"Guys, let's play a game."

The rule of the ghost holiday is that as long as you are invited to the game, you'd better agree.

If you refuse, it is likely to anger the ghosts.

Unless you know how to say no to it without pissing it off.

Obviously, Yunfei didn't know, so he could only agree.

Seeing that he agreed, the old man smiled, pointed to the tools in front of the booth and said, "Make me a sugar figurine, if I like it, you will pass the test.

If I don't like it, then you can keep your hand, it's useless for you to keep it anyway. "

Yunfei: ... (cursing.)
Who would feel that hands are useless?His hands are so good!
And this rule, whether he likes it or not is not a matter of his words.

"Old man, your game has some loopholes. This is not a two-way game. How can you be happy if you haven't played it?"

The old man's smile faded away, and his bleeding face became even more terrifying.

But his change of face does not prevent him from having to agree.

Yunfei knew it was another trick.

Many people dare not question npcs, and subconsciously agree to some games with traps.

But in fact, as long as you retort with reason, these ghosts can't take action without any scruples.

"Then tell me, how should we play?" The old man's tone was very indifferent.

It is estimated that if there were no regulations, this would have eaten people.

"In this way, you set a pattern, and I set a pattern. Whoever can make the most original will win."

The old man said sadly: "If you lose, I want your heart."

Yunfei raised his eyebrows in response, "Yes, if you lose, I want your most precious thing."

The old man made a pattern of a five-clawed golden dragon, and Yunfei made a pattern for Kulomi.

"Crowmi, what is it?"

"It's up to you, old man, to find it yourself."

Yunfei didn't care about his changing expression anymore, and calmly started to be a sugar figurine.

Of course he has learned such things as coaxing children.

After all, in the ancient plane, most of the children's happiness came from pastries, candied haws, sugar figurines and other things.

The stall owners who make sugar figurines are very good, and they can do it according to the people, but they can only do it according to the picture, and there is nothing innovative.

So Yunfei went to learn it in order to make some innovative patterns.

I saw that the dragon in his hand gradually took shape, but the old man who was bleeding from seven orifices hadn't made a move yet.

Because he didn't even know what Kulomi was.

Since he didn't provide the reference picture to Yunfei, Yunfei doesn't have to provide him with the reference picture.

When the five-clawed golden dragon was finished, the old man still didn't do anything, but only looked at Yunfei with resentment.

Seeing this, Yunfei smiled.

"Old man, I won."

He knew that in terms of cartoons and animations, ghosts of this age must not know much about them.

The old man had no choice but to admit defeat.

Under the supervision of the rules, he gave Yunfei his most precious thing.

[Get the eyeball of the grieving ghost*1]

That's right, even Yunfei didn't expect that the old man's most precious thing was actually those eyes...

After he lost, he poked two eyes into his eye sockets, and when he pulled out the eyeballs, all the nearby players vomited.

Both bloody and disgusting.

[Ghost's Eyeball: After using it, you can see through the disguise of ghosts.

Times 0/10. 】

This effect is not bad.


When Zhuang Berry came in, he appeared directly in an old house.

The plaque on this house reads: Liu Mansion.

And she was dressed as a maid.

The first game is to play shuttlecock with the young master.

As long as you kick more numbers than him, you will win, and the loser will keep a leg.

Zhuang Berry: ... so perverted, she likes to eat human legs.

Fortunately, in order to cultivate her sports cells and improve her survival rate, her parents took her to do almost any kind of exercise.

And not just training.

After all, many children will not be able to persist in the physical training day after day, because it is boring and hard.

So parents decided to train her by combining work and rest.

In the morning, I run, zama, etc. In the afternoon, I play tennis, basketball, football, shuttlecock, and table tennis. Anyway, it’s all kinds of sports.

It can't be said that he is proficient, but after years of practice, even if his proficiency is improved, he should be at the full level.

And this game is not about competing with npcs, but with players.

There are three people, the one who is the most dish stays with his legs.

In short, Zhuang Berry kept her leg, and then wandered around in other places.

She didn't go to the street for the time being, and she wanted to know how fierce the competition would be on the street.

So let's score points in this house first.

After walking for a while, I met a beautiful ghost.

As the daughter of the wealthy family who ranks first in mystical arts in Huaguo, Zhuang Berry has more or less learned some skills.

It's just that the talent is a bit lacking, and I can only learn one-fifth of my father's ability.

But this is not bad, anyway, the spells at home are all used by her casually.

Zhuang Berry took out a handful of small paper figurines from his pocket and said, "Go and find out, those games are deadly, and those are easier."

After the little paper figurines nodded, they scattered away.

Influenced by her parents at home, she is indeed a bit heroic, but she is really not the kind of hot-blooded and reckless girl.

So come on steady.

You have to earn points, but you have to do what you can.

After she pasted an invisibility talisman on her body, she began to explore Liu's mansion.

When passing by a window, screams were heard.

Zhuang Berry leaned over curiously to eavesdrop and peek.

This is the only good thing about ancient houses. The windows are pasted with window paper, and they will be broken after a moment of drool.

The glamorous woman in the house is teaching several boys and girls a lesson.

Ah, it turned out to be a ghost.

And the way is a bit deep.

Zhuang Berry felt that he was not an opponent, and left quickly without watching the bloody scene behind.

The game of this goblin is to write poetry.

It has to be that kind of romantic love poem.

Let's not talk about genre requirements, let's talk about writing poetry. These young people are basically the new generation after the advent of games.

What I want to learn more is how to survive, who has the leisure to study how to compose poetry!
If it is to recite poetry, they can recite it.

Zhuang Berry also felt bad, because the game punishment for that sexy ghost was skinning.

Of that group of young men, one was destined to be skinned.

Just when she walked to the back garden, she happened to bump into a little paper doll.

The little paper figurine led the way, walked a few steps back to take a look, and beckoned her to follow.

Zhuang Berry understood, this is an easier game.

She followed the little paper figurine to a cat.

A pure white cat with a pair of clear blue eyes, it is lying lazily among the flowers basking in the sun.

Seeing her coming, he opened his mouth and invited: "Little girl, do you want to play a game?"


"Did you see those butterflies? As long as you catch one and give it to me, there will be a reward.

If I don't find one, I'll scratch your face angrily. "

Zhuang Berry said she understood.

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