Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 551 Deep Sea Mermaid Ji 【End】

Chapter 551 Deep Sea Mermaid Ji 【End】

It has to be said that Yunfei was ruthless, and he asked the wizard to drain the blood of the emperor from his body before he died.

The remaining blood was preserved and given to Hai Mengmeng so that she could make good use of it.

The wizard also made a poisonous oath that he would never reveal it. Yunfei had been kind to her, so she can still be trusted.

The golden mermaid deflated in an instant, and the whole fish showed a gray color.

And the pot of blood was continuously compressed under the concentration of the wizard, and a force of blood covered it. It could be seen that most of the essence of the power had been preserved.

This is an ancient method that Yunfei saw in the scroll recorded by the mermaid.

These bloods can be used to refine mermaids who are not pure blood into pure blood, and inherit the innate power in the blood.

Carlos is recognized as a powerful mermaid in the seabed, and he feels that this blood should not be wasted.

It doesn't matter if it's for Hai Mengmeng's own use, or for future generations to use.

Anyway, they are all dead, and the way of death is the same.

Tina watched from a far corner, and there was already a pile of pearls under her feet, which were scattered by the sea water.

Yunfei said that there is no need to inform her, lest she be sad.

After all, it was the mermaid who had been together for so many years. Even if Tina had a grudge against him, she would still be sad for his death.

It's just in her nature.

Hai Mengmeng agreed, then turned around and called Kaitley to pick up her mother.

After all, she agreed, but Kettley didn't, so she didn't break her promise.

She knew all the grievances between her parents, but she felt that her mother would want to send him off for the last time.

There is a saying in the human world that a person's debt is eliminated after death, and she thinks that they, mermaids, should do the same.

Besides, my mother doesn't hate it.

"La woo~ la la la..." the singing of the mermaid can penetrate the bottom of the sea sounded.

The sea animals who heard the singing around them obviously paused for several seconds before continuing to swim.

When dying, Yunfei smiled, it was Tina's singing, this kind of natural sound, only she, a mermaid, possessed in the whole deep sea.

The singing voices of other mermaids are also beautiful, but compared to hers, they are still a bit worse.

"The last time I heard your mother's singing was more than 520 years ago, it's really shocking..."

The body that lost its strength could not withstand the huge pressure of the deep sea, and it instantly disappeared...

Hai Mengmeng was tearing up, biting her lips tightly.

"Cry if you want, and no one will laugh at you. In our hearts, you are still that little fish."

"Kalette, you're wrong. I'm already an adult fish. I won't cry. My father is going to be a father to other younger brothers and sisters. He is happy."

Keitele was speechless, he really wanted to say, have you watched too much TV in the human world?

Do you really believe the lie that all creatures have reincarnation?
It's just the living people comforting themselves, and the dead people fantasizing about living a good life in another world.

But if he said this, he would really be a single fish for 3000 years, so he didn't say it.

However, only Hai Mengmeng knew that it was true.

When she was just born, the moment her blood power was awakened, she saw a very strange picture.

A strange woman, surrounded by thousands of babies, who are very strange and of different races.

But all cute.

They depended on the woman, and there was some admiration in their eyes, and there was herself in it...

The pink fishtail is too conspicuous.

She didn't understand it before, but she didn't understand why until she got along with her later.

So she could understand her father's choice of wanting to die, but selfishly let him stay with her for a while.

Tina's singing continued, as if immersed in deep sorrow.

While the mermaids on the bottom of the sea couldn't help singing along, the number of pearls falling from their eyes was also increasing.

They were infected by the sadness in the singing, and some couldn't help it.

"It's the royal mermaid singing, she sounds sad."

"I really want to make her happy."

"I really want to cry with her..."

On this day, countless pearls were added to the bottom of the sea, and they contributed raw materials to the research institute on the island for many years.

[During the task settlement, the experience of water control ability is extracted...

Quest sentiment has been cleared.

Mission goal: Hai Mengmeng's happiness level is 99%.

Mission Completion Level: Excellent.

Settlement points: 99.

Cumulative points: 1080.

Mall: opened.

Mission Reward: Soul Condensation.

Package: bionic companion robot, 1 square meters of space (two lands have been fused, common spring water has been fused.), plane camera*1, wish*1, system puppy body*[-].

Skills: Huaquan embroidered legs intermediate level, yin and yang eye level level, spell spell level level level, eaves and wall walking level level level, level weapon refining technique level level, level medical skill level. 】

After the settlement, a golden light shone in the system space, covering Yunfei's soul.

001 glanced regretfully at the firework tube bought for one point in his hand, and originally wanted to give the host a sense of ceremony.

It's a pity that the rewards came so quickly, and it would be embarrassing to delay the fireworks.

Soon, Yunfei finished accepting the reward.

She looked down at her hands, feeling relaxed and happy in her whole soul.

The headache from the previous teleportation seems to have eased a lot.

"Yun Ling, what is this soul condensing? Is it something that strengthens the soul?"

[Yes host, only those with great merit can have the opportunity to reshape their souls.

If the soul becomes a golden body, then you have the opportunity to become a god, which our system world cannot interfere with.

It's just that there is cooperation with the God Realm, which can help you convert your merits into corresponding rewards. The rewards can only be triggered by achieving a small goal. 】

"That's it, it's always good, let's go."

Yunfei wanted to open it very much.

"Hey, it feels like your body can only be used for three years, it's really too short, did I call you too early?

Studying every day, there is no chance to take you to see the beautiful mountains and rivers. "

[No, Yun Ling is already very satisfied, thank you host. 】

"Next time, when I settle down, I will call you out and take you to visit the mountains and rivers."

Yun Fei's eyebrows and eyes were curved when he smiled, and he looked like an ordinary woman.

Who would have thought that such an ordinary soul would complete one task after another without failure.

The plane of the last days, even with so many factors, still makes the child's happiness pass, in 001's eyes, it is enough.

It's just that its host felt a little guilty for not being able to save the child.

After all, the injury has been formed, even if it takes a lifetime, there is no way to heal the pain of childhood.

Not to mention, the mission target also awakened the plot memory and learned of his tragic past life.

【Host, do you want to take a break? 】

"Let's take a break, 500 years, I'm tired of living by myself."

Yunfei sat on the sofa that the system gave her, took out a voice recorder and played it.

After listening to the compressed mermaid singing, which was not as good as the original sound, her mood gradually calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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