Chapter 555
It's not that the original body was uninjured before, except for being beaten when collecting protection fees, and occasionally provoked punches and kicks from Brother Yong and others as if venting.

But the next day, he could still get up and walk up with a smile on his face.

This time he was so injured that he had to rest, so Goudan was very suspicious, his father was going to die.

Yunfei couldn't guess what a five-year-old child was thinking wildly in his heart, so he was afraid that he would be worried, so he comforted him: "Father is fine, these wounds are almost healed."

"Then why don't you collect protection fees today?"

Ah, this...

It is wrong to directly say that it is wrong to collect protection fees, and the child will probably be even more shocked.

I guess I have to ask, why did you keep doing this before knowing it was wrong?

"It's just that dad dreamed about your grandparents last night, and suddenly felt ashamed."

Sure enough, Goudan opened his mouth wide and looked shocked, as if surprised that his own father could still remember that there were parents at home.

"Didn't you never mention them?"

Even now he doesn't know where his father is from.

When mentioning this, Yunfei simply talked about the name change, "Since you mentioned your grandma, it just so happens that you are five years old and you still haven't got a name, which is not appropriate.

Do you have a name you want to be called?Father reference. "

Goudan pondered for a while and asked, "Then can I be called Tie Zhu?"

Yunfei:? ? ? ?

"Why is it called this name?"

"Because I heard that brother Tie Zhu went to the north to serve as a soldier. He is very prestigious and can make money."

So it's called Zhang Tiezhu?
"Hey, Dad thinks this name is very good, but too many people call it, so it's easy to be confused.

Let's make a new one, let's call it Zhang Qingsong, it has the same meaning as Tie Zhu, but it has a different word, how about it? "

Goudan didn't understand, but since the meaning was almost the same, it was acceptable, so he nodded.

Then Yunfei talked about the location of his hometown and the situation at home.

"Your father, I have six brothers and sisters in my family. I have two older brothers and one older sister. I have a younger sister and a younger brother.

There are not many fields in our hometown. Just farming, we can’t get enough to eat all year round, let alone save some money.

So we brothers and sisters, except for the uncle, all came out to make a living. "

"Your mother's conditions are similar. There are many brothers and sisters, but few fields. They all went to find their own way. Your grandmother is your mother's stepmother, and their relationship is not very close."

There are so many children, so naturally I can't take care of every child.

There are so many grandchildren, and the old couple can't bring their children here, and they are busy every day.

Anyway, Zhang Qingsong understands that the relatives in his hometown are not considered close.

No wonder he is so old and has never been back to his hometown. His father never mentioned going back to celebrate the New Year every year.

But in fact, no matter how many children there are, the two elders still want them to go back for a reunion during the Chinese New Year, but the original body never thought of going back when he was down and down.

Even if you want to go back, it has to be a time when you look like yourself.


After the name is chosen and the family is well arranged, it is time to consider the issue of livelihood.

Thinking of his strength, Yunfei planned to go to the pier to carry bags to earn some money, so the child had to be sent to Mrs. Qian's house first.

The pier is too messy, it is definitely not suitable for taking children.

In the plot, although the child is not popular in Aunt Qian's house, at least he has grown up well.

Before dawn, he smeared himself and went to the pier.

After paying two copper dollars to the foreman to register his name, he squatted beside the pier and waited.

Wait for the cargo ships to arrive, and then someone will come to pick the coolies to load and unload.

"You, you, and those few come here."

The original body was too thin, Yunfei was not picked in the first two rounds, and he was picked together with the others until the last round.

The night was almost in vain.

On the pier side, there are several men who know Yuanshen and are very malicious towards him.

But fortunately, they were not selected together, so they didn't get in the way.

When Yunfei got on the boat, he showed his special strength, carrying three sacks on each shoulder, stacking them high.

People always carry one bag, two bags, three bags, but not six bags.

These goods are packed in wooden boxes or sacks, and there are boats coming and going at the pier every day, which is very lively.

Especially in the middle of the night, some things are transported out with them.

Yunfei felt that the sack was probably flour or something, so he didn't pay much attention to it, and just worked hard.

The supervisor nodded in satisfaction, found his name when he signed up, and drew one with a pen.

Zhang Shiqiang.

A group of coolies finally finished moving, and then lined up one by one to receive wages from the supervisor.

A small handful of copper coins, Yunfei counted, he has about 38, while others have about [-] or so.

At this time, Dayang, that is, silver dollars, can be exchanged for about 130 copper dollars.

But it is not fixed, the price will fluctuate occasionally, basically between 120-140.

That is to say, for a strong man, it takes several days to move goods for one night to be enough for one silver dollar.

This kind of life depends on luck.

The two copper coins for the foreman's registration are fixed, and they have to be given every night, even if they are not selected, it is a loss.

There are a lot of men on the pier, often without work, too many foreigners come here to ask for a living.


After taking the wages, Yunfei dragged his tired body to the vegetable market.

It was just dawn, when the vegetable market was bustling, and he saw the group of people collecting protection fees searching the stalls one by one.

He didn't want to deal with them, so he avoided it for a while.

I bought some meat and went home.

Because it was the pier in the middle of the night, Yunfei didn't wake up Qingsong, but locked him in the house to sleep.

After all, it was the middle of the night, if you knocked on the door next door, you would probably be knocked out.

Originally, he was thinking of sending the child to the next door during the day, and then he went to the pier.

Thinking about the higher wages in the middle of the night, it is enough for the child to lock the door and sleep, but he still chose to go all night in the middle of the night.

He lit up the small stove, cooked some white porridge, two boiled eggs, and chopped some sauerkraut for frying, and then called Zhang Qingsong to have breakfast.

Children who are only five years old feel a lot, they just didn't have that condition before.

"Father, didn't you go out last night?" He rubbed his sleepy eyes, thinking of the sleepy room last night, he seemed to see his father go out.

Yunfei nodded and replied: "Well, Dad will go to the pier to carry bags at night from now on.

Go wash your face, rinse your mouth and have breakfast. Later, you can go to Aunt Qian's house to play or play at home. Dad will sleep. "

"Are you eating at home again?"

"What's wrong? Your father's cooking is terrible?"

Zhang Qingsong hurriedly shook his head, "No, it's..."

Originally, he wanted to say that his mother gave Aunt Qian wages to cook for him, but then he remembered that he couldn't say anything about it, so he had to shut up in time.

But it hurts so much, if you don’t eat it if you give me money, it’s not a loss...

(End of this chapter)

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