Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 675 The protagonist of the waste material flow is actually my "son" 1

At the funeral, Lan Zhen was in a daze looking at Yunfei's black and white appearance.

He had long forgotten the idea of ​​changing his body again, but his research continued.

The genes used for research are all purchased from other channels. They are purchased at high prices and many people are willing to sell them.

After all, it's just like drawing blood. Just draw out a little, and there is no harm in itself.

The research became more and more perfect, and he became more and more accustomed to this failure...

"Little brother."

Lan Zhen was a little surprised when he heard this long-awaited address. He had never mentioned anything about his past.

"When did you recognize it?"

Lan Yinyin smiled at him and said, "I can't remember clearly."

"Why didn't you tell dad?"

"Because it's not an important matter." She still held his arm familiarly.

Lan Zhen also smiled, "Well, it's really not important."

He took her genes, but taught her knowledge.

He helped her get on the spaceship, and she doesn't expose him now.

They are all over a hundred years old, so who cares about the shortcomings of less than two years.

Lan Yinyin only knew that from the first time they met, she had been inexplicably very kind to that little brother and had a kind of heartfelt trust in him.

So when I wanted to escape, I still asked him for help.

Lan Zhen also had some feelings. He also felt that he was quite inexplicable. Before meeting this silly sister, he was just a lunatic who stayed in the research institute all year round.

That day I was just sitting in front of the window reading a book, and I met her little girl, hiding behind a stone in the distance and peeking.

I thought it was interesting for a moment, so I let her into the house, and then things got out of hand.

Why would he want to get out of there?Because those people are becoming more and more greedy.

And his research also has half-finished products.

He was a gangster and had a criminal record, so he used this group of people as coolies to support his research.

But he doesn't want to be like a Zerg in the gutter like his biological parents.

I don’t want to go back to the federal government and go to jail.

His genes have long been recorded in the library, so he can only change his body.

It was a crazy idea, but he succeeded. He took a lot of excellent genes and fused them together to cultivate a life form.

He is greedy and wants many spiritual bodies.

But he failed, and the result was that he couldn't activate any of his spiritual bodies, and he was always weak because of too much burden.

He was relieved now, from so many hands reaching out to him.


[During the mission settlement, interstellar composition experience will be drawn...

Quest sentiment has been cleared.

Mission goal: Lan Zhen, Lan Yinyin's average happiness level is 96%.

Mission Completion Level: Excellent.

Settlement points: 96*2.

Cumulative points: 1770.

Mall: opened.

Mission rewards: Advanced Medical Skills*1, Advanced Weapon Refining Skills*1 (Additional gifts include an adapted version of the Science and Technology Encyclopedia*1.).

Package: bionic companion robot, 1 square meters of space (two pieces of land have been fused, and ordinary spring water has been fused), plane camera*1, wish*1, system puppy body*1, recast body*[-].

Skills: advanced skills of flower fists and embroidered legs, beginner level of yin and yang eyes, elementary level of spells, elementary level of climbing over walls, elementary level of weapon refining skills, and elementary level of medical skills. 】

Yunfei was a little surprised. It seemed that the reward was indeed generous, and it was all what she wanted in the interstellar plane.

"Yun Ling, what happened to the soul of the host of the rebellious child system? Has it been taken back?"

The system was just reading the message sent by the main system. When it heard the inquiry, it immediately replied: [Retracted, the main system is very grateful. 】【Host, do you know?It turns out that your son is actually the split soul of the host of the rebellious child system! 】

[If he hadn't come to the door himself, the souls he might have saved would have been defective. 】

And there is a high probability that the missing part is talent or intelligence.

In other words, that soul has a high probability of becoming stupid. If it is reincarnated one more time, it will become stupider.

The lingering soul may not cause any trouble if it remains in the interstellar world.

After all, he is a soul with only a brain and no emotions. Just like a split genius personality, he is not interested in anyone except his own master personality.

Fortunately, in this life, he lived with his main soul and was tainted with a lot of anger.

Yunfei was also quite surprised. He didn't expect that a pair of children would all be the target of the mission.

She always thought that only Lan Yinyin was.

Fortunately, out of pity, she never cared about Lan Zhen's origins and regarded him as a child sent to him.

After all, in Yunfei's eyes, he was a frail and sickly three-year-old baby.

The system also sighed: [Yes, we are so destined to her. 】

The main soul is delivered to the door, and even the wandering soul is delivered to the door.

As expected of the host it chose, its business capabilities are still so reassuring.

When it was first bound, what it valued was the host's good nature.

Born in a bad way, he is self-reliant and has some luck.


After resting enough, Yunfei went to the next world.

The system did not immediately go to work, but waited for her to land, transmit the plot, and confirm that there was no problem before leaving temporarily.

Even if it leaves, it will leave behind a warning assistant.

Once an accident occurs here, causing the host to leave early, etc., it will immediately return from work.

The soul was strong enough, so Yunfei woke up quickly after landing and took a look at the surrounding environment.

It's a bit like ancient times. It seems that life has been pretty good. There aren't many patterns on the furniture and so on, but it's still quite new.

There is currently no one in the room, and there is no other surprise about the original body except that it is still a man...

Wearing a white undershirt, it is indeed an ancient style of clothing.

There are no calluses on the hands, so he probably doesn't work often, and he doesn't know how to use martial arts. There is also an eagle-headed wrench on his thumb, which looks very valuable.

[Yun Ling, give me the plot. 】

[The plot is transmitted. 】

This place is also ancient, but it is somewhat different from ancient China. It is not quite like the ancient clothing in the West, but the surname is the standard there.

The summary is that it is somewhat similar to combining Chinese and Western styles.

He was originally the head of the Mies family in the third-class city of Casa.

His name is Joaquin Mies, and he is a wind attribute magician.

It should be said that the Mies family is basically all wind attribute spiritual masters, and there are few other attributes.

There are two other major families in the city, namely: the fire-attribute Xiko family and the earth-attribute Homan family.

As the head of a large family, he naturally has many wives and concubines.

After all, he needs an excellent heir to secure his position as head of the family.

However, it seems that he is not very close to having children. Among the many women, only three of them actually gave birth to children.

His first wife, Anna Katz, gave birth to only one legitimate son, Jinsheng Mies, who is five years old this year.

Mrs. Fu gave birth to the 8-year-old eldest daughter Lynne Miss and the [-]-year-old second daughter Moon Miss respectively.

Mrs. Lan gave birth to her little daughter Jinya Misi, who was just one month old.

(End of this chapter)

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