Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 679 The protagonist of the waste material flow is actually my "son" 5

Knowing that his two daughters had suffered a loss, Yunfei frowned slightly.

"You ask them both to come over."

"The two young ladies are still forced to copy books in clan studies." The housekeeper answered respectfully.

"Are those with two or three bedrooms also being fined? How much will they have to pay?"

"Sir, everyone is treated equally. Participants must copy the clan rules ten times before they can go home."

Yunfei nodded, this gentleman is quite good, he was invited by the original person from another city.

The old gentleman was originally a teacher at a spiritual master college, but after he retired, he lived in the third-class city next door for his retirement.

If he didn't owe the original person a favor, he would not be willing to leave the mountain again.

It was also because his grandchildren had also reached the stage of enlightenment, so he simply taught them together.

It will be a good time for the grandchildren to enter St. Sith College.

There are only two colleges in Xizhou continent, Guangming College and Saint Sith.

The Guangming Academy only exists in the main city and is spread across several countries, while Saint Sith is a domestic academy, with one academy in every five cities.

Casa City is lucky enough to be located near one of these schools, so it is convenient for children in the city to study and there is no need to go to other cities to study.

Yunfei gave instructions and asked the two sisters to come to him later, and then he got busy with business.

The owner of the original family does not have to work. At the end of every month, the account books of the property must be reconciled.

There are also some "filial piety" from powerful people who need to be reviewed by him before preparations can begin.

As for the social relations in the back house, Anna Katz has always been handling it.

Although she is a concubine of the city lord's palace, she has also learned to be a housekeeper, and every concubine has been well taught.

After all, everyone can take charge of their own affairs.

On the other hand, it is not certain whether a legitimate daughter can be a mistress. If a legitimate daughter marries high, she may only be able to be a minor lady if she meets someone with a high family status.

If a concubine marries at a low age, she will be the mistress of any house she goes to. No matter how bad she is, she will be a stepwife, a common wife, etc.


This work lasted until dusk. It was only when the maid came to remind him that it was time to eat that Yunfei looked up from the pile of chores.

The maid kept her head lowered and waited respectfully at the dinner table.

He had experienced this kind of service many times, so he accepted it calmly.

"The eldest young lady and the second young lady haven't finished copying and come back yet?"

After saluting, the maid replied: "Go home, Master, there is no news from the front yard yet."

In other words, I haven’t finished copying yet and come back for dinner.

It's getting dark now...

However, Yunfei is not worried about the safety of the two sisters. He has arranged a secret guard to protect them today.

There is also the youngest daughter Jinya.

Of course, there are also those born in Jin, but they don't know about it yet.

Thinking of the two sisters who had been basically ignored by the original body since Jin Sheng was born, he ordered, "Go to Furong Courtyard tonight and ask the small kitchen to prepare something that the two ladies like to eat and send it over."

The maid quickly took the order. She didn't dare to raise her head the whole time and her body was tense.

Yunfei also knew why. The maids in the original body room were all good-looking.

There is no maid around him who has not been polished. If the last batch of maids hadn't just been sent to the backyard, and he didn't have time to have sex these days, he would have probably succeeded in getting them.

After the meal, he did not deal with the accumulated chores, but closed the door to refine the weapon.

Yes, the immortal cultivation techniques in this plane are available, as are the weapon refining techniques.

Although he doesn't have fire spirit roots, it doesn't matter. There is a precious furnace in his space, which contains sealed strange fire.

Thinking that there were four children in total, and three of them were bullied by the children in the second and third bedrooms, he had to get some equipment for the children.When you can't beat him, just spend money, there's nothing wrong with it.

Yunfei drew a few design drawings, prepared all the materials needed, and left the study.

The servants waiting outside the door immediately handed over their cloaks, held lanterns and led the way to Furong Courtyard.

Mrs. Fu has already put on makeup, bathed and changed clothes.

There are tables full of delicacies in the room, as well as small pots exuding the aroma of wine.

The two sisters Lin En and Mu En lowered their heads and followed their mother to salute to welcome their father's arrival.

Lin En was okay, but Mu En was extremely scared. Her father didn't like her in the first place, so her sudden visit tonight must have been because of a fight.

Will she be punished and locked up in the woodshed...

The slightly trembling hands were suddenly held tightly by a pair of equally small and immature hands.

The warmth comes from my sister.

Lynn smiled softly at her and comforted her in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, sister, sister will be punished with you."

It doesn't matter if you close the woodshed, I will protect you.


Yunfei already had a big appetite, so he didn't think about adding another meal to his dinner.

He asked Mrs. Fu to take her daughters to their seats.

The three of them, mother and daughter, haven't eaten yet. The sisters were punished, and Mrs. Fu wanted to wait until the head of the family arrived before eating.

There are many rules in the family, and she has learned to live by them in the past five years.

The overwhelming love made her lose her mind for a moment.

But since the birth of her first wife's legitimate son, the warmth and coldness of human relationships she has encountered have made her see the truth clearly.

Only duty can guarantee the lives of our daughters.

The family of four ate in silence, Yunfei was still a little more relaxed, and the eating postures of the mother and daughter were as if the curvature of their mouths had been measured with a ruler.

After eating only a few bites, I put down my chopsticks.

This was not the first time that Yunfei had seen women of this era, so he skillfully served them some more dishes that they had just eaten in large quantities.

To be honest, Mrs. Fu was a little trembling in her heart.

When she was the most favored, the head of the family didn't notice her taste. Why did he suddenly notice it now?
There was also the dishes in front of her daughter. She glanced at them calmly.

All of them are the same things that my two daughters usually like to eat.

The atmosphere of silence was inexplicably heavy, making it impossible to feel that this was a family of four eating.

It wasn't until the servants removed the things that Yunfei mentioned what happened today.

"I heard from my husband that you guys had a fight in the clan school. What was the reason?"

Mu En lowered her head and did not dare to speak, but Lin En stood up as her sister.

"Because the second wife, Nok, said that when you adopt him, he will send us sisters out to get married.

My daughter thinks that on the surface he is humiliating my sister and me, but in fact he is declaring war on you on behalf of his elders.

So I hit him. The main pulse cannot tolerate provocation! "

The girl's back is straight and her eyes are firm. Anyone who looks at her will praise her for her character.

Yun Fei pondered for a moment and said: "You are right, once our main line is the master, we will not tolerate their blatant coveting.

Now I am still the head of the family. Even if I am not the head of the family, there is no need for you two sisters to get married.

If they are still rude next time, even if they teach you a lesson, it doesn't matter if you can't beat them. Later, I will ask someone to send a few children from the branch to come to the clan to learn. "

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