Chapter 603
Nothing happened that night, but the next day, it started all over again.

Because 403 is the home of important npcs, everyone gathered at 403 this time.

"It seems that although Chen Xing is very important, the condition for customs clearance should not be to kill him."

Zhuang Yuanyuan had already discussed with Yunfei last night, so she opened her mouth to guide: "Have you ever thought about whose world this cycle belongs to?"

"Yeah, whose is this?"

Mr. Zhang actually thought, "It's Chen Xing's wife, right?"

"It should be. After all, when the game started, those who died were innocent, and his wife was the source of his rage."

"Since it belongs to his wife, then she must have died unjustly, so the hatred is hard to get rid of, right?

Then we killed Chen Xing, wouldn't she understand her hatred? "

"Yes, Chen Xing's wife must hate Chen Xing, but she must still hate someone."

Zhuang Yuanyuan opened her red lips lightly and said, "The informer in this building."

"I think maybe Chen Xing's wife hates this informer even more."

It was Mr. Wu, the player from room 501, who spoke.

"I told my wife of this status last night, she told me that Chen Xing and his wife didn't get along like this in the beginning.

It became like this later, she said that someone should be sowing discord. "

Yunfei also heard this news, and there are many more.

For example, Chen Xing's wife came from the countryside, and she lost her wallet, ID card and other things when she got off the train.

Then I met Chen Xing, and he took her home to settle down.

Later, I helped her find a job, etc. After getting along for a long time, I got married naturally.

A year after marriage, a daughter was born.

That's when the domestic violence started.

The neighbors could hear Chen Xing's roar every day, mixed with the sound of throwing things and women crying and screaming.

Their daughter cried when she was young, but when she was five years old, no matter how hard her parents did it, she would stop crying.

It is said that he had a fever late at night that year and burned his brain.

Chen Xing's wife doesn't have a mobile phone, and she doesn't have much money, it's just what she earns from doing handwork.

That night, after begging Chen Xing for a long time, he was unwilling to take the child to see a doctor.

His wife had no choice but to go out with the child and ask the neighbors for help.

It was too late when I got to the hospital.

The next day when she returned home, she was severely beaten again. Even the neighbor who was kind enough to help her was beaten up by Chen Xing.

After Chen Xing's wife asked for help again, no one dared to help her.

Logically speaking, his wife had experienced so many beatings, even if she couldn't divorce for some reason, she should know how to avoid Chen Xing's anger.

But Chen Xing would still beat her every day when he went home.

This beat is quite measured, and it won't make her unable to get up to do housework the next day.

The reason is always the same, she went out to hook up with someone.

Even if Chen Xing's wife didn't go out all day, he would still ask her when he came back, why did she go out today, why did she talk to xx, did she have an affair with her, and so on.

After the discussion, everyone split up to find the informer.


Zhuang Yuanyuan guessed that the informer hiding in the dark must hate or even hate Chen Xing's wife.

That's the role she's playing now.

Presumably, when the other party sees her, they will definitely show their feet.

So she decided to go door to door to find out the news.

As for the reason...

The east family borrowed soy sauce, the west family borrowed salt, the downstairs borrowed rice, and the upstairs borrowed oil.

In short, various editorial reasons.

As for Yunfei, he is following up at the place where Chen Xing works.

When Chen Xing went to work, he would put paper figurines to follow him, and when he left the place of work, he would watch by himself.

With a notebook in his hand, he recorded all the people he met and what he said in a day.

Soon, it was dark again.

Chen Xing rode his bicycle home after get off work.

As soon as he parked the car, he met a woman. She led the child and took the toys, and went upstairs with him.

It was inconvenient for Yunfei to get close, so he had to put paper figurines to eavesdrop.

"Brother Xing, you leave work so late every day, aren't you worried that Chuntao is afraid of being alone at home?"

"What's so scary about that?"

"Really? But I heard her say she was scared during the day, and asked Mr. Zheng from room 401 next door to your house to help change the light bulb in the afternoon."

Chen Xing clenched his fists when he thought that he had only changed the light bulb last month.

The woman didn't stop, and continued: "Actually, Brother Xing, you might as well change your job. Making money is not as important as a wife and children, right?"

"This is the fifth time your wife has called someone back to your house to help with work this month.

In your house, the water pipe is broken every day, or the light bulb is broken, or the gas is gone. She is a woman's family, how can she fix it. "

Chen Xing separated from the woman on the fourth floor, and the woman went to the fifth floor.

The little paper man saw her enter 504 before leaving.

And Zhuang Yuanyuan, who stayed in 403, undoubtedly faced the storm brought by Chen Xing again.

However, having already had experience, she protected herself and her daughter well.

After he couldn't move, Chen Xing went back to the room by himself.

until midnight.

He took the knife again and started killing the man in Room 401!
Zhuang Yuanyuan's baby carriage props saved lives -1 again.

And another player died, a mother and daughter living in 405.

Now, there are only eight adults and nine children left alive among the players.

On the fourth day of the game, the cycle starts again.

Zhuang Yuanyuan didn't call Yunfei until after they discussed their plans for the evening and left.

"The informer is a woman from 504."

"how is this possible???"

Seeing Zhuang Yuanyuan acting so shocked, Yunfei also understood, "Is she a player?"


Zhuang Yuanyuan never thought that the informer would be a player, or rather, she played the role.

"This is how to do?"

If this player is a real informer, she can still kill him ruthlessly, but she is just acting.

The real informer is the original npc.

They couldn't just want her to die just because she played that person, right?

Yunfei is not the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately, and the other party has an even more innocent child with him.

"Forget it, don't move her for now. You kill Chen Xing tonight. Let's make it through today. I'll find a way to find his wife and see if we can negotiate."

"Okay." That's all.

On the fourth day, everyone worked together to kill Chen Xing again.

On the fifth day, he still chose to kill Chen Xing to buy time.

Yunfei did not find Chen Xing's wife.

It was not until the sixth day that he finally found her.

Who would have thought that her wronged soul was not in the old building, nor by Chen Xing's side, but at the gate of the kindergarten near the community.

If he hadn't wandered around in the middle of the night and saw the windless swing frame, he wouldn't have found her sitting on it.

Seeing him approaching, the woman didn't even look at him, she just quietly controlled the swing with ghost power.

(End of this chapter)

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