Soon, it's time for another week.

The time of this game is very accurate, it is [-]:[-] on Monday, so those who want to participate in the next game must sign up at [-]:[-] on Sunday night.

Then the game will start at midnight on Monday.

Tonight, there are quite a few people who don't believe in evil, who don't want to participate in the game, and want to hide from being found by the game.

For example, sinking in the water, in the cabinet at home, and in the basement and so on.

They waited in agony, and finally the deadline for registration ended, but nothing happened.

Some people have already ran out with the mentality of surviving by luck.

Others continued to hide.

ding dong
00:00 sharp.

Those who signed up all randomly entered the game, while those who did not sign up exploded at this moment.

There is only one sentence left in their heads.

[The player has not participated in the game for more than seven days, and now starts killing. 】


The second game is the dessert shop.

When Yunfei arrived, he had already put on the chef's uniform, but he was not a chef, he was just a helper.

The other players are already in place. At this moment, whoever has a more dazed or frightened face, don't worry, this is one of them.

In this level, there are ten participants.

The identity may be a cashier, a pastry chef, or a waiter.

Dessert shops, of course, cannot only sell desserts, as well as milk tea, fruit tea, milk and other things.

There are also many npc guests.

Yunfei has the memory of the plot that the original body experienced, and he can make desserts himself, so he quickly reacted.

Quickly hold the knife and cut the fruit.

In a fruit basket in front of him was a note.

[Tip [-]: Pastry chef Zhang Song is allergic to mangoes, so there are no mangoes in the dessert shop. 】

After reading it, Yunfei put the note in his pocket.

For this level, I don’t know how many reminders there are. Everyone can only find it on their own, and whoever finds it will own it.

In other words, if other players find the hint and hide it secretly, then others will not know about that hint.

Zhang Song, the pastry chef, is the one who is currently drawing flowers on the small cakes.

He is very serious, and the flowers he pulls out are also beautiful.

After finishing, put all kinds of cut fruits from the plate, and then put them in the window for the waiter to serve to the guests.

Suddenly a scream came from the shop, accompanied by the sound of ceramics breaking.

"Dead, dead..." A waiter in a maid outfit fell to the ground in horror.

In front of her was a guest whose neck and body had been separated.

The guest's head fell on the table, and the body that was still sitting, the gap in the neck, was gushing blood.

The fallen waitress should be the player, she was too scared to stand up.

Trembling all over.

The store manager is a woman wearing glasses, and she has a weird expression at the moment.

It's weird to be excited...

She twisted her waist and walked in front of the waitress, then squatted down and said, "You violated the rules."

Then her mouth grew, and she bit off her head in one bite and ate it.

Other npcs in the restaurant also rushed up one after another, eating the dead guest and waitress alive.

After eating, one of the yellow-haired waiters came to clean up the blood.

The npc who was crazy just now also cleaned up the blood at the corner of his mouth, and then returned to his original state.

The hearts of the players are heavy.

The player who was the guest just now died because he ordered a mango pudding.

The waiter should have screamed and fell, breaking the dessert she was holding, so that's the rule.

No one dares to take it lightly, in addition to honestly playing their own roles, they also secretly look for hints.

Yunfei was also working in the kitchen while looking for hints.

Suddenly, he found a note under the pastry chef's feet...

It's too bad that I still stepped on the sole of the shoe.

He could only take a sneak peek while doing his job well.

When the original body cleared the customs, he only got the note of the fruit basket, as long as he found a mango, he could put it in the package.

Just cut the fruit honestly for a day and pass the test.

So this level is also an easy one. He didn't run out of luck until the third game.

He wasn't the only one in the kitchen who was whipping, there was another one who was whipping cream or something.

He also saw the note, and when he rolled his eyes, he wanted to squat down to pick it up.

Thinking of the plot, Yunfei quickly winked at him and waved his hand to express his disapproval...

Because he couldn't talk, the pastry chefs weren't allowed to chat, and they weren't allowed to take off their masks and hoods and things like that.

This is the work code, it's posted on the wall.

However, that player didn't understand Yunfei's kindness, thinking that he was trying to prevent him from getting the reminder, so he curled his lips in disdain.

Squatting down flatteringly, he said, "Master Zhang, you stepped on something dirty, I'll remove it for you."

The moment his hand touched the note, his eyeballs suddenly protruded and were bloodshot.

"Ho, ho..." He was short of breath, his face was congested, as if he was suffocated.

After a while, the seven orifices bleed, and the person also fell to the ground, without breath.

The store manager outside came in with a smile like a piglet, and dragged his corpse out.

Yunfei could even hear the sound of chewing and swallowing from across the door, and his complexion turned a little pale, and he even wanted to vomit a little.

The pastry chef snorted coldly, "Hmph, a guy who doesn't like cleanliness is not qualified to stay in the back kitchen."

Then his gaze shifted to Yunfei, "You will take over his job."

This is also the case in the plot, the man didn't pick up the note, and he died.

As for the note, it has already been disposed of. After all, it is a dirty thing. After throwing it away, the pastry chef sanitized his hands before putting on clean gloves to continue baking.

Yunfei was very busy.

The recipe written on the wall scores impeccable preparation, then whips the cream, washes the fruit, and cuts the fruit.

As for the others, he is not needed.

Even so, he is too busy, there are a lot of customers, if the food is served slowly, it will irritate the guests.

So he has to complete his own steps as quickly as possible.

There is no time to pay attention to what is going on in the shop.

There was no time to find the note.

Probably the rest of the notes are in the front hall. As a back kitchen staff, he has no way to leave here.

There is also no way to communicate with the players in the front hall, because the food is placed in the window.

As a result, although he is safe, he cannot obtain more information.

Yunfei's hand flew up quickly, and while looking at the order receipt, he prepared things.

Cut blueberries into five pieces.

less sugar.

Chocolate half a slice.

When the pastry chef came back, he nodded with some satisfaction, and then started to get busy.

The two didn't communicate and just buried themselves in their work.

After an unknown amount of time, the pastry chef suddenly spoke and handed Yunfei a list of mango cakes.

"A special guest came to the store. He wants to eat mango cake. Come and make it for him. Be sure to satisfy him and get good reviews."

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