Unable to understand, he didn't pay any more attention, and looked at the little guy next to Jenny with some doubts.

It's strange, this little mermaid is related to him by blood?
He asked Jenny if he didn't understand, "The little mermaid is so cute, is she a child of your royal family?"

"Yeah, the daughter of my brother Carlos, isn't she cute?"

"Cute, but when did Carlos get together with the female of our North Sea royal family? Why didn't we hold a couple ceremony?"

Jenny was also very surprised, "It turns out that my brother's partner is the female mermaid of your North Sea royal family."

"Uncle, do you know my mother?"

Facing the inquiry from the two mermaids, Prince Beihai froze for a moment, then shook his head and said, "You have to tell me what her name is so that I can know who it is."

Obviously they don't know either, they only know that Mengmeng's mother is very busy.

The very busy female mermaid is very close to him.

Prince Beihai suddenly thought of a mermaid, that is his little aunt, she went to the human world to collect information.

I heard that my aunt became a star in the human world. Many people like it, and many people know it.

If it was her, it would make sense, after all, Carlos is a guy who runs around, maybe he has met his aunt.

After he told Jenny and Hai Mengmeng about his guess, he hurried to find his sister.

From the beginning to the end, he never thought that this cute mermaid would be his sister's cub.

After all, in his eyes, his younger sister is still a young cub.


After hearing some news about her mother, Hai Mengmeng happily went to look for Yunfei again.

"Dad, my mother, is a mermaid with a blue tail, right? It's the same color as the eyes."

Yunfei: ...! ! !
who?Who leaked the news?
"Carlos, it's almost dawn, we should go back."

Hearing her companion's urging, Yunfei quickly answered yes, left quickly, and told her to return to her aunt quickly.

Knowing that her father was going to do something serious, Mengmeng didn't stop her, she just swam back a little disappointed.

Suddenly sensing something, she turned a corner again.

Sure enough, Tina was found in a daze behind a big rock.

She opened her round eyes and asked curiously, "Sister, are you tired?"

Hearing the sound, coupled with the increasingly turbulent induction after getting closer, Tina froze and turned around slowly.

Indeed she is...

Seeing that the pretty sister was silent, Hai Mengmeng confirmed that she was just tired.

"Sister, sleep here for a while if you're tired, Mengmeng will show you, and don't let other mermaids get close to you."

"My sister must be very tired, right? Mengmeng's mother also has to do very busy things, and she may be very tired too.

I don't know if there is a mermaid protecting her when her mother is so tired that she falls to the ground and sleeps.

Mengmeng wanted her father to protect her mother from doing things, but suddenly her father was too busy to find her mother. "

If this bunch is very busy and tiring, if you don't listen carefully, no mermaid will understand it.

But Tina understood, "Your father said, is your mother very busy?"

"Yeah, just like my sister, it's not for fun, but for important and important things."

Hearing this, Tina didn't know how to express her mood. She obviously had nothing to do with them, but she couldn't help but care about it.

Seeing that her sister stopped talking again, Hai Mengmeng said crisply: "Sister, go to sleep, Mengmeng won't talk anymore, so I will protect you quietly."

Seeing Aunt Jenny looking for her, the little guy waved his hand, then put his index finger on Dudu's lips and made a hush.

After Jenny nodded at her with a smile, she sat down beside her, and came back after the little girl was done.

She thought that Hai Mengmeng had found some fun game again, and this game needed to be kept quiet.

After being silent for a while behind the boulder, Tina really leaned on the rock and closed her eyes to rest.

Hai Mengmeng never left, she just played with sand and stones beside her, and she didn't leave until Prince Beihai found her here.

Because her sister's relatives came and someone protected her, she and Jenny went back to the palace to celebrate her grandfather's birthday.

After they walked away, Prince Beihai casually said, "Sister, that pink little mermaid just now may be my aunt's child."

"Brother, you... made a mistake?"

"Probably not, she is the blood of Carlos and our Beihai royal family, and currently only my aunt is outside of the royal family.

But I can't be sure, I'll ask Carlos next time, how can we not hold a ceremony when we are married by the blood of the royal family?

Sister, are you right? "

After Tina nodded indiscriminately, she turned and swam away.

It's not too far to swim from the North Sea, and it's not too close, so of course they have to spend a few days in the East China Sea.

These few days were enough for Tina to understand the life of the little mermaid.

A little mermaid doted on by her family and clan, she is doing well...

Knowing this, she was inexplicably relieved, and then followed her brother back to Beihai.

It's just that after this time, this mermaid always appeared in her dreams.

Her sweet smile, clear eyes, and soft voice...

She looks so light, so soft, and has a sweet personality, people can't help but be infected by her smile when they see her.

Even if I have never met my mother, I still feel fond of the mother I have never met.

After contacting her several times, Tina can always hear her talking about her parents.

I worry that my father is too busy to take care of himself, and he will be too lazy to eat.

Worried that my mother is too tired and has no family to accompany her.

Complain that I am too young to help my parents, so I can only not disturb them to do things.

Tina couldn't eat or sleep well, tossing and turning, she always thought of the baby mermaid, and something called guilt arose in her heart.

While she hated her soft heart, she couldn't help feeling sorry for that little mermaid.

Those blue eyes full of admiration and longing for her mother will always appear in her dreams.


Yunfei didn't know about Tina's entanglement, because he had read the news that many of those abducted girls were unwilling to see their children after they were rescued.

So he felt that Tina probably thought the same way, keeping a distance would make her feel better.

He didn't dare to say anything else, but he could guarantee this, that he would not bring Hai Mengmeng to Beihai's territory and make her feel uncomfortable.

But if she came to Donghai by herself, there was no other way.

Since she came, she should have imagined the scene of meeting their father and daughter, but she still came, which means that it is within her acceptable range.

It can only be said that perhaps this time Tina was relieved early enough, and hadn't completely passed on her hatred for Carlos to her child.

She hasn't been driven crazy yet, her mind is still clear.

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