Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 510 The government sent me three wives 3

Chapter 510 The government sent me three wives 21
Back to my mother's house in the second grade.

Early the next morning, Yunfei accompanied Zhao Baozhu back to Zhao's house to visit her mother.

The treatment was as bad as ever, and her younger sister came out to stir up trouble, directly making Butcher Zhao furious.

He said harshly: "My mother's house is not a place for you to come back every three days to enjoy the autumn wind. You useless husband, don't want me to pay a penny to support him in his studies."

Yunfei: ... his face was speechless.

He and Zhao Baozhu simply wanted to come back to see Yuanshi, and in order to avoid others talking, they brought some gifts.

And this came out of Zhao Mingzhu's mouth, and it became that the couple wanted to please Zhao Butcher with this little favor, get his support, and continue to go back to town to study.

The most speechless thing is that Butcher Zhao believed it without even thinking about it...

In his eyes, his children are all smart, and they can understand things that he can't figure out as an old man.

So listen to your daughter is right.

After all, their mother is very smart. If it wasn't for her idea back then, I wouldn't be able to be so comfortable for so many years.

That's right, it wasn't his idea to marry the Yuan family back then, nor was it his parents' idea.

He and He's childhood sweetheart, and his family have already agreed.

It was only in order to have a woman who knew how to raise pigs to take care of the family that he persuaded him to ask for marriage.

Butcher Zhao felt that it didn't matter. It was true that he liked the He family, but it didn't mean that he was satisfied with only one woman.

So obediently went to ask for marriage.

Yuanshi is lively and cheerful, with a firm and resolute personality and He's style is different.

The 15-year-old girl is also a delicate and beautiful age, butcher Zhao has been rare for a while.

It wasn't until He came in, Yuan worked day and night, gave birth to a daughter, and his body and appearance began to change, that he gradually began to dislike it.

Listening to his father's words at this moment, Zhao Baozhu's heart is pierced like a knife, why is she the only daughter who doesn't like her?

If it's because of her looks, doesn't she look like her father?

Yunfei took her hand, and before leaving, he said to the tearful Yuanshi: "Mother-in-law, Baozhu and I are going home first, so don't be sad, even if we don't go to Zhao's house, we still have something in our hearts." you."

Fearing that Yuan Shi would be depressed after they left, he specifically said that he would not blame her.

A good family-visiting day ended in such an unpleasant way.

Thinking of the Du's house in the afternoon, it might not be very pleasant, so he couldn't help but get a headache.

But before that, he had to do something first.


After leaving Zhao's house, he led Zhao Baozhu to the slave market.

After inquiring, I found that Huang Yazi, who said he wanted to buy Bai Xiaoye from Baijia Village.

That Huang Yazi didn't care why the person who sold it the day before yesterday was bought back today, and he enthusiastically asked someone to bring the leaves out.

In just two days, the little girl became a lot timid.

Seeing him and Zhao Baozhu's eyes lit up in an instant, and wanted to call Yongming brother and sister-in-law, but thought of something, shrugged his shoulders, opened and closed his mouth.

There are some rattan marks on his body, and he was probably taught a lesson when he was learning the rules.

Seeing her well-behaved appearance, Huang Yazi said with satisfaction: "Master, do you think it is her?"

"Yes, how many taels?"

"Five taels of silver!"

Bai Xiaoye's eyes widened, obviously he brought her back after only giving his parents three taels of silver.

He also said that he was too young, not good-looking, and worthless...

"Four taels, I won't let you lose money, but I only brought it back for two days. You haven't had time to teach the rules, and you haven't paid any costs. It's enough for you to make a net profit of one tael."

Huang Yazi thought for a while, this person was designated as Baijia Village, so he probably knew the price he charged for him.

Thinking that he might have to deal with them in the future, he still agreed.

It's really not bad to make a profit by changing hands.

And they don't lack slaves here, there are a lot of people who sell their bodies, but what they lack is buyers.

After all, to buy a person these days, in addition to spending money, you also need to pay for food, clothing, housing, and poll tax. Generally, it is not necessary, and no one buys it.

For such a big girl, she has to be raised before she can make a move.

When Yunfei took Bai Xiaoye away, she didn't even have a burden.

Back at the inn, he retreated the other two rooms, leaving only one for Bai Xiaoye to live in.

Carefully told her: "I want your sisters-in-law and sister Guihua to go back to the village now, you stay in the inn these two days, you can't go anywhere, you know?

When I come back, I will find you a place to go, Xiao Er will bring you three meals a day. "

"Xiaoye understands, Master, go slowly." Bai Xiaoye quickly responded.

Although I have only been there for two days, I am already learning the rules.

She knew that from now on, she would be a servant of brother Yongming's family, and she could no longer be called brother, but masters and wives.

Yunfei didn't stop her, he just smiled pitifully and led everyone back.

In the carriage on the road, everyone was complaining about Zhao Baozhu's grievances.


When he got home, he packed up gifts and went to Du's village with Du Qingliu non-stop.

Although Du Qingliu was a little afraid of seeing her father, she missed her little mother very much, so she didn't say that she couldn't leave.

It's just that I was always a little apprehensive, afraid of encountering the same situation as Zhao Baozhu.

When we arrived at Du's house, even on such a festive day, the courtyard was still deserted.

Knowing that today is the second day of junior high school, maybe her daughter will come back, but the courtyard door is closed tightly.

Yunfei went up and knocked on the door, Deng Xiaoniang seemed to be waiting all the time, and hurriedly answered, "Here we come."

She leaned on the crack of the door and asked: "Is it the son-in-law and Qingliu girl? Cough cough~~"

"Yes, my son-in-law brought Qingliu back to visit relatives."

"Little girl, why don't you open it?"

Deng Xiaoniang's tone was a little choked up, but she forced a smile and said: "Your father took his wife back to her mother's house to visit relatives, so there is no one at home, and the door is locked."

When the two of them saw it, it was really...

The courtyard door was actually locked from the outside with a big lock, obviously to prevent people inside from coming out.

"Xiao Niang is useless, ahem, I failed to keep your father, so you made a waste of time, go home quickly."

"Mom, what did you say? We didn't come to see him in the first place."

Yunfei laughed out loud.

He put his arms around Du Qingliu's waist and said in a low voice, "Hold on tight."

Then he raised his breath and went in with people and things.

Just this fence, even if it's stacked ten stories higher, it won't be able to stop him, okay?
Everything happened so fast that the two women were dumbfounded...

Deng Xiaoniang still kept lying on the edge of the door, while Du Qingliu leaned tightly into Yunfei's arms, grasping the hem of his clothes with her fingers.

"Husband...husband? Have you ever learned martial arts? Well, it's amazing."

"Well, I've learned a little bit, you can chat with your mother, I'll watch over, let's go before they come back, so as not to charge us with the crime of breaking into a private house."

Thinking about the personalities of my father and wife, this kind of thing is really possible.

Du Qingliu hurriedly stuffed the things she brought to her mother, "Mother, these are red dates that my husband bought for you, you hide them and eat them secretly.

And these hungry pastries are also hidden, you can sit down and drink the soup first, the ones you brought back from the restaurant in the morning are not as fragrant as my husband's stew, but they are still good. "

(End of this chapter)

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