Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 389 The school bully dad of the supernatural academy

Chapter 389 The school bully dad of the supernatural academy
Black...so black.

Sixteen-year-old Tan Sixi woke up from the darkness and found herself in a dark place.

That's weird, is she dead?


After all, in the winter, she only wore a set of old auntie's clothes and lay down in the snow and slept all night. It's normal for her to freeze to death.

How ridiculous, that family took all the property of the grandfather's family, but they couldn't even give her a set of old clothes from the cousin.

It was my aunt's old clothes. There were a large number of unknown stains on them. They were dirty, old and had holes. They smelled stinky...

The Tan family in the village is an old brick house, without a toilet, so they can only go to the hut.

Taking a bath is even more extravagant. My aunt forbids her to waste water, and asks her to take a bath by the well or the river.

Oh, but she is not six years old, she is 16 years old...

So what else can I do besides try not to shower?

Yesterday, my uncle and my aunt had a quarrel with my uncle again. The reason was that my uncle was biased and asked my second cousin to live in the city, while they still farmed at home.

He clamored to go to the city, anyway, it was a small two-story building, and it wasn't enough to live in.

But Uncle refused and scolded them angrily.

"Why are you going? Don't worry about the land at home and the pigs you raise?
Your brother's brain is more flexible than yours. If he is developed, can he forget you? "

Heh, Tan Zong sneered in his heart, as for his brother's black heart, if he is still developed, won't he forget him?If you are developed, the first thing you need to do is to cut off contact with poor relatives like them!

He was not a good person, and said directly at this moment: "Dad, either you sell that house and we share the money, or you let our family live in it.

If you insist on favoring the second child, then you and your mother will spend the rest of your life with the second child. "

The elders in the village basically lived with their eldest son. If the second elder was kicked out, one can imagine how embarrassing it would be.

Threatened by the eldest son, Uncle Tan's face was ashen, and he shouted angrily: "Do you think that house is already ours? It is a loss-making product, and we are qualified to sell it?"

This Tan Zong had thought about it a long time ago, "What are you afraid of, as long as Dad agrees, then I will leave the damn girl to me."

Their mountain is not a big city, it is so rare to die from cold, drown, or fall a girl.

As far as the reservoir is concerned, are there still many children who died?
Children are naughty, they can't control it, how normal.

Uncle Tan thought about it, and felt that the girl was indeed a hidden danger. Although she can still control it now, it will be different when she becomes an adult.

Simply, don't do it again and again!
So he nodded with ruthless eyes.

But they didn't want the person they were discussing in the corner of the room to cover their mouths and cry silently.


Tan Sixi groped in the dark for a long time, almost desperate.

There was no one here, and although she didn't feel hungry or cold, being in the dark for a long time was enough to make her collapse.

Since she was a child, she has been sensitive and timid, and now she is almost driven crazy by all the monsters she imagined.

I don't know how long it took, it was so long that she became numb, staying here, she couldn't do anything except thinking wildly.

There are grandmothers and grandfathers who love her, classmates who laugh at her, neighbors who sympathize with her...

And after grandpa died, grandma took her to live. Although the money was not a lot, it was enough for her and grandma to have enough food and clothing for a lifetime.

But grandma's health is getting worse and worse, and she has various problems such as angina pectoris and high blood pressure.

Grandma wants to save the money for her to go to college, get married, and have children, so she always tolerates it as much as she can and is unwilling to go to the hospital.

Every time she cried and begged her grandma to spend more time with her, she was willing to go to the hospital for treatment.

During that period, the uncle's family treated her and grandma very well.

At grandpa's funeral, they were all a little confused, and it was the uncle's family who arrived and helped to stabilize the scene.

Since then, the second aunt has often lived in their house to help take care of grandma.

The cousin also takes good care of her, and often takes her out to go shopping and relax, although the money is all given by her grandma.

But it's also understandable, after all, the second uncle's salary of several thousand a month is really a bit stretched to support a family.

Obviously everything is alright...

After my grandma underwent stent surgery for coronary heart disease, her health also recovered. On the day she left the house, she still ate breakfast made by her grandma.

After school in the evening, they found that the uncle's family was at their house.

Their faces were heavy and sad, and the cousin hugged her sobbingly and said: "Xixi, stay with our house in the future, and we will love you."

"What's going on here?"

Grandma died, she never thought it would be so sudden, as if the whole sky had collapsed.

She didn't understand, even though the doctor said that as long as she had a good rest, kept her mind at ease, and took her medicine on time, it would be fine, why did it... disappear?

Tan Sixi hugged her knees and crouched in the darkness, uncontrollably thinking of her parents.

When I was a child, everyone said that she was an unwanted child who was picked up and raised by her grandparents.

She didn't believe it, so she went home and asked her grandparents, but they didn't deny it, and of course they didn't admit it, they just watched her sigh and rubbed her head kindly.

At that moment... she thought, maybe that's true.

She began to become well-behaved and diligent, and she did not dare to lose her temper or act like a spoiled child any more.

The distressed grandma couldn't help but secretly told her about her life experience.

Grandma said that her parents are very powerful people, and there are only a handful of them in the entire Z country, so they were selected and taken away.

They are all heroes. Although they are not around to protect her, but they are protecting the country, which means they are protecting them.

They can live a stable life, thanks to their parents...

However, thinking of the days when there is no food, no place to sleep, no books to read, she thought, can she be more selfish, don't want hero parents, just ordinary parents.

A family is just like other families, ordinary.

Going out together in the morning, those who go to work go to work, and those who go to school go to school.

Going home at night to eat happily, watch TV, do homework...

And grandma and grandpa, she always felt strange that grandma passed away suddenly, but she was too young to make decisions at that time.

Just as she was weeping silently, the surroundings suddenly lit up.

She looked up...

There are many transparent big bubbles, and there are many pictures inside, which makes her feel strange and familiar.

The people inside are her and grandma and grandpa, but the scene and some people have never appeared before.

She couldn't hold back and reached out to touch one, the bubble burst, the darkness transformed, and in front of her appeared her childhood...

That was her seven-year-old, her first day of school, at the same time but with a different sender.

I saw the young her holding an adult by the hand, a man and a woman, the man was handsome and the woman was delicate.

"Dad, Mom, Sisi is so happy!"

dad?Mother?they are……

Only now did she see the woman's face clearly. It was her mother, really her mother... exactly the same as the face of the person in the family photo album.

There is only one photo of my mother when she grew up in the family. It is a weak mother, she was just born, and her grandma with a strong face and a smile. The background is a public toilet.

In each bubble, there is a section about another her life.

In this darkness, she experienced another different life.

It turns out that you can still live like this...

Tan Sixi was not in a hurry to go out, she savored the scenes in each bubble carefully, as if she was having a long, long dream.

The beauty is so real.

In the end, I saw the mother in the bubble transformed into a snail and attached to the father's tombstone, sleeping with him through the wind and rain, the sun rising and the stars setting.

She couldn't help crying anymore.

At this time, she heard a voice from outside.

"Dad, this damn girl has fainted here, why not..."

It was the hall uncle's voice. She didn't hear the uncle's reply, but could only feel someone moving her body.

Finally, the river overflowing her body...

It's a pity that she probably won't have the chance to see her grandparents and uncle who love her so much.

And mom and dad, she can't wait...

There is no chance to dial those phone numbers that I have memorized in my life.

In the end, before her consciousness disappeared, two bubbles appeared on her forehead, one of which was intercepted by the system.

(End of this chapter)

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