Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 519 The government sent me three wives 3

Until the banquet was over, neither the shopkeeper of the Astragalus medicine store nor the middle-aged man came to talk to him alone, and Yunfei didn't take the initiative to ask about it.

They didn't come to visit until the next day.

Shopkeeper Huang clasped his hands and smiled when he came to the door: "Brother Bai, my boss and I actually had something to discuss with you yesterday, but seeing that you are a bit busy, I thought I would bother you again today."

"At the little girl's birthday party yesterday, I really couldn't get away. Please sit down, both of you."

After the two sat down to enjoy tea, they talked about the purpose of their trip.

The identity of the middle-aged man is the eldest son of General Song of Ningguo.

Every country will have so many loyal families.

The Song family is the patron saint of Ningguo.

However, the eldest son heard that he was a concubine, so he did not join the army, but was separated, and later joined the business.

For this matter, Old General Song became very angry and used family law against him several times.

But judging from the fact that he has quietly delivered medicine to the border for so many years, there should be a lot of water in these rumors.

After revealing his identity, the middle-aged man also explained: "Because I know too many people, in order not to reveal my whereabouts, I changed my face. Sorry, I can't show my true face."

Yunfei shook his head to express his indifference, "I understand."

Then the two talked about the current trend of the court.

Yunfei who didn't want to get involved was forced to listen a lot.

It is probably because the princes are fighting among themselves more and more fiercely now.

All the money for bridge repairs was greedy, and they even took action on military supplies.

The Song family is loyal and only knows to stick to the border towns. He is different, he is the last way for the Song family.

Having said so much, in fact, the first purpose is to test whether Yunfei has a good wound medicine.

The second purpose is to let him expand the scale of the pharmacy and produce as many antipyretics and wind-cold medicines as possible.

He wants to open up markets in other countries.

Use these medicines to exchange for food, cotton clothes and strong horses.

If there are effective wound medicines, it is possible to get back a batch of armor or weapons.

The eldest son of the Song Dynasty promised that if the emperor was changed and the Song family was not defeated, he would be the imperial merchant.

Yunfei shook his head, "If the eldest son can decide what he says, I would like to change the conditions, but it's too early to say these things at this time."

"Now, can someone ask, which prince does the Song family like?"

After all, with the current state of Ningguo, the most important thing is not to change the leader of the country.

If it is an ordinary ruler, he will still be pressured by the big powers to provide a large amount of money and food every year to keep peace.

Unless it is replaced by a particularly outstanding national leader, someone who has the ability to change the status quo.

Otherwise no surprises.

After the middle-aged man was silent for a while, he said, "Master Bai is not afraid of knowing too much. If he doesn't help us then, will he be silenced?"

"If the eldest son wants to do this, it can only be that someone has misjudged the person.

At that time, someone is willing to use the prescription of wound medicine in exchange for the safety of his wife and children, after all, they don't know anything. "

Young Master Song sighed, "Since you can ask such a sentence, I know that you are also in favor of changing the king."

A few people here are talking terrible words, thanks to the fact that the wall has no ears.

"Master Bai is benevolent and hesitant before I approached you.

But after learning about the cost of your prescription, I didn't hesitate anymore. Your purpose is the same as mine. "

The three of them talked in secret for a long time, and it ended with Yunfei getting a contract with a special seal.

After saying goodbye to the two of them, he went back to the study alone in a daze.

Originally, he wanted to keep a low profile and just help the poor as much as he could, but he didn't expect that even God would arrange an opportunity for him.

The last condition he proposed was to abolish the two laws of poll tax and government forced marriage.

He can understand the taxation of land tax merchants. If a country wants to survive, it should pay taxes.

However, poll tax and forced distribution of wives are not necessary.

What Ningguo wanted was an increase in the number of newborn boys.

These two laws only oppress the common people.

A rich man can marry a few wives and concubines without being assigned by the government, and the problem can be solved by spending money on conscription.

And what about the poor?It is true that they can marry a daughter-in-law and have children, but they do not dare to marry more or have more children.

If you can't support them, you can turn them over to the court.

In this way, the birth rate of men is not high, and the death rate of women is quite high every day.


As for the prince favored by the Song family, it turned out to be from the people.

With the attributes of the emperor's stallion, the illegitimate children among the people can be said to bloom everywhere.

And this one was settled by the old general Song back then, and he was placed in the adjutant's house.

He was in the military camp when he was young.

Both civil and military, but also kind-hearted, and has enough wrists.

The most important thing is that his biological mother is actually the daughter of Nan Chuji's family, and the Song family only found out when people from the Ji family came to him some time ago.

The Ji family has served as the national teacher of the Southern Chu Dynasty for generations.

Therefore, if the prince ascends the throne, with a word from Ji Guoshi, Ningguo's offering can be exempted, or it can be halved.

Then use those gasps to fly.

After the court is stabilized, the Song family will go out to conquer the territory for the new emperor.

That is to annex some nearby small countries that are about to perish to strengthen themselves.

Since ancient times, the powers in the world have been united for a long time and must be divided, and divided for a long time must be united, so annexation is the trend.

Only the integration of many small countries can resist the pressure brought by these two great dynasties.

But it's too early to tell.

Yunfei didn't really bet on the treasure, he lost and maintained the status quo, and won to save some women who were suffering.

And all he has to do is his duty.

It's just his plan to open more medicine shops and buy more mountains to grow medicinal materials.

With the rise of Baijia Pharmacy all over the country, more and more women have found their own value.

They do easy work and earn more wages than the wharves.

Next to every pharmacy, there must be a school.

Shuxiu, the child of female workers, is half the number, and children nearby who want to study can also attend. Shuxiu is [-]% of the township.

All the price difference is paid by Baijia Yaofang, which is equivalent to a special fund from donations.

The name of benevolence of the owner of Baijia Pharmacy has spread throughout the land of Ningguo.

Because of him, everyone can buy medicine with good efficacy at a low price.

Also because of him, the woman has another way out.

It is because of him that many children have read books.


In Sanshui Town, Yunfei's family is well-known, and they are greeted warmly wherever they go.

The three children were also praised.

As the child grew up, no good news came from the stomachs of the three wives, and many people began to introduce him to someone.

Even, the woman brought by the government to get married, the first stop came to Baifu, let him pick it first and then send it down...

But it's all useless.

So as his reputation for loving children spread, his reputation for being devoted also quietly spread.

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