Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 503 The government sent me three wives 3

Chapter 503 The government sent me three wives 14
But even if he buys a house in the town, he may often return to live in the village, because next spring he plans to buy mountains for planting.

The status of a businessman in this era is too low, and it is impossible for him to completely turn into a businessman.

After all, he had to consider the origin of the children.

Just like Du Qingliu and Zhao Baozhu.

One is the concubine daughter of a poor scholar's family, and the other is the concubine daughter of a butcher's family.

But the scholar's family, even if it's just a concubine's daughter, can overwhelm the merchant's daughter in terms of status.


In just a few days, the clothes were ready.

Naturally, I have to send it over, so it is an early New Year gift.

Zhang Dujuan didn't need to go to her house, Yunfei subsidized her money.

The other two didn't treat them well, so he didn't buy any heavy gifts. After all, everyone knew that he was just a poor scholar.

Pastry, sugar, meat.

It would be great if the peasant family can come up with these gifts, plus two sets of new cotton-padded clothes and one set of old cotton-padded clothes,

In order to go to the town to sell tofu conveniently, Yunfei bought a donkey cart.

Horses are too expensive and eye-catching, so choose a docile donkey that can pull the mill.

At this moment, after he had set up the car, he laid a cushion in the car, and then helped Du Qingliu up.

"Slow down."

"Okay." Du Qingliu's face was a little pink, she had never tasted love.

In this more than a month, I have tasted it.

At this moment, just being supported by my husband, I feel my wrist is hot and my heart is beating wildly.

Now, because she is pregnant and eats well on weekdays, her body is much plump.

He was wearing a light blue padded jacket, dark blue padded trousers, and a circle of white rabbit fur around the collar.

Holding a Tang Pozi in his hand to warm his hands.

These things are precious, but my husband still bought four of them without saying a word. No one in the family has them, except himself.

It's cold, holding this in my arms, my hands are warm, and my body is also warm.

The embroidered shoes on the feet are also filled with a layer of rabbit fur, which is extra warm.

The donkey cart was moving slowly, and Yunfei was leading it.

Looking at the familiar paths on both sides of the road, Du Qingliu felt that this was the first warm winter day she had grown up.

Du's Village is not far away, just next door, so the two arrived soon.

The people in the village didn't recognize Du Qingliu for a while.

Seeing a stranger enter the village, an old lady stepped forward and asked, "My little brother and my little lady are a bit unfamiliar, are you here to find someone?"

"Aunt Hua, I'm Qingliu, you don't recognize me?"

Aunt Hua looked at her carefully, and clapped her hands in surprise, "Ah, it's really Miss Liu, I haven't seen you for a few months, why has she changed so much?"

"You're getting fatter, and your complexion is better. Seeing that your husband's family treats you very well."

"Yes, my husband treats me well." Du Qingliu didn't have much contact with the villagers, so it's not surprising that many people didn't recognize her.

After all, she has to do embroidery work all day long, and she is a concubine, so how can she be qualified to show up in front of people often.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, they left, and Aunt Hua wisely did not waste their time.

Turn around and gossip with others.


Du Xiucai's house is also a brick and tile house. Although the family is poor, outsiders don't know it.

At least on the surface, it seems that life is going well, but who would have thought that it is actually a place where the clothes and rations of concubines and concubines are extorted.

Knock Knock~~
As Yunfei knocked on the courtyard door, Du Qingliu's body began to tense up.

Yun Fei immediately noticed her strangeness, and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, see mother-in-law, we'll leave after giving the gift, with me here, I won't let you be bullied."

"Who is it?" The voice was a young woman.

The door was pushed open, and there stood a thin woman wearing old autumn clothes.

Du Qingliu stuttered and shouted, "Sister-in-law...sister-in-law."

"You are... Miss Liu?"

"Yes, sister-in-law, I'll go home and have a look."

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll call my parents."

With a bang, the courtyard door closed again.

Du Qingliu's face turned pale in an instant. She understood what sister-in-law meant, and she had to ask before she could be sure whether to let her in.

Does she not even have the qualifications to go back to her mother's house now?

She doesn't understand, what did she do wrong?

"Don't think too much, some things can't be forced, you still have your mother-in-law."

"Yes, there is also the little girl..."

Yunfei has always called Du Qingliu's mother-in-law mother-in-law.

It was this lady who went blind and worked day and night doing embroidery to earn poll tax for herself and her daughter.

To be honest, Du Xiucai had never raised them except for giving them a firewood house to live in.

She even made a lot of money by relying on Du Qingliu's mother.

His mother-in-law's embroidery work is different from Du Qingliu's, her embroidery work is all big.

The shops in the town are scrambling for that kind.

Even though they earned a lot of money, she and Du Qingliu were extravagant even to eat a full meal, and they were always scolded by the mistress for eating nothing.

After waiting for a while, the courtyard door opened again.

It was still that woman, the wife of Du Qingliu's first brother, Mrs. Wang.

Her eldest brother has a wife and two concubines.

The younger brother was born to another concubine, Wu Xiaoniang, who also had a difficult time in this family.

The younger sister was born to the mistress, and like the first brother, in this family, they can rely on their mother to be favored.

Because the mistress is the daughter of Du Xiucai's wife.

So for so many years, it is impossible for anyone to go past her.

Even after so many years, Du Xiucai failed to go any further, and still did not give up.

Naturally, it is necessary to please the father-in-law who is the wife.

However, his father-in-law is only a scholar with a reputation, because he is older and has more experience.

The couple were brought into the main room by Mrs. Wang, but there was no sign of Du Xiucai in the high position, it was his wife who entertained them.

Madam Du said with a smile: "Your father happened to go to a classmate's home today to discuss homework, so he is not at home."

"This is my aunt, right? She looks really good-looking, and our Qingliu family is really lucky."

At this moment, she also had some doubts in her heart.

Didn't it mean that the family that this dead girl married was about to die?

The man I married was a scholar with little talent, why doesn't it look like that?

Look at Du Qingliu being raised like a beautiful woman, with red lips and white teeth, and the clothes on her body are nice and warm.

As well as the pair of silver bracelets on the wrists and the silver hairpin on the top of the head, Madam Du couldn't help clenching her hands tightly.

Fingernails snapped into palms.

It's really similar, it's very similar to her foxy girl when she was young.

If she hadn't been tortured so badly by her, it is estimated that the woman would still be able to occupy her man's heart.

It's a pity that he couldn't beat her after all.

"I haven't had time to visit. It's not cold now. The lady misses her father and mother a little, so I want to take her home to have a look.

After all, it won't be easy to go out when you get older a few months later. "

Yunfei tactfully said a few polite words, and after handing over a gift, he asked, "Is Deng Xiaoniang at home? My son-in-law wants to visit her."

(End of this chapter)

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