Jiang Tangtang couldn't help but mutter to her mobile phone: "Er Bao, Rongrong, have you seen it? Sesame and Baozi still recognize me. They wag their tails at me, stick out their tongues and laugh, woo woo..."

In the split screen of the mobile video, there are three scenes, one is Yunfei who is bored, one is Xu Yuerong and Tangyuan, and the other is Jiang Tangtang.

Yunfei didn't respond, but Xu Yuerong did, and agreed with Jiang Tangtang's words very much.

"I saw it, I saw it, I am worthy of being Tangyuan's brother, and we value friendship.

Look at our sesame and buns, standing out among the crowd of police dogs. "

They stand out, they are the only two pastoral dogs in the police dog team.

The two women, because of their relationship with dogs, have become the fools of Yunfei's family.

Yunfei was very satisfied when he saw the two sons in the video. This tall and straight heroic figure is very healthy at first glance.

As for the only daughter...

He covered his eyes with his paws, unable to see.

The pampered glutinous rice balls are becoming more and more mellow, wearing a floral skirt, lying in a beautiful dog house, and eating small snacks, not to mention how comfortable they are.

Training is still going on.

Every dog ​​completed the instructions brilliantly, as did Sesame and Baozi.

Everyone didn't question it at first, they just thought it might be slightly inferior to other dogs.

After all, they are institutional dogs. No one would think that even dogs can get in through the back door, so no one has ever doubted their lack of strength.

The last training is to run far away with props in your mouth.

The two brothers Sesame and Baozi were even further ahead of the other dogs.

Their muscular bodies are full of explosive power, and when they run, you can see the muscles in their leg bones.

final result.Sesame came first, Baozi came second, and third was a German Shepherd.

After waiting, Jiang Tangtang stood in the distance and waved to them, and something surprising happened.

The two dogs stood upright at the same time, sticking out their tongues in response.

Now they are police dogs, so Jiang Tangtang cannot approach without permission, so she can only say hello and leave.


In the days that followed, she could only occasionally get news about them from Officer Zhou.

While resting, you can also take a video of them eating.

In an era where short videos are all the rage, you can occasionally see them performing their duties, but only very rarely.

I heard they are very brave.

I heard that they have made meritorious deeds again.

I heard that they fought with the gangsters, but fortunately they were protected by equipment and suffered some minor injuries.

Year by year.

After Zhima and Baozi left that year, the lease of the courtyard had been cancelled.

Aunt Chen was also fired after being given double the salary. After all, she worked very hard. I thought I could keep her working for a long time, but I didn't expect...

Xiaobai and Yunfei were both brought home to raise. Normally, they would not go to the flower shop, but Yunfei was an exception.

No matter the wind or snow, it always opens the door by itself and stands guard at the intersection.

Over time, Ginger Tangtang also acquiesced in its following.

She went out early and came back late, working hard to run the flower shop. Her parents and brothers and sisters called her several times, but she didn't go back except for the New Year and the holidays.

Although she was not married, she knew that she had no place to stay in that family.

The reason why he can be so cruel is because his family's appetite is getting bigger and bigger.She said it was easy to study in the county and wanted to send her nephews and nieces to her place.

In other words, she has to raise five children, take care of five children, and give up the house.

Her mother told her to leave the house to her eldest nephew, otherwise she would be alone and have no one to take care of her until her death.

Jiang Tangtang doesn't have any ill feelings towards her nieces and nephews, but that doesn't mean she will suffer a loss by worrying about her children.

Still the same sentence, whoever hurts the child.

It makes no sense for her not to get married and have children, but she still has to go through the hardships of raising children!

Failure to give the children a good future is what their parents should consider, not her obligation as an aunt.

You can lend a hand, and you will be responsible for everything, unless your brother and sister-in-law are gone.

Most importantly, they began to covet her only home and the small flower shop.

She is soft-hearted, not stupid.

While placing the takeaway gingerbread, Yunfei was still wiping the floor with his paws on the rag, and he quickly smiled and called him over to eat.

"Er Bao, stop wiping. It's such a hot day. Take a break and eat some dog food."

Yunfei obeyed and put it down first, and then went to drink water.

While Jiang Tangtang was eating takeout, she opened her tablet and started reading the latest news.

[On July 7.30, a boy disappeared near his home, and the police are currently searching for him. 】

Then came the video footage of the search, in which there were two police dogs, one black and one white. There were several videos, but the main thing was that the colors were pure and too conspicuous.

"Er Bao, take a look, our Sesame and Baozi are doing big things again. We hope to find the child soon."

Because Xiaobai was sterilized, she has never been pregnant again in the past five years.

The Xidang dad Yunfei imagined did not appear.

He is living quite well. He eats something every day and can go out for a walk in the morning and evening. The air-conditioning is on in the house in the summer and the heating is on in the winter. The environment is comfortable.

Dabao has a stable temper and never fights with them, only sticks to them.

When he got sick, Jiang Tangtang would take him to the doctor. Even if he could buy several of them for the price of one medical visit, he would not be stingy.

People nearby knew that she was kind-hearted and had a good family. When they saw that she was single, she even mentioned being a matchmaker several times.

But they were all rejected by Jiang Tangtang, and felt tired.

She doesn't understand why everyone thinks she will be unhappy if she doesn't get married.
Marriage is a personal choice, not her life goal. Old age is a matter of old age. Anyway, she has not met anyone she wants to marry yet.

She is already 41. If she had thought about it, she would have married her long ago, so why was she wasting so many years.

Xu Yuerong, on the other hand, has already scheduled to get married at the end of this year. The target is her colleague. He has been pursuing her for several years and impressed her with his tenderness and carefulness.

The most important thing is that the target is also a person who likes small animals, and they have the same hobby.

She was afraid of what happened that year but would not panic all the time.

After all, she was lucky enough to have been rescued. She looked at her savior dog from time to time, and the daughter of her savior dog was at home, so she had already come out.

If you feel safe enough, you won't panic.

After finishing the meal, Jiang Tangtang continued to decorate the bouquet, while Yunfei pressed the rag with his paws and wiped the floor clean back and forth.

Jiang Tangtang's mortgage has been paid off, and all the money is saved now. She often talks about renting a small courtyard when the sesame and glutinous rice balls come back.

She originally wanted to keep a small courtyard to adopt stray dogs, but after getting acquainted with two stray dog ​​adoption bases in the city, she decided not to do it herself.

After all, she is only one person, and the conditions for rescue are limited, so she might as well provide money to support these kind-hearted people.

Over the years, I have helped take care of the dogs whenever I have time, and I donate dog food and other supplies every year.

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