Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 524 The government sent me three wives 3

Chapter 524 The government sent me three wives 35
On the bustling streets of Kyoto, the common people are strolling bustlingly.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of officers and soldiers dispersing from the gate of the city, "Everyone give way, let go, the caravan has entered the city, stand aside."

This kind of thing, as the people of the capital, is no surprise to everyone.

Everyday big shots go out to town, and then they have to dodge a thing or two.

I saw a long line of people entering the city.

There were several carriages at the beginning, followed by carriages escorting wooden boxes, surrounded by many officers and soldiers in armor.

There are big medicine characters written on the flag, and there is a strange pattern at the corner.

"Is it the convoy of Huangshang Bai's family? This year's medicine arrived quite early."

"There is a shortage of medicines. I think the royal family is urging them. Recently, many people have been infected with cold, and the pharmacies are all sold out."

"Speaking of this, I have also heard rumors that this is a warning from the heavens that our Majesty's superior means are disgraceful."

"Bah, how good is our Majesty? Someone may have poisoned it. The plague a few years ago was not thanks to His Majesty and the Bai family to save so many people."

"Yeah, I heard that the old emperor had already ordered the people to be sealed off and burned to death."

"Give way, everyone, don't startle the horses, this is the Bai family's convoy!"

Recognizing that it was the convoy of the Bai family escorting the medicine, the attitude of the people was not to mention very good. They gave in one after another and helped the officers and soldiers maintain order.

The three siblings in the carriage naturally also saw this scene.

Bai Chaolu said proudly: "Look, even everyone in the capital admires our father."

"That's right, our father is a well-known benevolent person in Ningguo!"

"Sisters, let's make an agreement. You are not allowed to fight in the street, and you are not allowed to make trouble. We will go home quickly after playing for a few days."

Bai Qingyan also had a headache when she saw the two sisters who were jumping away.

Why did he talk less since childhood?
That's because I was annoyed by my sisters.

When they were young, the two sisters were harmonious on the surface, but in fact they quarreled with the adults behind their backs.

For example, for clothes, Sanniang likes to wear pink for her elder sister, saying she is delicate.

The second mother likes to dress the second sister in tender green, and she also says it is delicate.

The two quarreled countless times over whether it was pink and tender or green and tender.

And he is the one who is caught in the middle to judge.

I don't want to offend any sister, so I can only choose to say that everything is fine.

But they insisted that he say anything?What if I had to choose a color?

He simply shut his mouth and eyes, and became a wooden man.

I didn't expect this trick to be very effective.

They continued to quarrel by themselves, and didn't pull him to explain why.

If he learns from him, he will be a wooden man whenever they quarrel. Anyway, after a while, they will be so good that they don't need their brother again.

Usually, they dismissed him on the grounds that he was a man and couldn't get involved in girls' topics, and then sneaked out to play.

Only when they quarreled and needed to be judged did they realize that they had younger brothers...

Now when it comes to calling him boring gourd, the opinions are quite unified.

Hearing his instructions at this moment, he still waved his hands in disgust, "I see, I see, how many times have you said this along the way."

"That's right, brother, you have to correct yourself for being so wordy that women don't like it." Bai Chunyu suggested seriously.

Bai Qingyan...

Isn't it time for you to dislike my lack of words?

He doesn't want to be bothered, isn't he afraid that something will happen to these two sisters who are fearless and fearless, and their parents will take care of them when they return home?

He took a deep breath and said, "Eldest sister, second sister, brother is really not joking with you, the capital city is different from our town.

No one knows that you are the daughters of the Bai family, and everyone will not have goodwill towards you.

Of course, it's best not to let others know, otherwise many people will want to use you to threaten Daddy. "

"Understood, from now on, my name is Zhao Lulu!"

"Then my name is Zhang Miaomiao?"

"I think it's okay. When I heard that we are sisters."

Bai Qingyan was helpless, "Then sisters have to take me with them when they go out, even if they don't take me, they have to bring grapes and plums with them."

Putao and Meizi were bought into the Bai family when they were young, and they served by their side, and they also studied and learned martial arts together.

Their martial arts practice is no worse than their siblings.

Although she is a maidservant, she hasn't suffered much, and she and Sister Bai Chaolu are even more affectionate.

"I know, I know, it's so fun, we must bring grapes and plums, brother, don't go, just go to work obediently."

"That is, you go to play with those talented people in the capital, don't follow the sisters."


When they arrived at the post station, as soon as they got off the carriage, Bai Chaolu led Bai Chunyu and ran away, and Putao and Meizi hurriedly followed.

Bai Qingyan signaled the people who secretly protected them to follow.

Then it got busy.

This was the first time he went to Beijing alone for handover. In the past, his father came alone or brought him here.

Therefore, he has to strive for excellence and keep a close eye on every procedure.

After all, there are indeed quite a few people staring at their Bai family now, just waiting for them to make mistakes.

The Bai family used to attract people's envy, but now with the support of the new emperor, people are even more jealous.

The imperial doctor and people from the Astragalus Pharmacy personally inspected all the medicines before they were repacked. Some were transported to the palace, and some were taken away by the Huangqi Pharmacy.

The capital city is the base camp of Astragalus medicine shop.

The shopkeeper here is not the one from their town, but a young man.

I heard that he was also an imperial physician before, and was transferred after the new emperor ascended the throne.

In order to prevent long nights and dreams, I only rest after handing over the goods.

It took a long time to inspect the goods, and after they were taken away, the lanterns in front of the shops on the street were being lit up one after another.

Bai Chaolu and the sisters have not been seen yet.

"Ladies, tell me when you come back, I'll go to rest first." Bai Qingyan rubbed the center of his brows tiredly.

"Subordinates obey."

The two sisters who were mentioned at the moment were watching the competition on the street.

The lottery is a hundred taels of silver.

The people below kept shouting: "Okay, okay!"

"This young man in black is not bad, I guess the 100 taels belong to him."

"That's not necessarily true. There are still many people in the audience who didn't go up."


The young man in black kicked the young man in gray off the ring, cupped his hands and said coldly: "I have accepted."

Bai Chunyu pouted, "Sister, the people in the capital are rich. A three-legged cat kung fu ring can get 100 taels."

Bai Chaolu also agreed, "That's right, in our town, 100 taels can be eaten by a family for ten years."

"Sister, why don't we go up and make money?"

Although the Bai family is rich, Yunfei has not treated their siblings badly in terms of money, but they never spend it extravagantly.

And because I am familiar with the people around me, I know that money is hard to come by.

It's no wonder that I was moved after seeing these 100 two sessions.

(End of this chapter)

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