Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 647 The daughter who even lost the plot 11

Wildstar e136.

In a small iron house, a woman was chained around her neck and handcuffed in this small space.

Sitting on the rusty iron bed was a little child.

Her facial features are small and her sparse hair is a dull blue. She is sitting obediently in a daze, neither crying nor making trouble.

The woman who was chained would occasionally look at her, her numb eyes showing a hint of kindness.

"Blue Blue..."

"Mom." Upon hearing the woman's hoarse cry, the little girl's eyes lit up instantly.

His eyes were filled with smiles in an instant, and he carefully climbed down from the iron bed, came to the woman's side, and looked at her admiringly.

However, when the woman looked at her dull blue hair, her eyes were a little complicated.

She had red hair, her husband had brown hair, and the child had blue hair. From the moment the child was born, they knew something was wrong.

But she was glad that the child didn't have that person's genes, otherwise it would have made her sick.

She loved her child's blue hair so much that she even named her Lanlan.

The reason is to keep away from that person.

Hearing the noise outside, she knew that the man was back, and she quickly hugged Lan Lan to protect him.

The man who came in looked burly, with short brown hair, messy and oily.

After he came in, he didn't even look at Lan Lan. He just took a tube of nutrient solution and roughly fed it into the woman's mouth before planning to leave.

"Where's the child's?"

"Haha, it's not my seed. If she wants nutrient solution, let her go to her father."

After finishing speaking, the man walked out and locked the door.

Lanlan looked straight at him leaving, her eyes a little dark, no longer the innocent admiration she had just now, but rather gloomy.

When facing a woman, it is another face.

The big hands holding her tightened. It was not that the woman didn't know something was wrong with her daughter, but she didn't care.

After all, it was her who gave birth to her, and it would not harm her anyway. The main harm would be to the person who abused the mother and daughter.

Not only did she not restrain her daughter's hatred, but she also had a feeling of letting it go, and she also looked forward to it.

I hope that my daughter, who is naturally smart, can kill the man, and the mother and daughter can escape together.

The higher your IQ, the better you can survive. It doesn't matter if you are two and a half years old. As long as you are forced to a dead end, your potential will naturally be forced out.

From the moment the child was born, she knew that the child's genes were better than hers and her husband's.

In addition, I heard about the loss of genes in the gene bank, and I even had a secret extravagant hope.

If it was before her husband kidnapped her and killed her father, she might have been angry and hated the federal hospital for being irresponsible.

And after giving birth to a daughter, she could only be grateful that she did not give birth to the enemy's gene.


Lan Yameng, who had just returned from the Zerg battlefield, remembered that her brother was participating in the show and immediately searched the Star Network.

Um?wry smile?

After hearing this, she felt a little uncomfortable. Did her brother actually like white tea so much?
She had heard a few words about this before, but she didn't expect that five or six years had passed and her brother was still brooding about it.

Even writing a song is written for her.

Lan Yameng thought about it for a while, and still felt that her brother had no chance. Even if she climbed up the ladder, Bai Chacha probably would not like her brother.

Forget it, it would be easier to introduce him to another woman.

As for the mother of her nephew or niece, she has not considered it. Generally, those who can conceive children are married women.

Her brother had never fallen to that level.But this song is really nice...

Being honest, she clicked on it over and over again and listened to it over and over again.

The movement of the hand did not stop, operating on the optical brain.

First, report on the work, and then continue to publish information about children born after the gene bank went wrong.

Especially for a child who is two and a half years old this year, a high reward is offered for information, and all kinds of contacts are contacted.

Netizens on Xingwang are also crazy about this song at this moment.

"Wry Smile" even jumped to the top of the new song rankings, steadily ranking above various Mecha Tear Warrior-type songs.

"It's not easy. The music scene finally has new blood."

"Who is this Lan Yayi? He is quite talented. Why haven't I heard of him before? Is he a talented person from the Conservatory of Music?"

"I graduated from a music school and have never heard of his name."

"I'm starting to look forward to the next game. I feel like it's been a bit tough for three days."

"Three days later, he's the first one to play, right? I have to vote for him, I love this song so much."

"As a boyfriend who was optimized by his ex-girlfriend, this song really touched my heart."

"I've just become a fan, but I'm not partnering with Teacher Lan this round. I don't know who to fan for now."

"It's not like we're performing at the same time. Let's watch them all. We like them at the same time and there's no conflict. Anyway, the ticket in my hand belongs to Brother Lan."

Yunfei was as efficient as ever, staying up late to prepare the music accompaniment.

Jing Jing just woke up the next day and received the new score in a daze.

Oh my gosh, it's so fast!
The last composer she worked with gave her the music score on the first day, but it was not written by her.

Rather, they were entered into the competition after they had been written in the first place, without considering the singer’s timbre at all.

It just happened to be a female composer and the songs she wrote were more suitable for girls to sing, so Anjing stayed in the last round.

The song is called: "The Warrior's Maid."

The lyrics highlight the praise of the soldiers, and describe the maid's humble admiration and willingness to comfort the soldiers with her body.

But it's not a ballad, but a shouting tune, sung in a somewhat hysterical way.

Use hysteria to show the maid's infatuation.

Although the song is not very good, the lyrics are very attractive, so it received a lot of votes from men.

It also stands out.

"Sour and sweet is me..."

Quietly whispered the song title, and then read the lyrics below.

"In adolescence, I was a little narcissistic. The world of adults was waiting for me to take risks..."

"Although I'm still in the ivory tower, I want to grow up overnight."

The lyrics are so realistic. Jing Jing doesn’t know what other girls think. Anyway, when she was a child, she always imagined that she could grow up quickly.

Especially when I was 15 or 6 years old, I really wanted to get away from my parents' shelter and get rid of adults' thoughts.

I want to realize my dream and imagine that I will be as beautiful as many celebrities when I grow up.

Wear a dazzling dress, stand under the spotlight, hold a microphone, and sing songs that resonate with your heart!
My birthday wish every year is to grow up quickly, become an adult quickly, and go out to create a world of my own.

When I really grow up, I look back and realize that my past life was nothing more than an ivory tower.

Under the protection of my parents, I only need to eat well, drink well, and study hard.

After leaving the protection of my parents, I realized that life is not easy.

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