Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 662 The daughter who even lost the plot 26

Chapter 662 The daughter who even lost the plot 26
Although Yunfei intuitively feels that Lan Yinyin is the target of the mission, after all, Bai Zhen is the original child, and he cannot let it go.

So he quickly called Lan Yahui and asked him to come over and accompany Yinyin.

The main reason is that he has a lively personality and can play with children. His other friends are reliable, but he doesn't get along with children.

Coincidentally, Lan Yahui sent him a message today saying that he has no work recently.

After receiving the communication, he quickly agreed and promised to rush over as quickly as possible.

Yunfei and Lan Yinyin gave instructions, "Yinyin, daddy has to go out for something. Can you let Xiaotu feed you?"
Uncle Hui is on his way here. Let him play with you later. "

"Well, Dad, go and do your work. I'll be fine just staying with Xiaotu."

Yunfei was still very reassured about the safety of the main star, so he locked the door and left.

Anyway, Lan Yahui will arrive in a few minutes, and there is a little rabbit at home.

He hurried to Bai Chacha's address, went up to the floor she mentioned, and entered the password to open it.

I saw a thin little boy lying on the sofa with his eyes closed tightly, his head covered in cold sweat, and his clothes were stained with blood. Next to him, there was a robot helping to wipe away the sweat and constantly sounding the alarm.

Not caring so much, Yunfei quickly picked up the child and went downstairs to drive the hover car to the hospital.

After the child was sent to the examination room, he just took out the optical brain and asked Lan Yahui if he had seen Yin Yin. After getting the reply, he was not in the mood to read any other news.

Just wait quietly outside.

Fortunately, interstellar medical care is advanced, and the doctor came out in just ten minutes.

"Are you sick?"

"Father..." Yunfei's tone was not very sure.

However, the doctor didn't care so much and asked directly: "Then do you know that the child has a congenital genetic disease?"

"Genetic disease?"

"Yes, it is a congenital genetic disease. There is currently no cure for this disease. It can only relieve the pain.

Usually this happens because the genes between the parents are not suitable for pregnancy. Where was your child conceived?

Didn't you do a pre-pregnancy check-up? "

After Yunfei fell silent, he still said truthfully: "It was a mistake in the gene bank three years ago..."

Hearing this, the doctor looked at him with some sympathy.

At first he couldn't figure out why the parents had a child even though they knew they were genetically incompatible. It turned out to be an accident.

This makes sense. If the hospital's pre-pregnancy physical examination reveals that the genes of both parents are unstable, and the combination may cause the child to have congenital genetic diseases or have a risk of disability, it is not recommended for them to conceive a child.

In this case, it is more recommended that the first child take the father's genes and then match the genes sold by the gene bank.

The second child will take the mother's genes and match them with the genes for sale.

Or get divorced and change partners.

"As for Bai Zhen's situation..."

"Well, I can only say that one extra year of life is just one year. It is best not to let children stimulate their mental bodies so that they can live longer.

But even so, he didn't feel comfortable. His body was weaker than most people's and he was prone to illness. "

“An ordinary person can get up and continue walking if he falls, but if he falls, he may suffer fractures.

And if the temperature changes slightly, he might get sick.

In addition, drugs that suppress genetic diseases need to be taken at all times, which is a large expense..."

At this point, even the doctor can't bear it. If the patient is an adult, he might suggest giving up treatment.

But the patient is just a newborn child, and he hasn't even seen the world clearly yet.

It would be too cruel to say giving up...

"If you have financial difficulties, I can help you contact several foundations. In your case, you should be able to get a lot of funding.

You can also apply for federal serious illness support..." "Thank you doctor, but it's not needed for the time being. You can treat me. Use the best drugs and the like. "

Seeing that the family member's finances were doing well, the doctor also breathed a sigh of relief.

With money, the boy can live a few more years.

"Then you should apply for a pre-deposit first. After being hospitalized for one day, the patient needs to take a medicated bath for one night, and then just go home and drink the medicine."

Yunfei did as he was told and clicked on the computer to save the money.

He didn't know how much he would need, so he deposited 300 million star coins first, since he could use them later anyway.

After all, you have to take medicine for a long time...

Originally he was very sure that Lan Yinyin was the soul, but now he was a little unsure.

As we all know, such beautiful, powerful and tragic characters are usually not nameless characters.

Forget it, I'm too lazy to think about it. They are all children. As long as they are the children of the original body, they should be raised well and there is a high probability that they will be right.

Even a hundred of them can be raised!

That's the difference between being raised in a kindergarten and being raised by your side.

Soon, the doctors and nurses withdrew and warned: "The patient must stay in the medical cabin to take a medicinal bath at night, and he will not be able to leave until noon tomorrow."

Yunfei nodded to show that he understood.

After everyone left, he went inside and waited.

Bai Chacha never sent him a message, and she didn't know whether she was too busy to get away or whether she didn't care about the child.


However, Yunfei didn't know that the Star Network would be very lively at this time.

"So Bai Chacha and Lan Yayi have been secretly married for a long time?"

"Then why didn't she sing any of the songs composed by Lan Yayi?"

Lan Lanhai: "It's just a few pictures. What are you all guessing about? Maybe they're just friends?"

"That's right, we blue fans all know that the baby's name is Yinyin. It's been two months since we found her. She's not a boy."

"Tsk, tsk, I came out from Bai Chacha's house late at night with a little boy in my arms. You say they are fine, do you believe it?"

"What is Lan Yayi doing in Baichacha in the middle of the night? It can't be just talking about music scores, right?"

"What kind of music score do you need to talk about at home in the middle of the night? I understand everything."

There are countless speculations and remarks, and some unknown people are involved in them.

Because Yunfei was not online, others could only go to Bai Chacha's comment area, and they happened to find her on the live broadcast.

Now it's good, a lot of fans and passers-by from both sides have poured in.

A program that originally had a large number of people online suddenly reached a new level.

This program is a live Q&A interview program, so not only the host can ask questions, but fans can also ask questions.

As a qualified host, I noticed the sudden influx of people asking the same question, so of course I had to interact.

She immediately changed the question she was planning to ask and asked with a bit of humor: "I wonder what Chacha's current relationship status is?"

Bai Chacha looked a little shy, but admitted generously, "I have someone I like."


"I wonder if we all know each other? Is he an outsider?"

"I know him, he's an insider."

(End of this chapter)

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