"Everyone, please pay attention, ahead is the ruins of ships sinking with high frequency.

Because this area is in dense fog all year round, there is a high chance of accidents. In the following years, no ships have dared to pass by here.

If there were no passages established by the mermaids, we would probably never know that so many ships were buried here. "

The tour guide quickly introduced the background of this shipwreck, and said words that were familiar.

The people who visited looked at the scenery outside the tunnel in amazement.

Various shipwrecks, rusted and covered in microbes, look like giants sleeping on the ocean floor.

Looking at them, it seems as if you can see the traces of people living on board at the end of the last century.

Many people are addicted to this dilapidated beauty and cannot extricate themselves.

Many artists like this feeling of historical precipitation, and they endow it with various legendary colors.

There were endless clicking sounds in the tunnel.

"Is that a mermaid?"

Although the place has been contaminated with human breath, naughty mermaids will still come here to play.

The mermaids didn't care, because there were mermaids guarding nearby.

And in the deep sea, it shouldn't be a worry if it is the mermaid's home field.

So the little mermaids would occasionally come and wander around. If they were lucky enough to visit, they could also see mermaids up close.

"It's really a mermaid, my God, what a beautiful creature."

"Yeah, it's Long Guo who has the foresight, how much money has he made from the mermaid?"

"Protecting the ocean is everyone's responsibility. Such a beautiful creature should not go extinct."

"It's like a grazing area. It's obvious that the road occupies their living area. If something happens, the wild animals are to be blamed for walking on the road. They deserve it."

"Oh my god, the little mermaid is so cute! This is an angel!!"

"It turns out that what I hate is not fish, but ugly fish with a strong fishy smell, like a mermaid. In fact, the strong fishy smell is not unacceptable."

Humans can't stay calm, and mermaids are equally curious.

They are also talking about the humans in the tunnel.

"Yeah, human beings are really the same as in the movie, but it doesn't seem to be as good as in the movie."

"This sister's skin doesn't seem to be very good. Does the red spot hurt? I want to give her a box of beauty cream."

Hai Mengmeng:? ? ?

She looked at the little mermaid in a daze and asked, "Do you know her?"

"I do not know."

"Then why do you want to give her something?"

The little mermaid blinked and said: "Because there is a little mermaid doll on her bag, she must be a sister who likes mermaids."

Hai Mengmeng: ... At this moment, she suddenly realized that her father had worked so hard for so many years and wanted mermaids to study hard.

What the hell is this innate innocence?

"Lia, are you in school yet?"

"Not yet. Didn't the elders say that a little mermaid can go to school at the age of three? I'm only two years old."

"That's it."

When I went back, I told my father that the age threshold for studying is actually not so rigid!

No wonder Ketley didn't come to play with himself recently, let himself play with these newborn cubs.

"Sister Mengmeng, do we want to give her ointment?"

"No, if you give someone else's ointment, I will let your mother beat you into a cake."


Sister Mengmeng suddenly changed from a sweet and soft sister to a murderous sister, Li Ya didn't understand why.

He quickly swam away, hiding behind his little friend and taking a peek.

"Wow, that hiding red mermaid is so cute and beautiful!"

"Cub, mommy loves you!"

A group of crazy women are dazed by the cuteness of the little mermaid.

"I think that pink mermaid is really beautiful, just like the paper mermaid in the game has entered reality."

"Colorful fishtail, oh my god, that colorful fishtail is so shiny."

"Is it a boy? His hair is a bit short, and he doesn't wear a vest."

The tour guide took the opportunity to introduce: "In the deep sea, there are two types of mermaids, one is royal blood, and the other is ordinary blood.

The representative colors of the royal family are blue, gold, colorful and white. The black and gray ones represent unknown, and other colors have basically impure blood. "

"What? The pink and red ones are so pretty, they're not considered pure blood?"

"We are not very clear about this, after all, we have no way to distinguish them.

According to the mermaid's introduction, there is no difference between their blood, just like our ancient times, they are divided into royal family and common people. "

"That's it, I didn't expect the mermaid clan to fight for power." Passers-by sighed.

"Naturally, dogs are robbing territory, let alone such an intelligent creature."


The colorful mermaid's name is Kerami, and she is the third-generation little highness of the West Sea. She has often stayed in the East China Sea in recent years.

Hai Mengmeng and Hai Mengmeng can be regarded as childhood sweethearts.

"Mengmeng, why didn't you call me when you came here?" Kerami felt aggrieved.

What does Hai Mengmeng say about this? Could it be that Brother Keitelai analyzed it and said that he was a beauty trick sent by Xihai to confuse her?
Let her not be fooled?

Of course you can't say it out, in fact, she has already guessed that the Xihai royal family wants Kurami to be her foster husband.

After all, she didn't watch TV dramas in the human world for nothing.

So she has been unable to get close to this colorful mermaid.

The eyes are too complicated, which makes the fish unhappy.

"I didn't call you, it's just that our little female came out to play, why are you a male mermaid coming here?"

"Follow me to protect you."

Hai Mengmeng manipulated the sea water to roll into a small vortex, blinking her eyes and asked, "But I inherited the talent from my parents."

So there are two talents.

Kurami, on the other hand, only has the talent of manipulating sea water.

However, he didn't feel inferior at all, nor was he annoyed that he was not as good as a fish.

Still softly persuading: "Multiple fish, multiple servings are safe. When you see so many small fish cubs by yourself, it is inevitable that there will be things you don't notice."

This is the reason why Hai Mengmeng still couldn't drive him away, knowing that he was approaching with a purpose.

Because he didn't do anything excessive, Sihai is also an ally now.

It's just that it's okay to be friends, but Tong Yangfu doesn't need to talk about it.

"Then I'll call you next time."

Kurami smiled, "Okay, let's go back first, the cute grandpas are here, and Uncle Carlos asked me to call her back."

Hearing this, the mermaids who were still wandering around in the sunken ship quickly swam out and shouted to their companions, "Sister Mengmeng is going back to work, come out quickly, everyone."

"Well, my mother said that little fish cubs can't come to this place without the company of big sister, let's go home."

"Let's go~~" the little mermaids laughed happily.

Lia waved goodbye to the humans in the tunnel before turning around.

Naturally, there was another burst of screams and cheers.

"Ah, is that little mermaid saying goodbye to us?"

"No, no, she is saying goodbye to me. I noticed just now that she likes the mermaid doll hanging on my satchel."

"I don't know if there is a courier at the bottom of the sea. I want to send a car of dolls to the cubs."

"Don't, you call it throwing marine garbage."

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