Chapter 617 Stray Dog Family 4
After not seeing the four little white ladies for a day, Yunfei was a little worried and wanted to release the system, but also feared that it would be maimed by Xiaobai who was helpless.

Coincidentally, in this plane, he and Yun Ling, who can only be regarded as a dog, are of the same family.

But he can't let it out yet. He will only let it out when he can enjoy the blessings in each plane.

Don't let it suffer from ups and downs.

001 saw everything in his eyes, and he was extremely thankful that, among all the souls, he took a fancy to this girl with firm eyes.

While other hosts have begun to adopt template parenting, she is the only one who is still living as if she is reborn every time.

Dabao is the same as yesterday, you can see it shaking its head and tail when you open the door.

But when he saw Yunfei on the cart, his tail stopped wagging and hung down.

After whining twice, he ran away.

Jiang Tangtang laughed loudly, "Dabao, why are you so timid? This is my younger brother, why are you so afraid of him?"

"Come here, Ma Ma is going to eat jerky."

Jerky?The ear moved.

Then he tried to get closer, grabbed a piece and ran into the kitchen to eat it.

Seeing it was afraid, Jiang Tangtang didn't force it, and went into the bedroom to take a bath.

Yunfei chewed the jerky dryly, thinking it was okay.

After the Samoyed finished eating, it seemed like he wanted to come over, but then he hesitated and stopped halfway.

The two dogs, as if separated by a river, lay down and stared at each other for a while, then closed their eyes and slept.

Yunfei heaved a sigh of relief, luckily he didn't fight with him, he didn't want to hurt both sides.

When Jiang Tangtang came out, he saw such a warm scene, and his heart was warm.

After moving Yunfei to the floor mat, he sat on the sofa and turned on the TV to watch with them.

Dabao consciously lay down on the sofa.


The next day, because Yunfei was injured, Jiang Tangtang did not take him to the flower shop.

After leaving enough dog food and water for him and Dabao, he went out alone.

Yunfei looked at his feet that had just been treated with medicine and thanked the girl again for her kindness.

After another two days, he felt that there was nothing serious about his leg, so he forcibly went out with Jiang Tangtang.

The outskirts of the city were in the opposite direction to her flower shop, so it walked in that direction and looked back at Ginger Tangtang.

Hope she can see what it means from its bling bling eyes.

"Are you leaving?" Jiang Tangtang was a little reluctant.

"But your owner hasn't been found yet. Stray dogs are very dangerous, and you haven't recovered from your illness yet."

After squatting on the ground and staring at her for a while, Yunfei turned around and walked away cautiously on his hind legs.

Jiang Tangtang sighed. Although she was worried, she heard that pastoral dogs are relatively independent.

So she is not too reluctant.

Maybe it went back to find its owner.

In fact, Yunfei went back to see the cub.

There is still a steamed chicken in his mouth, because the steamed chicken does not put any seasoning.

Still being yelled at by Xiaobai with his teeth bared, he put down the chicken and stayed beside him.

The neck stretched out, so I couldn't see Zai Zai clearly.

I have no choice but to lie down nearby to rest, and eat the meat in the space when I'm hungry.

When it was dark, he gave Xiaobai another chicken, and then waited at the intersection of the dark alley before Jiang Tangtang closed the shop.

Jiang Tangtang was a little surprised to see the familiar figure.

Then he became happy again, "Xiao Hei Hei, you are back.

My sister was scared to death. Today I have been thinking about what to do if you go homeless and don’t have enough to eat. "

"Come on, let's go home!"

After giving it medicine as usual, Jiang Tangtang took a shower, then watched TV for a while before going to bed.

I thought that Xiao Hei had figured it out and came back.

Unexpectedly, the next day, the scene of yesterday was repeated.

Seeing that Yunfei was about to leave, even though she knew that the dog couldn't understand, she still told her: "Xiao Hei, be careful to avoid people, stray dogs will be beaten if you see them in the city."

It was possible to kill him, so she was very worried.

I don’t know if Xiao Hei’s owner has applied for a dog license for Xiao Hei.

Although some cities prohibit the raising of pastoral dogs, there is no such regulation in their small county.

As long as it is well restrained, it can still be raised.

And the county seat means that except for the urban areas and towns, other places are rural areas.

There are many pastoral dogs in the countryside.

So if Xiaohei's owner wants to apply for a certificate for it, it should be possible to do so.

Let's wait for another month. If no one claims it, she will take Xiao Hei to apply for a certificate.

There is nothing to do tomorrow, and you can take it to get vaccinated.


After ten o'clock in the evening, Jiang Tangtang saw Yunfei squatting at that familiar intersection.

I couldn't help but feel a soft mess in my heart.

Looking for a boyfriend may not feel as safe as a puppy.

"Xiao Hei, do you also know that my sister is afraid of this alley?

Sure enough, everyone is right, pastoral dogs are really spiritual. "

In fact, they know everything. God did not give dogs a chance to speak, so that they could express themselves with actions.

Ginger Tangtang is almost in tears.

How could she be so virtuous? There was someone at home waiting for her to return home, and there was also an escort at the intersection.

Yunfei: ...Is it possible that it is my soul that is spiritual, not my skin.

After that, Ginger Tangtang got used to it, took Xiao Hei out every day, and went home with it at night.

Xiaobai is also used to it.

Seeing Yun Fei coming over with a chicken in his mouth, he happily welcomed it out, wagging his head and tail, and even licking its mouth.

After Yunfei put the chicken down, he went to see the cubs in the nest.

Xiaobai was still a little worried when it approached Zaizai, so he simply took the chicken in his mouth and went to the nest to eat while paying attention to the situation.

The three cubs had opened their eyes and were walking around tremblingly.

But this time they are not interested in the outside, and after walking for a while, they piled up to sleep again.

Yunfei didn't do anything, just lying on his stomach not far from them.

After it got dark and left food for Xiao Bai, he went to the alley to be a bodyguard.

For several nights, he frightened away drunk people because of Ginger Tangtang.

The legs are already healed, but the skin disease on the body still needs medicine.

Fifteen days have passed since Ginger Tangtang helped it find its owner.

During the period, I took it to the pet hospital for vaccinations.

Yunfei didn't resist, and he beat all the ones that deserved beatings.

There is also a dog tag and a children's watch around the neck.

It was all prepared by Jiangtangtang. She was sure that he could not find Xiao Hei's owner, and it officially became Jiang Erbao.

A few people who wanted to pretend to be the owner to get the dog were seen through.

Because Yunfei bared his teeth and yelled at them, anyone who saw them would know that they were not familiar.

One person and one dog, walking home in the dark.

Jiang Tangtang asked, "Er Bao, where have you been running out every day?"

She was very curious, and there was no shortage of food and drink at home, but her second treasure had to go out every day.

"Wang Wang!"

"Oh, Mama doesn't understand."

"You must have a dog outside, right? Haha."

Yunfei: Yes, there are four of them!
(End of this chapter)

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