Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 521 The government sent me three wives 3

Bai Qingyan, the 11-year-old Tongsheng, the youngest Tongsheng, became famous in Jiangzhou City all at once.

Many people are asking who his husband is.

When they learned that he was only a teacher in a school in a small town, and that he was only a scholar, everyone couldn't believe it.

They didn't feel at all how capable the talents of this kind of place were.

After all, those who are capable have already been admitted to Juren, or have gone a step further.

How could he be willing to stay and teach in a small town?

Everyone has naturally learned that Xiao Tongsheng's father is also a scholar.

Everyone only thinks that it must be because of their natural talents. It is generally believed that ten years of hard work requires not only hard work, but also talent.

Some people will never get enlightened no matter how they read, while some people become children at the age of 11.

If you continue to take the exam next year, it will be the 11-year-old Xiucai Gong.

With Bai Qingyan's top name, this is not impossible.

I just don't know whether he chose to settle down or move on.


In the end, Yunfei still suggested that he calm down, after all, it will not be easy to test in the future.

Moreover, at a young age, the experience will indeed be a little behind.

It's not a good thing to get involved in the court at this time.

The Bai family's prescription is so good, and they can live so safely, all thanks to the protection of their partners.

Today's Seventeenth Highness is also protecting them.

After all, the medicine in the pharmacy is very important to him, and the cooperation between the Astragalus pharmacy and other countries is all established with medicine.

Therefore, the existence of Yunfei affects their alliance relationship.

He also made up his mind, if His Royal Highness the Seventeenth came to power and Bai Qingyan wanted to be an official, then he would hand over the medicine shop to the imperial court to ensure safety.

If he doesn't want to be an official, he can hand in half and keep the other half for living and charity.

A wealthy businessman who is a great benevolent person has a reputation among the people, and the rich and powerful are not willing to touch him.

The eldest son of the Song family has been using the Astragalus medicine shop to gain his reputation all these years, and he is gaining his reputation in the army.

The days passed by.

From the time the children were 12, the women in the family panicked.

On the stone table in Du Qingliu's yard, there was a tall stack of picture scrolls.

The servants just silently watched the three ladies choose.

"Sister Du, what do you think of this young master of the Chen family? He is 13 years old, one year older than our Lulu and Miaomiao, and he looks decent.

He is the son of the store manager of Chen Ji Liang Shop in the town, and he is still a classmate with us Qingyan. "Zhao Baozhu asked, pointing to the boy on the scroll.

Du Qingliu shook his head and said, "I'm too thin, how can I protect my wife and children?"

"This...he is a scholar after all, so it should be normal for him to be thinner." Zhang Dujuan explained weakly.

This son, she looks pretty good.

Du Qingliu shook his head, "No, the family tradition is not good, if this child learns from his father in the future, wouldn't we be wronged Lulu and Miaomiao?"

Over the years, she only gave birth to one son, Bai Qingyan.

The two girls in the mansion, who grew up pampered, are also her sharpest hearts.

No matter what you say, you can't make them feel wronged in the marriage.

Bad family style?

Zhao Baozhu seemed to think of something, "Ah, Mr. Chen who forced his wife to death seven years ago is the shopkeeper Chen of Mipu?"

Because the three children were infected with the cold, they were always uncomfortable, so she was too busy taking care of them to go out and listen to gossip.

I still heard a few words from the servants in the mansion, but didn't ask further after that.

Within a few days, the rumors dissipated.

After all, the family rules of the White Mansion are strict, and it is forbidden for the servants to gossip.

Appropriate gossip is fine, but it can't be discussed all the time, especially, it can't be heard by the little masters in the mansion.

"What about this one? Mr. Zhang, 15 years old, older than Lulu and Miaomiao, will love people."

"Which son?" Du Qingliu asked casually.

"The nephew of Mrs. He's wife in the school in the town has been living in their house and studying with Mr. He."

This time it was Zhao Baozhu's turn to object, "Sister Zhang, let me tell you, not all people surnamed Zhang are good people.

Mr. Zhang can't do it. I heard that he was fined to kneel for three days for molesting Mr. He's daughter, his cousin.

In the past two years, there has been a lot of rumors, and Miss He has not been engaged so far. I heard that Mrs. He is in a hurry. "

"What? Why is this kind of matchmaker introduced?" Zhang Dujuan was shocked and angry.

What is the difference between this kind of person and a white-eyed wolf?
The aunt's family has raised him for so long, yet she still wants to defile his cousin.

"Throw the picture scroll aside and return it to the matchmaker another day." Du Qingliu was also a little angry.

Considering so many things that the Bai family has done for everyone, even if the matchmaker is not grateful, she shouldn't have harmed their girl.

I actually picked some portraits of crooked melons and dates and sent them over.

"Let's see."

After calming down their anger, the three continued to choose scrolls.

Don't say that Ms. He is anxious when she is only 13 years old. Their girl is 12 years old, so she has to be anxious too!

If you don't find a husband and son-in-law who you like, won't you be taken away by the government when you reach the age?

So they were eager to find two good sons-in-law.


At the moment, Lulu and Miaomiao, whom they were thinking about, were taking their younger brother, two cousins, and their cousin to block people near the school in the town.

Those who were blocked were a group of boys who were basically older than them.

I saw Lulu kicking towards the wall, with a half-smile on her face and said, "I heard that you really want to marry our sisters?"

Those teenagers look at me and I look at you, but they don't look at her.

And shook his head in denial, "No, I never said that."

"Huh? What do you mean? You don't like me and eldest sister?" Miaomiao raised her leg, blocking their way to the right.

The posture of the two of them ready to act at any time really surprised them.

Mr. Zhang frowned, stepped forward and scolded: "You two girls, this action of yours is really indecent. Girls should be more gentle and polite."

"Haha, sister, he said we were rude."

Bai Chunyu showed a row of white teeth and said with a smile: "I can hear it, this young man, I'm afraid he's out of his wits. We're clearly here to find trouble, but you still ask us to be polite?"

"Cousin, hurry up and go home after the fight, otherwise uncle will be back." Mu Feiyun rolled up his sleeves.

Bai Feihua next to her also nodded in agreement with her brother's words.

Bai Feiwu, who was only five years old, didn't know why, but he also had a fierce look on his face.

Bai Qingyan didn't speak, but was the first to rush forward.

Go up and hit that young master on the ground.

Bai Chaolu shouted: "The man surnamed Huang asked me to come, because he dreams all day long and wants to marry me, so he asked me to help him study.

Pooh, he is so beautiful! "

"Leave the one surnamed Li to me." Bai Xiaoyu kicked the boy away.

"Damn, just you who visit flower houses every day, say that I play the piano not as good as that oiran, right?
Why don't you compare yourself to that whore?
If I don't get rid of your stinky mouth today, my martial arts practice for so many years will be in vain! "

It's just a few slaps.

Seeing the brothers and sisters unilaterally beating the group of big brothers, Bai Feiwu was stunned, and saliva flowed from the corner of his opened mouth.

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