Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 393 The Daddy’s God-Proud System 4

However, his live broadcast career has not been very smooth, Xiao Transparent is one, and the usual viewers are only his roommates.

Later, because of a female classmate, he offended a roommate.

That dormmate had a crush on the female classmate, but the female classmate confessed to him, that was fine, and Yang Jinbao proudly said that he was popular in the dormitory.

But he didn't accept the confession because he didn't like girls who were also poor.

On the contrary, she has a crush on a senior from the student union, and the top ten beauties are still Bai Fumei.

He doesn't cherish being favored by a girl he likes. It is conceivable that his roommate has become black.

Originally a computer major, how easy it is to post a post anonymously.

Several of Yang Jinbao's older sisters had traveled all the way to deliver supplies to him, all of which were photographed by that roommate.

Yang Jinbao, who sucked the blood of the whole family and was raised by selling his sister, became popular all of a sudden.

Everyone knew that he was from the countryside, or that he was a gold bump in a feudal family, and that his older sisters were all victims.

All of a sudden, the whole school rejected him.

With the help of his roommates, his bed was poured with water, his desk was littered, and his female classmates turned around and left when they saw him. Everyone disdain to be with him...

He was blocked several times by his roommate Zhang Shu and others, each time he was injured all over his body.

Yang Jinbao, who was spoiled and brought up, has never seen such a mouth.

His first reaction was to sue!
However, what he got was not punishment for others, but persuasion for him to quit, because the influence of rumors was too great.

But how about quitting school?

It was not easy for the family to raise enough money to pay his tuition fees. After leaving here, he would never expect to be successful in this life.

How could he, Yang Jinbao, enter the factory to drive screws?He can't take it.

So at the age of 20, he learned to endure for the first time, to be submissive...

Whenever those people bullied him, in a trance, he thought of his sisters.

When he was born, the eldest sister had already gone out to work with relatives, and there were only the third and fifth sisters in the family.

As long as he fell down, they would be greeted with beatings and curses, and even kneeling at the door, unable to eat and so on.

In order for him to study, and because his parents think that girls belong to other people, no matter how much money they study, they will lose money.

So they also went out to work later...

They came back to marry one after another, and most of them were men introduced by relatives.

The betrothal gift is not much, but tens of thousands of yuan is enough to make parents smile and set the wedding date.

After all, it was their own. When others coaxed Fifth Sister to marry an old man, parents did not agree.

The fifth brother-in-law is the only man that the sister finds by herself, and she and the fifth sister used to be classmates.

Anyway, as long as you give your parents tens of thousands of dollars in gifts, they really don't care who your sisters marry.

It doesn't matter if you find it yourself or through a matchmaker.

When he watched his parents abuse them with cold eyes, did they also feel so sad, and even wanted to die?

When he was a child, he liked to take care of his older sisters all the time, but grandma said, don't be too nice to these girls.

They are not the same.

At first he didn't understand, and secretly hid candy for them to eat, but after a long time, he also began to take it for granted that his sisters gave.

Yang Jinbao felt that maybe they were right in scolding him, he was a blood-sucking bug, and his sisters were helper demons...

He was targeted by Zhang Shu for two whole years, and he changed from a pampered boy to a shivering boy.

The Yang family couple was seriously ill, and the sisters had family conflicts, and when they were exhausted, they had to take care of him to go to school.

After all kinds of unsatisfactory things, he finally stood on the rooftop.


After Yunfei got the clothes from the errand brother, he quickly put them on, and then started tidying up the room.

The garbage was taken downstairs and thrown away.

The landlady sitting on the first floor chattered with surprise on her face. This lazy man actually went out to take out the trash. What kind of wind is it blowing today!
But she still wants to remind, "Chen, this month's rent should be paid, if you ask me to remind you this month, you can move out by yourself."

Although the tone is a bit disgusting, it is really not unpleasant.

Yunfei felt that if the landlord hadn't had a good temper, Yuanshen would not have been able to drag the rent for many years without being evicted.

Regardless of the small size of the room, the rent in Shenzhen City has always been high. This kind of small broken room without an elevator costs [-] yuan a month.

When the original body had a job, the five hundred was no problem.

But this month he has been fired for being late and leaving early.

Now that he is 40 years old, it is naturally difficult for him to find a job again. Of course, he did not find a job this month.

I have been drinking in the room, drunk and dreaming.

The landlady was even more surprised to see that the drunk did not ignore anyone and was polite.

Knocking on melon seeds and gossiping with the old lady next door, guessing what is going on with the tenant today, with such a good attitude.

Yunfei didn't linger, and continued to go back to the room to clean.

The more he cleaned, the more disgusted he became. If he didn't have any money, he wouldn't want to live here anymore.

However, after all, he bowed his head to life.

After cleaning for a long time, Yunfei felt that he was so hungry that he could eat a cow, but the huge sum of 3.85 seemed to tell him that he was not worthy of being full.

It's getting dark, it will be around seven o'clock in the evening, I don't know if I can find a part-time job...

The kind of package meal...

[Ding Dong~~ Little 6 of the Shenhao system has reached the c-level plane, and has locked the host candidate.



Yunfei:? ? ?
"Tongzi, what is it? Have you changed your career?"

001 was also dumbfounded, and quickly isolated the thing aside, and then started scanning.

After scanning, it exploded, this small system?How dare you snatch its host?No, it will tear it down.

[The binding is complete. 】

Suddenly a cute girl's voice sounded in Yunfei's head, "Hello host, I am your system, Shenhao system, as long as you complete the task, you can become the richest person on this planet!
Now release the first task, spend 1000 million Shark coins, and the cash back will be double RMB when the task is completed. "


Yunfei really wanted to say don't dismantle it first, but he was afraid that this system would have bad ideas.

It's not that he has fallen, it's because he gave too much...

After 001 scans the small broken system and crashes after releasing the task, feel free to disturb its data.

Then he said to Yunfei in his mind: [This system is regular, it seems that something went wrong, and there is not enough energy to return to the system world.

It's not a big problem, it can be used. The Shenhao system is usually a toy for Tiandao's daughter and son. I don't know why it suddenly tied you up.

It may be because my breath confused it, so let it be, it can give you a little boost, and after the energy is accumulated, it will separate and go back by itself. 】

After finishing speaking, 001 escaped, ready to go back and post online to scold the systems of his generation.

Even this kind of newborn is forced to come out to do tasks, it's not because everyone is not working hard enough!

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