Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 596 Running with the baby in the weird game 15

The entrance to the basement is in the utility room on the first floor, and Yunfei had already found it last night.

He entered the utility room alone.

Many things in the room are covered with cloth.

There's furniture, there's some trophies, and lots and lots of messy paintings.

Most of those paintings are dark skies, old castles with no lights on, and gardens with weeds growing.

That's right, every painting is about this castle.

There are no characters, only depressing scenery.

The signature is Nike, the daughter of the owner of the castle. According to the information, his daughter is very ugly, so there is not even a picture of her in the entire castle.

The entrance to the basement, behind a painting on the wall, Yunfei didn't open it directly, but used the wall-penetrating talisman.

After pasting the talisman paper, the wall twisted and he entered.

At the entrance, there is a staircase leading down.

It was pitch black all around.

Yunfei didn't use a flashlight, but used a lighting talisman. After the talisman paper burned, it turned into a bright yellow flame floating beside him.

Control the feet not touching the ground, so there is no footsteps.

After walking up two flights of stairs, he finally saw what the basement looked like.


[Please stop Nike from massacring before the battle royale comes. 】

[Remaining time from Nike Rampage: four days and two hours. 】

In other words, if Nike doesn't stop her rampage, she will start killing at twelve noon on the sixth day.

Once berserk, this kind of npc will become very powerful, its strength will increase, and it will attack indiscriminately.

And Yunfei, looking at the soul curled up in the basement at this moment, finally understood what is meant by npc berserk.

It turned out to be a ghost.

At the moment she is sealed, so someone should come and release her in four days, and something will happen to irritate her?
Nike's soul was still sleeping, so he simply checked the basement first.

There is a small toilet, a bed, a table and chairs, and some dusty household items.

In addition to these, there is also a chest that cannot be opened and some chains and things.

Yunfei guessed that before Nike's death, he was imprisoned in this basement for a long time.

And the only people who can imprison her are her relatives and the staff working in this castle.

The lock on the wooden box is not difficult for Yunfei, and a lock-opening symbol can do it.

Before he had time to look at the contents inside, a paper doll suddenly reported back: Someone is coming.

I can only hurriedly put all the contents of the wooden box into the storage talisman, restore the wooden box to its original state, and use the wall penetration talisman to leave at the last moment.

After he left, a tall man with a mask came from the basement.

The man glanced around suspiciously.

He didn't find anything unusual, and he used the scepter in his hand once, but still found nothing.

I can only leave the letter suspiciously.

Many strange guests came to the castle, and he was afraid that they would find out the secret here, so he was careful in everything he did.

Soon, the role of that group of people will be used soon.


Yunfei went through several walls before finding the stairs and returning to the ground.

Everyone who investigated separately also returned, and everyone sat in the living room, talking about each other's discoveries, and waiting for lunch by the way.

After a normal lunch, everyone gathered in the living room.

"So, how do we stop Nike from going crazy?"

"I feel that the person who can drive Nike crazy must be the person who imprisoned her before she died, that is, the murderer."

"Is it possible that Mr. Yuan was also killed by this murderer?"

"Don't you think the roses in the garden are a little too gorgeous?"

"In the old castle, except for the utility room and the basement, we didn't go, and we couldn't go to the master room."

The final conclusion is to find a way to explore the master room, and then look for traces of Nike's life to see if we can find the murderer.

Also look at the garden, those roses don't look right.

In the end, they went to check the garden and try to see if they could match the words of the puppets in the castle.

Yunfei guessed that they should have props for this situation.

Because of the second level, it seems that many people get something related to friendliness.

As for the task of investigating the master room, Yunfei chose it himself.

After all, he has the wall-piercing talisman, and it's easiest without disturbing the puppet housekeeper.

Soon, under the busyness of the seven people, it was dark.

Dinner followed.

Today's pre-dinner program is to appreciate a painting.

The painting shows the backs of a family of three, with the master holding his arms around the mistress and the child standing behind them.

They were on a meadow, looking at the sunset that was slowly setting in the sky.

The other six people present didn't know much about Huahua, so they could only embarrassingly talk about superficial thoughts.

Yunfei himself is a good sketcher, and later learned ink painting, but he can see what the owner of this painting wants to express.

But he couldn't say it clearly, he could only guess that what Sam wanted to hear was compliments, not the truth.

So I made some half-truths and half-truths.

Reverse what you see.

"The host and hostess in the painting are very affectionate, the children are well-behaved and sensible, and the sunset is also very romantic."

In fact, the back view of the hostess obviously feels forced, and the child seems to be dormant.

As for the setting sun, it's more like, darkness is coming.

But Sam was satisfied with his answer and let him choose the meal first.

Yunfei randomly chose one.

A serving of raw beef.

It's okay, it's better than eating people's hearts and hands.

All the food for tonight is raw.

No. 2 raw lamb tongue, No. 3 raw ox eyes, No. 5 raw pig ears, and No. 6 raw snake meat.

The raw snake egg on the 7th contained a formed baby snake inside.

10 raw chicken breasts.

It was another dinner accompanied by the sound of vomiting. Fortunately, everyone had eaten during the day, and if they were hungry at night, they would not starve to death.

After dinner, everyone who was tired all day was not in the mood to stay in the living room any longer, and all returned to their rooms.

The blood in Room 4 has already been cleaned up, and the door is now open, allowing everyone to come in and out.

But no one went in anymore, because there was always a creepy feeling.

Yunfei also went back to Room [-], and the little paper man hiding under the bed quickly crawled out and danced.

After it stopped, he quickly gave it a bit of profound energy.

"Thanks for your hard work."

The little paper man said that after he left, two people came into the room.

One was a maid in the castle. After she came in to clean up, she left behind a set of clean men's clothing.

There is also a guest in Room 3. He came in and searched for it, but he didn't know what he was looking for.

The ten rooms in the castle all need to be locked from the inside, that is, they are not locked from the outside.

That is to say, when he is not around, this door is useless and anyone can come in.

A guest in Room 3?
Yunfei rarely pays attention to him, this person has a low sense of presence in the team, he is a low-key and somewhat withdrawn man.

What does this man want to find in him?
It shouldn't be, as long as you are not stupid, no one will leave props in an unlocked room, right?

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