elderly grandmother and lethargic mother.

She really felt too tired, and suggested more than once to let them live here, or to help them find two nannies or nurses.

After all, the eldest granddaughter's studies are also quite heavy now, and the college entrance examination is not far away.

But the eldest granddaughter was not at ease, and she was unwilling to live in school, so she ran home every day.

However, Yunfei originally promised to invite his aunt, but Yunfei brought back a nanny robot from the island.

It is the proud work of Squad Leader Gongsun. He knows all the housework, he also knows some medical skills and first aid methods, and he can use his own system to make direct calls.

Tan Xixi doesn't need to worry too much, she will sleep for a long time when she falls asleep.

In fact, Tan's mother has not yet reached the point where she needs to be taken care of in bed. She is usually active, but she cannot be tired.

Occasionally, Xu Yuxian would come over to take a look, and Tan Sixi came back from school at night.

So that robot is enough.


Three in the afternoon.

The guests came one after another, and everyone hurried down to greet the guests.

Tan Sixi's classmates also came, and they were sighing at the moment, "Student Tan is really the proud daughter of heaven, her family is rich, she is a top student, and she is also beautiful."

"The one next to her is her grandma, right? It's so well maintained!"

"There is also the dress of the same color as her, it is her father, we saw him before sending classmate Tan back to school.

He is so handsome, like the rich and noble son in the TV series, isn't this an appropriate gentle second man? "

"Her mother is also good-looking. She looks like she has aged without makeup, and she looks similar to us."

"It's really a winner in life. Grandpa is a teacher, uncle is the president, and grandparents are also business leaders. I heard that her parents' previous occupations have something to do with them."

A female classmate said mysteriously: "Gossip, do you know the superhero who suddenly appeared in the past two years?
I heard that classmate Tan's father is this kind of person, so their family inherited high IQ!
Moreover, her father's position is probably quite high, and some people have seen that those people respect him very much. "

In the crowd, it looks like a girl who is shining brightly, which makes people afraid to approach.

In people's eyes, there are amazement, envy, jealousy and admiration.

Except for the juniors who were of the same family background as her, no one dared to approach her, only dared to take a peek or two from a distance.

Tan Xixi has already woken up, holding Yunfei's wrist at this moment, smiling gracefully.

The two are like a pair of lovers.

The onlookers even thought out the introduction of the novel, the affectionate overlord, his little wife, and the genius girl they conceived.

The photographer took a lot of group photos for everyone.

Parent-child outfits of the same color are really eye-catching.


After the birthday party, Yunfei still has to rush back to the island.

He apologized to the mother and daughter with an apologetic face, "Sorry, I can't stay with you all the time, give me another five years."

In just five more years, they will be able to change all the rules of the Ability Academy again.

At that time, he will resign and hand over the principal to Gu Yuze to manage. In fact, the monitor is more suitable, but he wants to invent and has no time to care about these things.

Rose is also suitable, but her abilities are not strong enough to suppress the ghosts and monsters below!
Just let her be the vice-principal, and it can also give his good brother some hope of being a beauty.

Tan Sixi understood and stepped forward to hug, "It's okay with Dad, we all understand that there is no need to worry at home, I will take good care of my mother and grandma, and I will often go home to accompany my grandparents."

"Take care of yourself too, don't push yourself too hard, you can relax now."

In the past, she had to work hard, but now being a supernatural being is no longer an unaffordable talent, so she doesn't have to work hard anymore.

It's just that Tan Sixi doesn't want to.

"I want to do something to prove that I have lived. Sisi is not as great as my father, but I don't want to be too mediocre and embarrass you."

This child who wants to be strong, "Okay, Dad supports you, but the body is always the most important."

"Well, listen to Dad." Tan Sixi nodded obediently.

Yunfei looked at Tan Xixi, who was enduring the sleepiness, and sighed, "Be patient, wait until I come back, you are asleep, and I will take you to see the mountains and the sea."

"I've been waiting for Brother Xi, let's go, go home after work."

"it is good……"

This is the agreement between the two.

After the old people on both sides passed away, and Tan Sixi grew up too, after they don't need to worry about it, let's go to see the mountains and the sea together.

Since having this problem, Tan Xixi has basically never traveled far, because she might fall asleep at some point.

So if there is no one around you, you really can't even go far.


After rushing back to the academy, Yunfei immediately contacted all the supernatural beings who went out.

Three months later, there will be a competition for supernatural beings in country M, so he chooses people to participate.

Classes for all three age groups have to go, and there are also post-graduation classes, so we have to choose some.

There are also mentors who accompany and protect.

Yunfei decides to lead the team himself, while Gu Yuze and the squad leader stay behind.

At this moment, he was looking through the materials of the supernatural beings in the office, picking out some supernatural beings that might be needed.

Knock Knock~~
"Please come in."

The crisp sound of high-heeled shoes resounded in the room, and Yunfei looked up, a little surprised.

It turned out to be Li Rui. Ever since he and Tan Xixi got the certificate, she had pestered him hysterically for a while, and even wanted to give up her life by giving up on herself.

Later, it was only under Yunfei's psychological enlightenment that he gradually came out of the haze.

After that, although both of them were on the island, they hadn't seen each other for a year.

Yunfei smiled and said, "Why do you have time to come over today?"

His attitude is as peaceful as old friends meeting each other, and his frankness makes people feel no suspicion at all.

"Come here to send an invitation to Brother Xi, I'm getting married."

(End of this chapter)

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