Chapter 621 Stray Dog Family 8
In the next few days, Jiang Tangtang got up at [-] o'clock every day to feed the dog in the small courtyard. After cleaning up the dog's excrement, he played with the three little guys for a while before reluctantly leaving.

In order to express his gratitude, Yunfei also went to the flower shop every day to help pull things on the trolley.

Picking up trash, watering the flowers, or running to the convenience store to buy water for her with a sign and money in her mouth.

Since knowing that Yunfei is very smart, Jiang Tangtang has also written many signs and given some instructions.

For example, if you go to a convenience store with a pink brand in your mouth, there are also green, blue and other brands.

She had never thought that the dog could recognize words, but she only guessed that its owner had trained it to perform certain behaviors.

Yunfei is also very cooperative, letting him go where he wants to eat, under the temptation of food, he has to learn it five or six times before he can remember it.

For example, right now, Jiang Tangtang is holding a pink sign with a label on it and giving it to him to bite.

Then hang a woven bag around its neck, and put money in it.

"Erbao, it's so hot. Mommy is a little busy. You go to the supermarket and bring something back. 3, let's run!"

Yunfei obediently ran to the convenience store [-] meters away with the sign in his mouth.

As soon as the clerk Xiao Cai saw it, he smiled and said, "Hey, Erbao, are you here to help Mom buy things again? Give the brand and money to sister."

Although she knew that Er Bao didn't bite, she didn't dare to touch other people's dogs, so Yun Fei would not embarrass her every time he came.

Put both the sign and the woven bag on the ground and step back.

Xiao Cai stepped forward and took the label and the money from his pocket, put the things Jiang Tangtang wanted in the bag, and put the handle of the bag up.

Yunfei put his head in and the bag hung around his neck.

"Er Bao, go slowly!"

Envious, she's tired of talking!
"Xiao Cai, where did that dog come from? It's so smart." The customer in the store praised.

"It belongs to the proprietress of the flower shop by the park, and she often helps its owner to come and buy things."

"It's still a dirt dog, it's too smart!"

Xiao Cai also felt the same way, "Well, I was a little scared when it came the first day.

Unexpectedly, it wasn't scary at all, and it didn't approach me. It put the money and the sign on the ground and backed away to wait for me. "

"Spirituality, how difficult is it to teach?"

"Hey, it's not difficult. The second treasure already knows it. It came from wandering, so the proprietress took care of it."

The guest said thoughtfully: "Stray dogs..."


"Welcome, what flowers do you want? Let me introduce you."

The visitor was a middle-aged man and a customer who had just bought something in the convenience store.

"Miss Boss, I don't buy flowers. I sell steel on the street ahead. I just see your dog is cute, so I want to ask if you sell it."

When Jiang Tangtang heard that he was here to buy the second treasure, he was a little unhappy at the moment.

But she was a businesswoman, and even though she was unhappy, she didn't want to show off to others, so she just smiled and said, "The dog is not for sale, I want to keep it myself."

"That's it." The man felt a little regretful, and looked at Yunfei with love in his eyes.

He didn't really want to keep a dog. After all, in the business he was doing, people would come to his door occasionally, and maybe someone would be afraid of dogs.

But, if it is this kind of spiritual dog, he still likes it.

But if someone doesn’t want to sell it, there’s nothing they can do.

The man could only regretfully tease the dog and leave.

After get off work, the exhausted Jiang Tangtang wanted to go to the outskirts of the city, but Yunfei bit her skirt.

"Erbao, what are you doing pulling the skirt?"

Seeing that there was no response, she got on the bike and wanted to run to the outskirts of the city, but was bitten again.

How could you not guess it now?
"Erbao, don't you want me to see Xiaobai and his mother?" Jiang Tangtang was puzzled.

Tried again, and sure enough, she was not allowed to go there, and she was dragged towards home.

"You want me to go home and rest, right? But no, I don't know if Xiaobai has finished the dog food and water left in the morning. I have to add more."

Even if there is dog food left, there is probably not much water, after all, the weather is hot.

Yunfei knew there would be some leftovers, and Xiaobai didn't like to eat dog food very much, unless he was very hungry.

As for water, Jiang Tangtang bought an automatic water feeding tool with a bucket in the middle and plates around it.

There should still be water, at least until tomorrow morning.

It's okay if it can't last, it's not dead, it's about to pass.

It's just too late, it doesn't want Jiang Tangtang to run back and forth.

Even though she couldn't communicate, she understood what Yunfei meant and felt warm in her heart.

"It's okay, I'll go there again today, and tomorrow I'll hire someone to be responsible for feeding and cleaning.

Someone is watching, and it will be convenient for you to come in and out in the future. "

Please ask someone here in the small county, not to mention three thousand, but two thousand, and there will be a lot of people rushing to feed the dogs.

Not to mention easy, it doesn't need to be exposed to the wind and the sun.

Usually, many daily workers pay 80 yuan a day, such as picking peppers, weeding, planting and fertilizing, etc., are all 80 yuan.

Busy from morning to night, no food included.

Such a life does not happen every day.

Women who have free time from farming at home, many of whom are elderly, or mothers who stay at home to take care of their children, do these odd jobs after sending their children to school.

Therefore, more and more people who have gone out in recent years are unwilling to come back here.

If it weren't for the ancestors, and I didn't have the money to go out to buy a house, I probably wouldn't go back.

The consumption level in first-tier cities and the cheapest artificial income.

The person Jiang Tangtang was looking for was introduced by someone else, 48-year-old Aunt Chen, her son and daughter are all working outside.

She and her husband were the only ones at home. The couple planted some land and raised some chickens and ducks to be self-sufficient.

Because it's not time to take care of my grandchildren, I just want to save more money while I can still do it.

Yunfei refused to let Jiang Tangtang go there in the middle of the night, so she had no choice but to rest her mind and go home to rest.

Even though she was very worried, knowing that Gouzi was not that easy to get into trouble, she was still not at ease.

Don't worry about Yunfei, the gate is locked, where does Erbao go to see the cub?


Turns out, it can!

After delivering a piece of incense to someone as usual, Yunfei jumped up the wall with a run-up, and jumped over the wall while holding on to it.

Just fell and rolled a few sentences.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

"Woof!" came from the immature little milk dog voice.

The other two puppies are still clinging to each other and sleeping soundly, only Dahei, who will follow his mother to bark.

Xiaobai found out that the one that fell in was a member of his own race that was feeding him, and he immediately happily went over to wag his tail around it.

After staying here for two or three days, it has almost adapted to it now.

The room is chilly, and after feeding the child every day, it runs into that room by itself to blow on the air conditioner.

A round hole was dug under the middle of the door, and a cloth curtain was made inside to cover the hole to prevent the cold air from escaping.

Xiaobai can also come in and out freely every day, go in if he wants to use the air conditioner, and come out if he doesn't want to.

In this hot weather, not to mention how comfortable it is.

The time is limited, but the room inside, Jiangtangtang still bought that kind of floor to pave it, it is clean and cool.

(End of this chapter)

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