Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 659 The daughter who even lost the plot 23

Although the parenting exchange group is outrageous, they even talked about when to take unsteady children to wild planets to identify the appearance of alien animals.

It's like teaching a child to recognize animals and then taking him to the prairie.

They don't have the mentality of a doting child at all, and each one is more aggressive than the other.

But even so, Yunfei did not quit the group. He felt that interstellar people still had valuable experience in raising children.

And you can also refer to it.

Like now.

Lanlan: "Ladies, may I ask which kindergarten your children choose to go to?"

“Both Federal Kindergarten and Santis Kindergarten are good.”

"Yes, the former is more hard-working, while the latter has more nobles, better conditions, and better connections."

In other words, if you want to take a political path in the future, it is better to go to a federal kindergarten. If you want your children to suffer less and take a literary path, it is better to go to Santis Kindergarten.

But it’s just kindergarten, and there will be exams for elementary school.

It doesn’t mean that if you choose it, it will be lifelong, so everyone still recommends going to Santis Kindergarten, paying a little more, and choosing the most comfortable one.

If a teacher is not good in any way, their parents can vote to fire them.

Unlike teachers in federal kindergartens, if parents have opinions, they can only communicate and change classes for their children.

Because this is a public job, and those who have passed the examination can't be dismissed easily, and they have an iron job.

Therefore, Santis Kindergarten is better. If the teachers do not do well, they can give negative reviews.

This is the benefit of banknote ability.


In the end, Yunfei decided to let Lan Yinyin go to Santis, not because he wanted to enjoy it there, but because it was the only place where transfer students were needed.

There is also one-on-one tutoring for backward courses.

There are too many federal kindergarten students, and there are no one-to-one classes. There are only virtual teachers on StarNet to make up classes.

However, they do not accept drop-ins after the course has already started.

So I could only send Lan Yinyin to Santis to enroll in school. With her strong financial skills, the process was completed very quickly.

My daughter, who originally thought she would be very reluctant to leave him, happily waved goodbye to him...

"Dad, see you tonight."

"See you tonight..." Yunfei's tone was somewhat emotional.

I don't know whether I should be happy that my daughter is studious, or feel sad that my old father has been half-laid off since he took office for only half a month.

We only see him in the morning and evening every day, but he is only on duty for half a day.

In order not to let himself get bored, he decided to enrich the music library of Star and generate income for the teachers of Blue Star.

The main thing is that if he doesn't show up again, netizens will suspect that he has exhausted his inventory.

The members of Tuibozhu's "Blue" fan support group fight hundreds of rounds every day with the blacks for him.

Opening Xingwang's personal homepage, the comments below are quite fierce.

In addition to fans and passers-by, there are also many people who fish in troubled waters, such as Heizi, and those who want to gain popularity.

For example, the following comments:

"Lan Yayi played so many songs in one show, and they probably have no more songs in stock now.

Why don't you all move on and listen to Taotao's recent new song "Walking in the Universe". "

"It's so funny that the fans are bragging so much, but what the real owner brought out is stuff that has been written for many years."

"Some people are just lucky enough to encounter a suitable theme every time, but I don't know if they are worthy of it or not."

"Isn't that right? He ranks first in every game. I heard he is from the Lan family, right? One of the ten major families on the main star. No wonder."

Lanlan Yun: "What are you talking about? Are you just embarrassed?" Lanlan Shui: "More than that, I just want to go to the moon and touch porcelain."

"So what if Brother Lan doesn't release new songs for several years? I can listen to these songs for years without getting tired of them."

There are tens of thousands of people covering this kind of comments.

Yunfei couldn't read them layer by layer, so he only picked a few to look at.

Those with a blue prefix are fans in the support group.

You can make a song, but you have to find a singer.

He looked through the people in the email asking for cooperation, copied them all, and then went to his friends to inquire about their character.

The Jin family runs a film and television company, so it was right to find Jin Ming.

He was also quite reliable and immediately recommended the contact information of a senior paparazzi in the industry.

Yunfei didn't ask anything personal, he just asked about their character and whether they had any clues about the collapse of the house.

After screening, three people were selected.

In order to understand their timbre and style, I searched on Xingwang again and listened to everyone's songs.

Then they selected songs that suited them and started transcribing them. Some inappropriate lyrics would be slightly modified by one or two words.

Soprano queen Fan Yuexian - "Ah Diao"

Debut newcomer Chen Xiaodong——"LOST CONTROL"

Veteran singer Guo Hongshan - "Lugang Town"

Except for some changes to some words that were inappropriate for the interstellar world, the rest were basically unchanged.

Even the name of Lukang Town has not been changed, because there are so many planets in the interstellar world that no one will look for this place.

It doesn't matter if you look for it, since they won't suspect anything if you can't find him.

I can only guess, is it possible that it is a place name from the empire?
Because of a song, searching all the planets within the two major forces, then this person must have a hatred for killing his father and taking away his wife, right?
Since I have helped the singers outside, I can't treat my little cousin badly.

I learned before that he found the child and sent many things suitable for the child.

His previous Cantonese song attracted many fans, and many people started learning Cantonese because they liked "No More Hesitation".

So I can give him another song this time.

The one that was finalized was "Glory Days."

After the song was ready, he contacted several people to sign contracts and got responses.

The song earns twenty-eight points, eight for him and two for that one.

They don't want to make money, they mainly want fame. Yunfei wants fame and fortune. The name belongs to him, and the profit goes to the original creator.

After the contract was signed and the music was sent, he ignored it and drove to the kindergarten to pick up his daughter from school.


At the entrance of the kindergarten, Yunfei saw the unusual child in the crowd from a distance.

The other children ran out happily, as if they had been locked up for a year, but Lan Yinyin was holding a book and reading while walking, walking slower than a turtle.

There seemed to be a teacher next to her, probably trying to persuade her not to walk and read.

He wanted to take the book out of her hand but didn't dare, looking very embarrassed.

Lan Yinyin kept her head down, her mouth moving, looking at her lips as if she was saying, "Okay, I got it, uh-huh." or something like that.

I must be perfunctory with the teacher...

The other children had already gotten in the car and left, but Yunfei was still at the door, waiting for Zaizai to come back to his senses and hurry out.

Because she didn't know what she saw was interesting, she actually stood still and muttered something while watching.

"Mecha, left wing, driver..." Yunfei could only make out the lip reading of these words.

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