Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 682 The protagonist of the waste material flow is actually my "son" 8

Maybe it's because he never got many of the things he longed for when he was a child. Yunfei always has no resistance to those exquisite things.

When you have the ability to create, you always like to innovate.

Just like he likes to customize clothes for children in every dimension.

Exquisite things can make people feel happy and can also bluff people.

For example, the robe in Jin Sheng's hand can be said to be that no one can hurt him in Casa City after putting it on.

After all, even the ancestor who is in seclusion in the city lord's mansion is only at level 7 now.

The ancestors of the three major families were younger, only at level 6.

The original body is only level 5, which sounds like it is not far from level 7, but breaking through level 6 is equivalent to a watershed. If the talent is not high, you may be stuck here for the rest of your life.

On the other hand, people in Xizhou Continent only have a lifespan of a few hundred years, and 6 years are added only after breaking through the sixth level.

After that, it’s level 8 plus 50.

Ten levels plus a hundred years.

There are only a few people in the 11th-12th level in the entire Xizhou continent. It cannot be ruled out that there are people who are hidden in the world and not made public.

The other forces are unknown.

When Anna and Jin Sheng, mother and son, heard that it could withstand three fatal blows from a sixth-level spiritual master, their first reaction was disbelief.

But the way the robe is surrounded by splendor shows how extraordinary it is.

"Master, is this... too expensive?" Anna was a little worried.

You must know that this kind of robe, let alone the Mies family, is a family heirloom even if it is placed in the city lord's palace.

If you give it to your "son" like this, many people in the family will be dissatisfied...

Yun Fei didn't care, "I can give my own things to whoever I want. They don't belong to the clan. Jin Sheng can just wear them with peace of mind."

Now that the head of the family said so, Anna felt relieved and quickly reminded her son: "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Thank your father quickly."

"Thank you...Father."

Jin Sheng lowered his eyelids to hide the confusion, confusion, and complexity in his eyes.

Every time his father acted, he would wonder, can people really die and come back to life?

Was that a nightmare, or a memory of a real experience?

The man is not very talented and his face has begun to age with age.

The wrinkles on his face did not reduce his charm, but gave him an air of majesty as a master of the house.

At this moment, his eyes no longer had the shrewdness he had when he was the head of the family, only a touch of kindness...

The stepmother said that eyes can see clearly the thoughts in people's hearts. His eyes were full of hatred, so she couldn't tolerate him.

Why are his father's eyes so strange to him...

Is it because my childhood memory is confused, or the nightmare is too real...

Yunfei noticed his awkwardness and didn't worry. If you get close to a child like this as soon as you get close to him, it will only make him feel weird.

It's enough to just treat the relationship as a normal father and son.

If his heart doesn't soften in a year, won't it change in ten years or decades?

So he was in no hurry.

After delivering the cassocks, he didn't stay overnight and went to Furongyuan to see off the two sisters. He took a look at their homework before taking the last one to Suzuranyuan.

Mrs. Lan is also a person. There are many women who can make the original person fall in love at first sight, but she is the only one who is really sincere.

Even the little daughter she gave birth to was in pain to her bones.

Even if the stepwife comes in later, she is not allowed to touch Mrs. Lan and her daughter.

But when it comes to the original person's stepwife, he has no intention of helping the original person marry her. First of all, Anna will not die this time.

Secondly, the stepwife’s son and daughter are not the original parent’s race…

Even if he is, he will not marry. He is only responsible for the children he already has. The bionic robot has no reproductive function, it can only bring happiness.If it were a modern product, it would probably be good news to most singles.


As soon as Yunfei arrived at Linglan Courtyard, he saw a beautiful woman leaning in front of the door.

She looked at him with somewhat hazy eyes, and said in a plaintive tone: "Hey, the master of the house, do you actually know where the door of Suzuran Yard is?"

"Ahem, it's windy, why are you standing here wearing just this?"

Mrs. Lan was dressed in a white plain dress with only a hairpin on her head. She was indeed looking for grace but not warmth.

The maid holding the cloak next to her quickly stepped forward to help her put it on.

It’s true that these servants tried to persuade her, but Mrs. Lan didn’t listen...

"My body is not as cold as my heart. I stand in front of this door every night, hoping to see the master of the family coming, but every time I come to know that you have already gone to the courtyard of the beautiful sisters..."

Yunfei: ...

As expected, most men like the same tunes, and I really like Mrs. Lan's style.

Ahem, in fact, he also has a good impression of Xiangxiang's beauty, but he is a girl soul, and he only appreciates her without admiring her.

"Is Yaya sleeping?"

Mentioning her daughter, Mrs. Lan's misty eyes became clearer and she smiled softly: "She's asleep, like a little kitten. She only eats and sleeps. She doesn't like to move much."

"Then take her out for a walk every morning when the sun is warm. Don't stay bored in the yard all day."

"Everyone listens to the master of the family."

Yunfei gave a set of cute pink robes to Mrs. Lan and asked her to help the child put it on tomorrow.

Then he gave her a protective jade pendant, chatted for a few words, and left.

I almost didn't leave when I left, Mrs. Lan was so sticky.

When he returned to the main courtyard, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, I really admire the original person. He is simply a master of time management. He handles so many mundane tasks every day, and he can still pamper the one hundred and eighty beauties in the backyard...

Thinking of the pile of books in the study, he really wanted to abdicate in favor of others.

Yunfei thought about it seriously and felt that it was not impossible.

Throw this mess out to the people of the Mies family, take his wife and children out to buy a big house, and buy a thousand slaves to train.

With his cheats, the family he established is not as strong as the Mies family.

In other words, they are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, but they can choose some followers with good character and good intentions to take away.

With such an acre of land, apart from working and being the head of the family, there is really nothing to fight for.

There are so many people who want to kill your children every day so that they can inherit...

And if he builds his own power, he can get a few more shares, let the children divide it among themselves, manage it by themselves, and be responsible for their own profits and losses.

It can exercise children's abilities and liberate themselves, which makes me feel comfortable just thinking about it.

He wakes up earlier than a chicken and goes to bed later than a dog. He quits!


After thinking about it, Yunfei ordered his servants to prepare several buckets of bath water, and then began to prepare for the marrow washing.

In any case, strength is the most important thing.

After he swallowed a marrow-cleansing pill, he endured all kinds of numbness and pain without saying a word.

In this sitting, two hours have passed.

It wasn't until he felt that the effects of the medicine had worn off that he jumped into the bathtub and washed himself three times.

The moment he washed it off, he felt the fresh feeling emanating from this body from the inside out.

It seems a lot younger.

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