Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 668 The daughter who even lost the plot 32

Today, Lan Yinyin and Bai Zhen are already third-grade children in the primary school.

In StarCraft, only the primary school department can skip grades. Later, in order not to affect the growth of children, skipping grades is not allowed.

You have to go to campus and get along with your peers.

So the two of them skipped a grade together in order to save time in primary school classes.

Not only have I learned all the courses in the third grade, but in fact, even the sixth grade is no exception.

But neither Yunfei nor the school recommends that they start jumping at the age of six.

I hope they can take it steady for a while before considering it again.

If you really feel that you have thoroughly understood the current course in the book, you can find a tutor to study other courses in advance, or develop a hobby or two.

Although Lan Yinyin was impatient, she still did not disobey the adults and just studied the super-class content on the Star Network.

As for Bai Zhen, his custody rights are now in Yunfei's hands.

Of course, it was a transaction, which gave Bai Chacha a lot of benefits. Of course, this was also what Bai Zhen wanted.

However, he did not refuse her visitation rights, but she did not come to visit Bai Zhen very often, not necessarily once in half a year.

Every time she comes, there is always something she wants her child to do, but now Bai Zhen doesn't give her any good looks.

After the children were out of school, Yunfei called Lan Yinyin to the study alone.

His expression was still gentle, and he didn't mean to press the question at all. He just enlightened her and told her not to be afraid and to tell her what she knew.

Mainly it was about her mother.

"Actually, our family's life is quite stable now. The reason why dad insists on finding your mother is because he wants you to have no regrets in your life.

The Chinese people of the ancient Blue Star have a saying: You should have learned this before: a child wants to be raised but his relatives will not wait for him. "

Lan Yinyin's tears suddenly flowed out.

What she doesn't know...

She didn't know that her father had been secretly looking for her mother for so many years.

She didn't even know that the reason why she was looking for her mother was because of her.

If I had known... I would have known...

She threw herself into Yunfei's arms and cried, "Dad, I'm sorry..."

It was because she was too petty, thinking that her father would not be willing to take risks for a stranger, nor would he care about someone else's wife.

But her father cares about her, her feelings, and what she cares about...

Lan Yinyin cried and explained the cause and effect, as well as her mother's location and the coordinates of the planet. She had to recite it every day before going to bed, fearing that she would forget it one day.

After she finished speaking, she kept telling Yunfei that she was sorry and that she shouldn't have lied to him. Yes, she even told Yunfei that she had taken the drug to imitate the gene.

As she grew older and wiser in the past few years, she became more tormented.

While studying harder, he was also twice as kind to his brother.

After she told everything, she still wanted to beg her father to help her save her mother. When she grew up, she would repay the favor twice as much.

Yunfei was also confused at the moment.

Because he didn't find out about this potion, it turned out that it was this thing that those people were so persistent in trying to find!

I've been imitating genes for ten years, hiss~

If criminals get it, the entire galaxy will be in chaos.

I didn't know that this kind of drug existed at the beginning, so maybe many people would get inside.

Ten years is enough time to do a lot of things.

And once people know this kind of thing, who dares to give 100% trust to their own blood?
Fortunately, Professor Li was not confused yet and destroyed the information.

"Yinyin, are you really sure that mom said grandpa destroyed it?" Lan Yinyin nodded, "That's what mom said, but if it's true or not, you need to confirm with mom."

"Okay, I'll contact your aunt first and ask her to take the battleship to destroy the laboratory and save your mother by the way. But three years have passed and they may have changed places. You have to be mentally prepared."

He didn't blame Yin Yin, who was just over two years old, for this matter. It was normal for her to be afraid.

No matter how smart a child is, how much can he understand if he has little life experience...

In particular, her original white paper was stained with a lot of colors by her mother, and it was only in the past three years that she was covered with colors by him.

Being able to confess at this time shows that Lan Yinyin has completely opened her heart to him and given him 100% trust.

Because she could have not told him about taking the medicine, and then let him think that she was going to save her daughter's mother.

With this level of status, he will definitely do a lot.

But she didn't. After all, she still couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart, so she said it even though she knew he didn't doubt it.

As for things like bloodline, Yunfei didn't care at this time.

The daughter I have raised for three years will not be disowned just by saying she is not related by blood.

Whether they are related by blood or not can only determine whether they have a parent-child relationship with the original person, and the parent-child relationship between him and them comes from the heart.

He didn't avoid Lan Yinyin and dialed Lan Yameng's communication directly.

"Brother, Yin Yin." Lan Yameng on the other side of the communication line seemed to be resting and was not wearing combat uniform.

After receiving the call from her family, her eyebrows softened, which was completely different from the sharpness she usually had during battles.

"Why aren't you having dinner at this time?"

"Let's not talk about it for now. Do you have any missions recently? I'll give you the coordinates and arrange for someone to destroy an illegal research institute?
By the way, help me save another person. Yunfei said quickly.

Seeing that her brother was so serious, Lan Yameng's expression also became serious, "There is no mission, I will lead the team myself. Who can I save?"

"Yinyin's mother, Li Si."

"Okay." Lan Yameng agreed directly without asking any further questions.

"It's hard work, pay attention to safety."

After Yunfei gave some instructions, he hung up the communication, and then sent another message to the mercenary group.

Let them pay attention to lurking around Li's house and keep an eye on them, and never alert the snake.

When Lan Yameng confirms that if the group of people has really moved, he will still need to use the Li family to lure the group of people into taking the bait.

When he was doing all this, Lan Yinyin was watching from the side. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying. If he hadn't pulled her, she would have knelt on the ground.

After the arrangements were made, he took the time to explain to her that it was normal for children to think wrongly at a young age.

At this time, as her father, she was the guiding light, clearing the way forward for her.

"Whether you are my father's biological daughter or not, you are still my daughter. Are you planning to disown me because of your genes?"

"How could it be possible? Yinyin only has you as her father in this life!"

As for the man who imprisoned her mother, he didn't deserve it, and she didn't know her biological father either.

She only knows that Lan Yayi's father is the only person who is truly good to her in her life.

Even her mother's feelings for her are not pure.

The older she grows, the more she learns and the more she is able to discern her mother's feelings for her.

There is love, but there is also resentment. She is a daughter, but also the seed of revenge.

But mom didn’t want it either, she was just deceived...

It's the bad guys who are at fault!

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