Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 516 The government sent me three wives 3

Chapter 516 The government sent me three wives 27
In the spring and February of the following year, Yunfei went to the county seat with an attendant.

He is famous in the school in the town, so he has a place in the scientific examination.

This is not his first imperial examination, and the test questions are similar to the ones he has done before. Although his memory has been a long time ago, he can always have some instincts when he sees familiar things.

Coupled with the original body's memory and his never-slack efforts.

When the list was released, he was admitted to Tongsheng as he wished.

The government test was in April, and it took more than half a month from the town to the state capital, so he went back home.

While saying goodbye to the three ladies, arrange the family affairs.

First of all, I met Mu Sheng and told him, "For the things in the field, you should occasionally go to see if they are doing well, and then keep an eye on the workshop.

General affairs can be handled by the managers. When you need to find you, you can make up your mind. If you are not sure, you can go to the White House and ask your sister-in-law Du.

Nothing else matters, I have arranged the basics, Osmanthus fragrans is pregnant, you should spend more time with her. "

Mu Sheng nodded solemnly when he heard the words, "Brother, you can take the exam at ease, I am at home."

As for his wife's pregnancy, he was naturally happy, and had been by her side recently.

"The lady's womb is three months old. If the village gets busy, I'll take her back to the old house for a while, so it's convenient to take care of her."

"Well, this is the best way. There are many aunts in the village, and they can come to chat with you. It's up to the two of you to decide."

As for Du Qingliu and the others, there is nothing to explain.

There are servants, a nanny, and Deng Xiaoniang at home, and there are already enough people to take care of the children.

They have sunk into the cuteness of the children, and they are very happy every day.

Sometimes they will switch to take the children to play.

Zhang Dujuan's condition has also improved now, and he no longer looks at Miaomiao like eyeballs.

Occasionally, she would exchange hugs with Lulu and Qingyan.

The youngest son did not take a nickname, but has always been called a big name.

After all, it was a boy, Yunfei wanted to make him tougher.

In ancient times, if a man could not stand up and establish a family, it was his family who suffered, and the environment was like this.


In Jiangzhou in early March, it was raining continuously.

When passing by the lotus pond in the city, you can see green willows growing on both sides and various boats floating above.

And pleasant bursts of piano sound.

Li Sen, who was driving the car, said with a smile: "Look, master, this is indeed the capital city of Jiangzhou, and there are so many literati."

Yunfei is also looking outside, the scenery is indeed beautiful.

In Dafu City, the roads are paved with bluestone slabs, and the streets are also kept clean.

The clothes and faces of the people are also better than those of their small county town.

When I went to the inn in the city and asked, there is no doubt that even if there is still half the time, most of the students who should come have come.

At this time every three years, there are basically no vacancies.

However, some families in the city who have spare rooms and want to make some money during this time will basically rent out the rooms.

And there are those empty mansions.

So after confirming that there was no room, they went straight to the middleman.

Then, after being introduced, I rented two side rooms of a teenager living alone.

The young man's name is Sun Shi'an. All the elders in the family died in an accident. He is the only one left to live by himself. He usually does odd jobs and occasionally rents out the house to earn enough for his daily expenses.

But life is very poor.

The house is not bad, it is very clean, so Yunfei is very satisfied.

He stayed in the yard every day to read books, and when Li Sen cooked meals, he would invite Sun Shi'an to eat with him.

He went out to work early in the morning, and would not come back all day during the day, and only returned at night, so he could only have dinner with him.

Because Yunfei had already noticed that the boy was hungry every night when he came back.

Maybe I have to eat during the day, and I am afraid that I will not have the energy to work, but at night, I just hold on, so I can save a meal.

Even if sometimes he comes back very late, there will be a warm meal for him in the pot.

Sun Shi'an wanted to refund him some of the rent, but he didn't want it.

The meal is regarded as a return gift for using his kitchen.

After all, he didn't charge extra for the kitchen.

However, Yunfei bought firewood, seasonings, etc. In the original stove, there was only a small amount of salt and not much firewood.

It was after they came that the kitchen was full of fireworks.

On the third day of April, the government examination finally started. With the sound of a few gongs, children from all over the country lined up to enter.

At the door, take off your coat, shoes and socks, and check the bookcase you brought.

After seeing Yunfei go in, Li Sen took the carriage back to Sun's house and came back to pick him up after three days.

After the list was released in mid-March, Yunfei, who was on the list, passed the government examination.

Then there will be the college entrance examination in March next year. After the examination, he will be a scholar, and he will not go to Beijing after that.

So after the list was released, the master and servant said goodbye to Sun Shi'an, and after checking out the room, they rushed back to Sanshui Town without stopping.

At this time, the three children in the family were still under the age of [-], and they could only crawl all over the ground.


"Look at what Daddy brought you!" Yun Fei returned home in a hurry, but happily carried two big bags to Du Qingliu's room.

Sure enough, without accident, all three babies were there.

The weather was getting hotter, and the house had wooden floors, so an oilcloth was laid on the floor for the children to sit and play.

Children are happy with their company.

Du Qingliu and the others have heard the report from the servants, and they are coming up to change clothes for him.

"Is your husband's trip going well?"

Zhao Baozhu said with even more distress: "My husband looks a lot thinner."

I have been on the road for most of the time, so I must have lost some weight.

Zhang Dujuan washed his handkerchief in the basin brought by his servants and wiped his face.

So, no wonder the ancients liked three wives and four concubines.

Can you not be happy when you go home and have a whole house of beautiful wives waiting on you?
As for those women's struggles, men may still enjoy them.

But Yunfei felt quite tired. A heart had to be divided into three parts, and even the taste had to be remembered in three parts, as well as living habits and so on.

But home, that's what it is.

He changed his coat, wiped his face again, and said: "I have passed the government examination, and my ranking is very high. I am at sixteen, and I will go to take the college examination after the new year."

"Really? Mr. Xiang, you are really amazing!"

"It's okay, I'm not a scholar yet."

Even so, the others are very excited, after all, at least they have a quota for the entrance exam!
And they have a fan of confidence in Yunfei, and they believe in their hearts that he will definitely be able to do it.

At that time, not to mention the convenience brought by the status, the head tax that can only be exempted by the talent can save a lot.

Speaking of this, Yunfei sighed a little. In fact, compared to the land tax exempted by Blue Star's ancient talents, this idea of ​​poll tax is really worthless.

It's just that there are too many tyranny, and a little sweetness is enough to satisfy people.

 The first chapter, there is a high probability that I will not be able to catch up with Chapter 2, because I haven't arrived home yet.

(End of this chapter)

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