Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 656 The daughter who even lost the plot 20

Chapter 656 The daughter who even lost the plot 20
Lan Yinyin sat on the sofa with some restraint, her eyes looking around quietly.

The houses outside are so beautiful, they are different from those made of iron sheets.

Yunfei poured her a glass of orange juice, and then placed an order for a bunch of children's products on Xingwang.

Now that his daughter has been found, he has sent messages to everyone he knows so that they don't have to keep an eye on him.

However, the Blue Whale Fund will not be disbanded and will still accept children in need of assistance.

After finishing the work, the express robot has already delivered the goods to your door.

"Yinyin, can you let the nanny robot help you take a bath? Dad will cook for you."

Of course Lan Yinyin had no objection. She had been locked up in that iron house since she was one and a half years old.

Everything she learned was instilled in her by her mother, and she was very unfamiliar with the outside world.

But her mother didn't really care about her. There were a few times when she sneaked out through the crack of the door while the man came to fill her with nutrient solution, and no one looked for her.

I also met a kind-hearted older brother who had many books and strange things.

During that time, she learned a lot.

But it had only been three months. I don't know what happened. The man who didn't care about her at first started to keep an eye on her to prevent her from sneaking out.

That door will be locked at all times, and access will be closed.

Thinking of her kind little brother, Lan Yinyin felt a little uncomfortable.

She lied to him and stole his things, using her brother to successfully hide on the ship.

However, my little brother has a very high status in that group of people's research laboratory. Even if he is found out, he should be fine.

After all, her brother is not her accomplice, but the person she deceived.


Lan Yinyin didn't understand how to use the nanny robot, so she was carried to the bathroom by this weird person.

In the past few days, two young ladies have helped her bathe, so this was her first time seeing this kind of robot.

The round robot has already entered the little master's information.

At this moment, the image is changed into a pink rabbit, with long ears, round belly, and pink and white shell. It looks very cute and childish.

"Little Master, can I let Little Rabbit carry you to take a bath?" The robot asked Lan Yinyin politely.


"Okay." The rabbit robot stretched out his hands and gently picked up the child and went to the bathroom.

Yunfei thinks that he should stock up on a few of these robots, as they are a boon to those who take care of their children.

While she was taking a bath, he took out the milk from the space to warm, made three more dishes, and cooked the rice.

Lan Yinyin has already used the optical brain to watch cartoons under the guidance of the nanny robot.

That little look of concentration, he didn’t know what he was looking at, he was so fascinated.

Yunfei smiled and placed the food.

Things like natural food need to be hidden from the outside world, but he doesn't want to hide it from a child under three years old.

"Yinyin, it's time to eat."

Eating = drinking nutrient solution.

Lan Yinyin obediently turned off the computer and went over. Then she saw something on the table. She had never seen it before, but it smelled fragrant.

Considering that she couldn't eat, Yunfei fed her herself.

Less than half a bowl of rice, mixed with steamed egg.There are also boneless braised chicken wings and chopped green vegetables.

Lan Yinyin opened her mouth and took the food into her mouth. Under his guidance, she started chewing.

The delicious taste at that moment made her bite into it and swallow it eagerly.

"Eat slowly, don't choke." Yun Fei warned with a smile.

I fed the rice in my hand little by little for a long time.

After all, it is the first time for children to eat, so they have to get used to it, otherwise they will easily choke.

After eating, he tidied up, watched cartoons with Lan Yinyin for a while, let her drink the warm milk, and then took her back to the room to sleep.The two of them were not in the same room. Xingxing's child was more independent, and Lan Yinyin also wanted to sleep by herself, so he didn't force it.

But she left the nanny robot in her room so that she could get there as soon as possible if anything happened.

For example, if you are scared, or have a fever in the middle of the night, etc.

After turning off the lights, Lan Yinyin lay on the soft bed and looked at the simulated starry sky above her head, feeling an indescribable discomfort in her heart.

Uncle Lan Yayi is so kind. Is his baby still hungry outside?

I miss my mother so much. It turns out that the outside world not only has beautiful houses, but also many kind-hearted people, delicious meals, and good-looking cartoons.

I really want my mother to take a bite too.

"Little rabbit." The girl's childish voice sounded in the room.

The robot in the corner immediately responded lively: "Little Master, Little Rabbit is here."

"I want to watch cartoons..."

"No, children must go to bed before ten o'clock at night, otherwise they will not grow taller."

"Is it ten o'clock now?"

The nanny robot paused and said, "No."

"Then Yinyin will go to bed at 9:50, okay?"

The big pink rabbit was a little confused, thinking about whether to wake up its owner.

But what the little master said makes sense, so it should be okay.

Children's mood is also very important, it cannot let the little owner fall asleep unhappy.

So it turned on the light and reminded: "Little master, we agreed not to go past ten o'clock."


Lan Yinyin happily turned on the optical brain and began to choose courses for three-year-old children.

That's right, she didn't want to watch cartoons, but she wanted to study. Her mother said that if you want to become great, you have to study.

If she learns well and quickly, she can become powerful quickly, and when the time comes, she can rescue her mother and return her father to Uncle Lan's baby.

So she has to learn quickly.

Yunfei bought the optical brain from the gene bank. After binding, the children's version has been automatically turned on based on the owner's age.

There are no messy web pages, entertainment gossip, etc.

There are only children's tutorials, educational cartoons and some general knowledge, interstellar history and so on.

There are many enlightening industries.

With the help of Xiaotu, Lan Yinyin started learning from literacy.

"Lanyin, Lan Yayi." In just a moment, she had learned these two names.

"Mom, Li Si."


"Little rabbit."

After learning these words, Lan Yinyin went to sleep contentedly.

Her kind-hearted brother had taught her Chinese characters before, but he taught her a bunch of incomprehensible characters and required her to memorize a page.

She didn't know what it meant, so she could only take it apart to read the words.

So she still knows some words.

This time it was different, she could choose what words to learn.

On the first day she sneaked into her father's house, she slept very soundly, and when she woke up, she still felt confused.

With the help of Xiaotu, he washed up and put on a set of pink casual clothes.

These are pure cotton suits that Yunfei brought out, and they are much more comfortable than the slippery fabrics in the interstellar.

(End of this chapter)

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