Chapter 553
Because of the original body, his son Goudan has been bullied by the children nearby.

Everyone calls him the bastard of a dancing girl, even though Huang Xiaoyan was not a dancing girl when she gave birth to him.

Moreover, his father offended a lot of people by collecting protection fees for gangsters, so even bringing him around here was annoying.

Adults don't bother to bully a child who can't even walk properly.

But the child listened to a lot of what the adults said at home, so he naturally came to bully him to help his family vent their anger.

Aunt Qian is also busy at ordinary times, except for two meals, she takes him with her at home, and can't control him when she is not at home.

Goudan stays at home quietly every day, and when he is kicked out occasionally, he just sits on the threshold in a daze.

If there are children passing by at this time, they will call other children to bully him.

The neighbors in the neighborhood all knew each other, so there were no kidnappers.

When he was a little older, Aunt Qian's grandson took him to sell newspapers in the streets and alleys, and with the money Huang Xiaoyan sent back, he could have lived pretty well.

It's just that the money will be robbed every time, either by the children or by the father.

He wanted to live, but he couldn't live well.

Goudan often stood outside the ballroom, watching the men and women coming and going inside, and occasionally caught a glimpse of his mother, and left sadly after just one glance.

Even though his mother was under the abuse of the world, he didn't have her figure in his memory.

He still knew that his mother loved him, but she just couldn't help it.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be trying my best to make money with a forced smile on my face.

The ballroom is full of young girls, and those who are getting old like her can't actually earn much, but the money given to him every month has never been less.

Goudan before the age of ten will feel ashamed to be raised by a dancing girl.

After the age of ten, Goudan only saw the sadness of his mother.

Living is so painful, she can obviously choose not to live, but she still has a young concern in this world.

Later, under the introduction of the dance hall bodyguard who often gave money, he entered the ballroom as a waiter.

At that time, he was already 14 years old, and his original body had just died in a fight at the pier.

He is free.

Huang Xiaoyan didn't recognize him, and he didn't recognize her either. She just worked in the ballroom with peace of mind, and would often help her silently.

When she was being made difficult, she calmly stepped forward to please the man and divert his attention.

When she was hiding from crying, she silently passed the tissue.

Trying to get along with the girls in the ballroom when she was pushed aside by them, just to put in a few nice words for her.

He couldn't get her to leave the ballroom.

I thought it was just a job, and if I didn't want to do it, I left.

It was only when they came in that they realized that they had no choice at all. The ballroom could not have them, but they couldn't leave by themselves.

And those who come here are basically either from family difficulties, or those who are heavily in debt.

With so many times of help, Huang Xiaoyan naturally noticed this child.

Seeing that he is the same age as her own child, and even has the same humble name, she can't help but feel pity for him. If there is delicious food, they all miss his share.

Similarly, when the guests make things difficult for him, he will go up to him to make a rescue.

I thought they could stay like this until they were old, until they regained their freedom.

Goudan lived frugally, saved some money, and imagined that one day, after his mother could leave here, he would give her a pension...

But no one expected that Boss Wen's backer fell, and when the patrol room came to arrest people, a fight broke out.

In the chaos, most people were shot and fell to the ground dead.

Dog eggs are among them.

Realizing that he had fallen, Huang Xiaoyan panicked and turned around to help him up. With tears in her eyes, she said, "Is the child in pain? Aunt Yan will take you to a doctor."

"Mother, I've always wanted to call you that, mother... let's go."

It was also at this moment that Huang Xiaoyan suddenly understood those intimacy for no reason.

And this child, treat her well for no reason.

turn out to be………

There were quite a few corpses lying beside them, including those from the patrol room and those from the ballroom thugs.

After staying in the most glorious dance hall in the magic capital for so many years, things like guns will naturally be used after being influenced by his ears and eyes.

What's more, when she was young, she had worked with several bosses in order to survive.

How can you stay clean when you are in the mud.

With her son dead, she can end this ridiculous life, but she just wants to say sorry to her parents far away. She is sorry for the ancestors of the Huang family.

Fortunately, dying in a foreign country does not need to pollute the loess of my hometown.

She never inquired about Yuan Bo's affairs, even if he didn't come to ask for money later, she never asked about his situation.

The heart has already died in that year.

Thinking of the time spent with Goudan in the past few years, the corners of Huang Xiaoyan's lips were hooked after all when she died.


After the soul was condensed, Yunfei really did not feel the headache that he used to feel. He had already adapted to his new body when he came here.

Although the injury on his body was painful, it was still within the range he could bear.

The room is deserted, messy, and there is no smoke.

There is not even a glass of water on the lame table.

"Quick, hit him with a rock!"

"My mother said that her mother is a dancer, a bitch who specializes in seducing men."

"Hit him, kill him, haha."

Goudan held his head and let the group of children around his age beat and kick him, lying silently on the ground with his eyes closed and weeping.

Just be patient.

They left after a while.


The small wooden door was suddenly opened violently, Yun Fei came out angrily, and yelled at the group of children, "Get out."

Frightened, the children scattered and ran away.

They didn't dare to stay, other adults wouldn't beat their children, but this dog leg would.

That's right, everyone called the original body a dog's leg behind their backs, the dog's leg of the bastards.

Coincidentally, his son's name is Zhang Goudan, and he sounds like a father and two.

Yuanshen didn't care about these words, anyway, they only dared to laugh at him behind his back, when collecting protection money, they all offered it obediently and obediently.

In the end, it was only the young dog who bore all the gossip.

Seeing that the group of children ran away, Goudan was still lying on the ground with his head tightly hugged, Yunfei thought he was beaten so badly that he couldn't get up, so he hurried over to check.

As a result, as soon as his hand touched the child, Goudan's body trembled intermittently.

He was more scared than when the group of children beat him just now.

The child's strength is limited, he hurts from the beating, but it hurts not as much as the original body.

After all, a kick from my own father can kick him flying.

After a pause for a few seconds, Yunfei still stretched out his hand to examine his head, stomach and other parts carefully.

When it was confirmed that there was only skin trauma, he breathed a sigh of relief and carried the child back to the house.

During this period, Goudan didn't even dare to open his eyes. He didn't open those teary eyes until he was put on the bed.

She pursed her mouth and wanted to beg for mercy, but she couldn't make a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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