It rained at dawn, so Jiangtangtang didn't come over this morning.

When Aunt Chen came over at nine o'clock, she saw the injured Yunfei and panicked instantly, "Oh my god! Why are you so injured, Erbao?"

She couldn't make up her mind, so she quickly made a video for Jiang Tangtang, showing her the miserable appearance of the dog.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Tangtang quickly put on her umbrella and called a Didi on her mobile phone. At this moment, she received a call from a stranger in the same city.

A businessman, of course, would not reject such a call from the same city, so she answered it.


Xu Yuerong was very happy after getting through the phone call, "Hello, I would like to ask, does your family have a big black dog?"

Second treasure? "Yes, I have one at home."

Soon, Jiang Tangtang’s doubts were solved, and Erbao’s injuries were also solved!

She thought something happened when it returned to the yard on its own last night.

After all, there are so many people out there who steal and beat dogs, and there are dog meat shops here in every town.

The main reason is that Erbao is too smart, she can't force it to stay at home and not go out. If it is another dog, she must give priority to its life, and then freedom.

After hearing the thrilling process last night, she was shocked by Erbao again.

Her second treasure, who can save people on her own, is still a stranger. This is a skill that some system dogs can only understand after special training.

It can distinguish between good and evil. On the way home, when it heard something, it detoured to save people...

Purposeful, like thinking.

Under Xu Yuerong's various emotions, she told her the address of the small courtyard, and the two took taxis there.


Jiang Tangtang arrived at the small courtyard first, and when she saw Yunfei, who was bald, she was angry and distressed.

She was angry at the criminal who knew the law and broke it, and felt sorry that her second child had suffered.

The other party still had a knife. If something happened, they probably had no dogs last night, but thinking of Xu Yuerong, they were glad that Erbao saved him.

As a woman, she can well understand the despair that makes heaven and earth unable to respond, and that earth and earth cannot work.

At this time, as long as someone saves her, any race is a hero.

Soon Xu Yuerong arrived.

She looks very young, probably in her early 20s, wearing ordinary jeans, a sweater and a long coat.

The weather was cold, if there were no thick clothes to protect the man last night, Yunfei's teeth would not have just bitten his wrist and ankle.

"Sister Jiang, you are older than me, can I call you that?"

"Okay." Jiang Tangtang didn't care about this kind of address, although the other party was a little familiar.

"That's great. I drove here. Let's take the second baby to the hospital for a checkup first? I'll pay for all the expenses."


Even if Xu Yuerong didn't say anything, Jiang Tangtang was still going to take Yunfei to the pet hospital.

She heard that it had received a lot of punches and kicks last night, and she was worried.

Fortunately, after going to the hospital for examination, there was nothing serious, the skin was rubbed with medicine, and a set of medicinal wine was given to Gouzi to massage the bones.

Yunfei lay motionless on his stomach, tossing and turning casually.

Even the veterinarian couldn't help but praise it, "Most dogs have to bark after taking a bath. Your dog, so many of us pressed it, didn't resist. It's so good."

"That's right, not only good but also smart, he is the most powerful dog I have ever seen." From Xu Yuerong's filter.

With the status of a life-saving benefactor dog, it is estimated that in her eyes, Yunfei exudes a golden light all over his body.

She rushed to pay the medical expenses and inspection fees just now.She doesn't expect to reciprocate her kindness, but people who know how to repay her kindness are even more gratifying. Although there is a gap in age, Jiang Tangtang soon became friends with her.

They also went back to the flower shop together.

Xu Yuerong looked at the flowers in the house, and the envy in her eyes shone.

"Tangtang, I really envy you for being able to develop your hobby into a career."

Doing what you like, and earning money to survive, is much happier than migrant workers like them!

"These flowers are so beautiful."

Flowers are quite expensive now, especially for festivals and so on. If you want to look good, you have to start with a few hundred.

Therefore, Xu Yuerong seldom saw such a scene of blooming flowers, especially it was still winter.

It’s still the development of the times. Even in winter, there are still so many flowers blooming, and the heating is still turned on in the house, making it warm.

She also helped water the flowers and was busy for most of the day.

As for Yun Fei, as a group favorite, whenever he moved his legs, someone would ask him if he was tired or hungry, and he would add two ham sausages or something...

Alas, this trash-like life is so exciting~~

In the afternoon, the florist also welcomed a special guest.

"Hey, isn't this Police Officer Zhou? Why are you here? Do you want to buy flowers? Do you need a recommendation?"

Officer Zhou smiled, "Ms. Xu, are you here? What a coincidence."

"Then help me with a bouquet of more elegant flowers. Today is my mother's birthday. She prefers more elegant flowers such as white and yellow."

"All right, all right, TangTang has a guest here, prepare flowers, I'll pour a cup of tea for Officer Zhou."

Police officer Zhou was responsible for recording her statement last night. He is only 29 years old this year. Only after listening to him did he know that he lives nearby.

"Officer Zhou, this is Er Bao, the dog who saved me last night. I came here today to thank him."

"Oh?" Officer Zhou was a little curious.

It is an ordinary garden dog. Judging from the coat color and body shape, it is not difficult to see that its owner treats it very well.

There are some places on his body that are bald, and he has applied medicine. It is estimated that he was injured last night.

A pair of brown eyes, sparkling, but seemed a little bored at the moment, lying motionless.

He didn't go up to touch it rashly, but just praised, "Good dog."

As Yunfei's number one fan, Xu Yuerong immediately closed her eyes and praised.

"Yes, I also think that Erbao really refreshed my understanding of pastoral dogs.

Dogs are usually friendly to their owners and their family, but I didn’t expect that they would risk their own lives to save a stranger like me. "

As soon as she mentioned last night, she couldn't help but her eyes turned red again.

God knows how scared she was at that time. She never wanted to smell that disgusting smell again in her life.

"Besides, Tangtang is the owner of Erbao. The proprietress of this flower shop said that his three cubs are also very powerful and sensible."

"I heard that last time a dog dealer wanted to steal them. He threw drugged meat for them to eat, but they didn't eat it. They also scared the bad guys away."

This happened half a month ago, and Jiang Tangtang only found out through monitoring.

There are so many dogs barking in the small courtyard every day, and no one lives in it, so it will naturally be discovered by interested people.

She has been a little worried recently, how to protect the dogs.

What if the group of people turned into the yard at night and beat the dog to death and dragged it away?
Because I was worried and it was rare to meet someone I could talk to, I talked to Xu Yuerong.

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