The world is restored.

The country is running again.

Taoism and Buddhism were born to save the world during this catastrophe, and now they have settled down and have gone back to practice.

The army suppressed it, and some people who wanted to take the opportunity to rebel against Cheng Wang were put in prison.

Facts have proved that without those special props and skills, everyone is just an ordinary person with better physical fitness.

After suppressing the turbulent hearts, the country began to reward meritorious deeds.

Yunfei's family got three houses.

There are also some privileges and money promised by the state.

After all, this banknote has to be reprinted, so I can only agree first, and make up for it later.

Of course, those who survived are more or less credited.

So everyone got a lot of benefits.

Household registration is re-registered on demand, and there are rewards for land, buildings, etc.

In a few hundred years, when Huaguo returns to its former bustling appearance, the resources in the hands of this group of people will become things that are difficult to buy with money.

Other countries may have started heavy industry development.

But in Huaguo, the most important thing is planting.

Of course industry also pays attention.

But planting and breeding is the most important thing.

The talent imprinted in the blood.

Yunfei's family of three rejected the country's solicitation.

After all, they are so old and have not retired yet, so they can't just work hard all their lives.

After the pace of life slows down, of course you have to enjoy life.

Now that the animals are back, Yunfei can also let the system out.

It just so happened that there was an extra cat in the house, and it was still with me.

There is no need to be bloody every day, everyone is not used to it, and wanders around the streets outside every day.

Signal towers, mobile phones and other things, the country didn't bother to restore them for a while.

After all, there are too few technicians alive, and most of them are old.

Although the rainy day has been planned before, the school has always arranged courses.

But everyone is very serious.

So now, we can only work hard for these old technicians, select some people, and train them to be successors.

The planting skills are good, there are records, and with guidance, the seeds have already been planted.

The seeds were collected before.

The rewards of the game are occasionally these things.

People who get this basically feel that they may be unlucky.

After all, you can't eat, drink, or use it.

If it weren't for the country's exchange of grain for seeds, it is estimated that in order to clear the inventory, everyone could throw it away.


"Did you find out anything?" Yunfei quietly asked Zhuang Yuanyuan.

"Well, she said that she was just too bored, so she didn't tell the truth."

Since the disappearance of the game, Zhuang Berry has been spending more and more time in a daze at home, which makes the old couple very worried.

I was worried that she would not be able to adapt to this leisurely life, so I asked her to go out to play, or go to chat with friends and not go.

There was really no other way, so Yunfei suggested that Zhuang Yuanyuan go and find out if there was anything on the child's mind.

But obviously, nothing was asked.

"Speaking of which, although this cheongsam is pretty, it is still not as comfortable as ordinary clothes. Why did our girl like it so much all of a sudden?"

Zhuang Yuanyuan really couldn't understand it, but she could still understand it in the previous game.

Because Zhuang Berry loves a game with the background of the Republic of China, he goes in every now and then.

It is estimated that which npc eats at what time, she has almost figured it out.

But it's different now, I don't have to enter the game every day.

She and Yunfei stayed at home, basically wearing home clothes, and only dressed up when they went out.

But Zhuang Berry, who doesn't go out every day, wears a cheongsam every day, with light makeup and exquisite attire.

It's not surprising that girls love beauty, but it's a little strange that they never relax.

Yunfei also felt strange, but he could understand.

"When my daughter was young, she always wore tutu skirts in the countryside. She was just quiet, and she liked to be pretty, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Forget it, since she won't go out, let's invite Lan Lan and the others to come over and talk to her, even a meal."

Zhuang Yuanyuan nodded worriedly and said, "That's fine, then I'll go out and tell them later."

This situation lasted for three months before they knew why.


Zhuang Yuanyuan's face was full of surprise, "So that child, Chenchen, has been working as an NPC in the games of the Republic of China?"

It's not that she and Yunfei didn't suspect that there was something in that game that attracted Berry.

But never thought that it would be a dead person.

Although everyone knows that there are ghosts in NPCs, they are human souls.

But this is the first time I have heard of a ghost I know.

"It's normal if you can't see him. He has lost his memory and has become an ordinary vegetable NPC in the game."

The reason why he knows that he has no memory is because Zhuang Berry used a prop to wake him up.

However, Lei Haochen who woke up had no memory, only the life set for him by the game.

If it weren't for those familiar little habits, Zhuang Berry would have thought that it was just an empty shell.

But from those little habits, she knew that the npc in front of her was her dead lover.

People and ghosts go different ways, she is very clear.

It's just that in this world, it's hard to meet a lover who is so compatible with her, so Zhuang Berry will enter the game to accompany him every once in a while.

As her parents said, she is almost familiar with which npc's family eats in this game.

So every time you come, don't rush to clear the customs.

Accompany Lei Haochen until the last day before clearing the customs and going back.

After she left, Lei Haochen, who was awakened by the props, would turn back into a sleeping vegetative NPC in the hospital again.

The next time she came, he forgot about her again.

If the relationship between the two is written in a book.

The title of the book is probably: "Strike You One Hundred Times in a Weird Game"

Also succeeds all over the place.

Lei Haochen fell in love with Zhuang Berry repeatedly in every repeated thing.

After learning the truth, Yunfei was already thinking about how to keep the ghost in the world without hurting Zhuang Berry.

But he didn't expect that his daughter would be the first to refuse.

"Dad, people and ghosts go their separate ways."

Yunfei: ...

I'm sorry, it's my father's fault, but my love brain is actually my own!
Zhuang Berry said softly: "Leaving ghosts in the world, you don't need to guess that there must be a huge price to pay."

It's not so easy to do things against the sky.

"Besides, it's not good for him, it's not good for me.

Although the game is closed now, there is a high probability that I won't see him for a long time.

But it doesn't matter, I believe he will wait for me.

Life is only a short hundred years, and it is all right to renew the good relationship after death. "

After all, didn't everyone say it before, the underworld is not perfect, and a lot of ghosts stay in the underworld.

I don't know how many years until reincarnation.

Maybe the time they spent as a ghost couple was much longer than their time as a human couple.

Yunfei felt a little sorry for his daughter's sobriety.

After that, I didn't mention it again.

Also respect the child's choice of feelings.

As she said, life is short, let alone feelings.

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