Although the words were a bit vague, Yunfei still found the location on the Internet.

Although flying is fast, but there are no flights now, and it will take several hours until dawn, and he really can't afford to wait.

If he swam over, he might not be able to find the location so accurately, after all, there was no signal to start navigation on the bottom of the sea.

However, no matter how difficult it was to find, he had to go first. Before he went, he called Kettley and asked his location. After knowing that it was not close, he just told him the matter and did not ask him for help.

After telling Hai Mengmeng and Tina to go back to the bottom of the sea to hide and not run around, he quickly changed his clothes and went out.

In the era of surveillance everywhere, it is really difficult to be foolproof.

Yunfei drove all the way up the mountain to watch the sunrise.

Under there, there is a sea.

After more than an hour, he successfully dived into the bottom of the sea, and the car stayed in a hidden place.

Before jumping off, he had turned on the navigation and researched it, and there was still a general direction, so after entering the water, he controlled the sea water and raised the speed to the extreme.


Meanwhile, Tina and Hai Mengmeng had already carefully swam to a deeper seabed.

While waiting, he pretended not to hear the passing of human ships, and obediently waited for Yunfei.


Suddenly heard the sound, it seems that something was thrown into the bottom of the sea.

Then, there were two more plops——

Tina was a little flustered, she protected Hai Mengmeng and hid in the rocks, and when she heard the movement, she stretched her head out to take a peek.

it's human...

I saw three humans wearing strange clothes and gearing up, diving ahead.

Tina felt that they couldn't let them continue, so she started humming the old tune softly.

The three divers suddenly heard singing in the bottom of the sea, and they were a little confused.

But they didn't think much about it, they just thought that someone brought down the phone.

Soon, their heads felt dizzy, and everything in front of them changed.

The seaweeds on the bottom of the sea have become beautiful women, while the reefs and corals have become gold and silver jewels in their eyes.

One by one, they began to scramble for all kinds of things frantically.

Then there was a big fight, and the daggers came out. They seemed to forget that the person in front of them was a companion.

In their eyes, companions have become enemies, and they want to rob the treasure.

The blood mixed with the seawater spilled, and the seawater in this area has a strong smell of blood.

Tina didn't want to kill people, but she couldn't control the ability to confuse her singing, because what the hallucinations appeared was not decided by her, but by them.

Her ability is only to evoke people's inner desires, and then make them confused, unable to distinguish between reality and dreams.

Afraid of scaring Hai Mengmeng, she hugged the pink mermaid in her arms and quickly left here.

The smell of blood is too strong, and a big guy is coming.

It wasn't until she was far away from that area that Tina stopped slowly.

"Mom, are you tired?" Hai Mengmeng rubbed her arms and shoulders distressedly.

As for the scene just now, she was not frightened.

Even though he was dressed in a weird way, she still knew it was a human being, because Yunfei had played various TV shows for her.

The appearance of the diver has also been seen.

Although she is young, she also understands the issue of position. Once she encounters humans, either they will die, or their entire mermaid clan will be discovered.

Tina shook her head, "Mom is not tired."

Her smile was still so pure, but it was more loving than before.

Having brought a baby for two years, now she is no longer a girl, but more like a mother.

"Wait here. Your father should be on his way here. He just changed his location. I don't know if he can be found."

This location is not too deep, but it should be a little far from the place just now, because she feels that she has swam for a long time.


Yunfei is still crossing the ocean at the moment.

Seven o'clock in the morning.

Tina stayed up all the time, paying attention to the movement of the sea all the time, holding the sleeping Hai Mengmeng in her arms.

Its daybreak.

She clearly saw the ship passing by, dragging that kind of fishing net, and many fish passed by and were accidentally caught.

Hai Mengmeng woke up in a daze, and also saw this scene, she was a little scared and said: "Mom, dad can't find us?"

"No, it may be a little far away."

"Are you still sleepy? If you wake up, let's eat something and go deeper."

It was too shallow here, and she was afraid that humans would discover it.

"Not sleepy anymore."

"Then let's go." Tina led her to swim in the opposite direction of the ship.

And Yunfei, who swam all night, finally arrived at the photoshoot location.

It was dawn, and many ships had already gone to sea. He saw it and was anxious.

Carefully avoiding the sight of humans, I searched for it in a general place.

As a result, several divers came down to investigate at the place where the three divers were killed.

Although he avoided it in advance when he heard the voice, he was accidentally seen with a touch of color.

One of the divers hurriedly chased after them, but compared with the mermaid's speed, they were like heaven and earth.

The team members gestured to him and asked him what was the matter. He shook his head to express that he was fine, but it was a pity that he seemed to have seen a rare creature just now.

I can only see that it is golden, very long and big, but I can't see what it is.

After Yunfei left, he was not at ease.

Gritting his teeth, he turned back, manipulated the sea water, created a vortex, and pulled the divers into it before leaving.

Because he was sure that they would not survive.

The mermaid's existence cannot be gambled with, and the people of the small island country are already at odds with the mermaid.

In the sea near their country, there are very few fish, and many of them have mutated.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows what's going on.

The United States may be desperate to dump nuclear sewage in the future to force mermaids to land, and small island countries are probably already doing so secretly.

After a cold snort, Yunfei left, the most urgent thing is to go to Tina and the others first.

They didn't wait for him at the same place, maybe there was an accident, and the few divers just now seemed to be looking for something, which made him feel a little uneasy.

Kettler on the other side was also searching in the sea.

He is a thousand-year-old mermaid with the ability to summon mermaids!
That's right, his ability is summoning, and any mermaid in the ocean can hear his calling.

This range is manageable.

When he reached the sea near the small island nation, he activated his ability.

Not only Tina and Hai Mengmeng heard it, Yunfei also heard it, and he hurriedly followed the sound.

Hai Mengmeng said in surprise: "Mom, it's my brother who is here, and this is the voice of brother Ketley."

"Come on, let's go find him."

The mermaid's five senses are very sensitive. Tina couldn't tell the direction, but she could hear the direction of the sound. This time, they didn't go astray.

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