Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 684 The protagonist of the waste material flow is actually my "son" 10

Chapter 684 The protagonist of the waste material flow is actually my "son" 10
After dealing with Zhuangzi, I have to discuss the family competition with the elder. I really don't have a moment to spare.

By the time we went to Liuhuayuan for dinner, it was already a little late for lunch.

Yunfei survived the surprise. Anna and Jin Sheng had been waiting for him, but he probably wouldn't be hungry. After all, there were snacks and fruits.

"Let's eat. If I'm late next time, just eat first and ask the kitchen to send me some."

"It's okay. It's not too late for us to wait until the master of the house comes to eat. Thank you for your hard work." Anna thoughtfully laid out the dishes for him next to him.

"Sit down and eat together, and take a nap afterward."

Anna blushed when she heard that he was going to take a lunch break here.

She is not the kind of stunning beauty. She has the Western blood of the city lord's palace, and her facial features are relatively deep.

He is less talkative and more polite, so he is not liked by his original self.

He married her because of his family background, and later treated her well because his only son was born to her.

But Anna is a more traditional lady. She has never thought of leaving her original body and returning to the city lord's palace.

Even if the original person doesn't like it, all he wants to do is how to please him.

For the woman in the backyard, she may feel sour but not jealous.

An An Fenfen should be a generous mistress.

So in the next life when Jin Sheng was reborn, she didn't leave Casa City even though she was liberated.

After she buried all the members of the Mies family, she joined the religion, devoted herself to spiritual practice, served the gods and atone for the sins of her children.

I have never left the small auditorium on the outskirts of the city in my life.


After waking up, Yunfei took Jin Sheng to the study.

He put the spirit-detecting ball into Jin Sheng's hand.

The transparent sphere itself was instantly filled with gold. The gold-type single spiritual root was much more talented than the original body.

Yunfei breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the spiritual roots. After all, if there were no spiritual roots, he would have to keep buying equipment for Jin Sheng.

He doesn't care about these resources, but Jin Sheng probably doesn't like hiding in a safe area.

Deep down, he wants to become stronger than anyone else. He wants to be as powerful as he is and to be as powerful as external objects. After all, it is a bit frustrating.

Speaking of being powerful, he felt that the skill book in his hand was quite suitable for Jin Sheng.

That is Sword Cultivator. In the world of cultivation, when it comes to being strong and getting stronger when strong, Sword Cultivator is definitely the one.

The metal spiritual root is even more compatible with the sword.

"Jin Sheng, are you afraid of hardship?"

Jin Sheng didn't know why his father asked, but he still shook his head firmly.

The pain of the body is not as painful as the insult of the soul.

He didn't even think about seeking death due to such insults, so how could he be afraid of suffering.

"Well, take this technique back and memorize it for me, and this jade ring. You can shed your blood to recognize its master."

Drop blood to recognize the Lord?

Jin Sheng was a little surprised. Something that requires a drop of blood to identify its owner must be of a high grade, right?
But the jade ring was simply strung with a red rope, and there was no enchanted magic crystal on it, which made him a little uncertain again.

The magical weapons in Xizhou Continent are all classified according to their enchantments.

For magic weapons without magic crystals, the lowest level is the green level.

The yellow step can be inlaid with one.

Orange level two.

The red level can be inlaid with three pieces.

Seven holy steps.

There are also explanations for the grade and attributes of magic crystals, and different combinations may produce special effects.

What effect the weapon will have after it is not enchanted can only be known after it is successfully refined.

There is no template to apply.

And the spiritual weapon that can be used to identify its owner by dripping blood must be at least yellow level, so Jin Sheng was surprised when he looked at the jade ring without enchantment.He took the dagger from Yun Fei, cut his finger and dripped blood on the jade ring.

Only after the drip was finished did I remember why he had subconsciously obeyed...

What if my father wanted to use his blood to do some magic...

Yunfei didn't know what he was thinking was so outrageous, so he only explained: "This is a storage spiritual weapon, and you can use it after you introduce the energy into your body.

Put the skills away and don't be discovered. I have placed several spiritual swords for you in the jade ring. Starting from tomorrow, every morning, swing the swords a hundred times. "

After all, the child is only five years old, so it is not okay to exert too much physical strength.

And Jin Sheng was already stunned by the words about storing spiritual weapons.

What?A magical storage weapon that is not common even in first-class cities?

A magical storage device that the Mies family couldn’t afford even if they lost all their money? ? ?
Is my father sure he is not dreaming again?
Could it be that something went wrong in his training and it affected his brain? When he thought about it, he looked at Yun Fei suspiciously.

Yunfei thought he was doubting why he was so good to him, so he mentioned, "Your elder sisters and younger sisters have them."

Jin Sheng is a bit speechless...

"Father, have you seen a doctor recently?"

"Huh? Why should I see a doctor? Don't you see that your father has become much younger? He is in very good health."

Not only did he not notice it, but Jin Sheng noticed that his father seemed to have suddenly become much younger.

"Have you broken through the sixth level?"

Yun Fei didn't answer this question. Just kidding, not only did he fail to break through the sixth level, but he also abolished the original fifth level, okay...

His current strength can be considered to be at the second level at most.

But he doesn't panic, he spends money, and if he has a lot of equipment, he can build a turtle shell.

"Okay, don't waste time. Go back and memorize the exercises for me. Wait for the family competition in a month and go on stage to defeat those who bully you."

Jin Sheng:…………

"Father, let me go find the housekeeper and ask a doctor to come over and take a look, right?"

This is really hysterical!

Not only did he fantasize about having four priceless storage artifacts, but he also fantasized about his good-for-nothing son winning the family competition in a month...

He himself didn't dare to dream like this.

"Don't worry about it. Just memorize the exercises and draw the Qi into the body. There are still a hundred swings of the sword. Don't be lazy. Go back."

Jin Sheng hesitated to speak, but turned around to leave.

Just when he was about to close the door, he warned me again, "Father, you'd better go see a doctor!"

After saying that, he quickly closed the door and ran away.

He felt that he was really challenging his father and actually dared to question him...

Yunfei, who was suspected of being mentally ill, was already laughed out of anger.

It's okay. If nothing goes wrong, with Jin Sheng's talent, he can draw Qi into his body in less than three days. By then, he will know whether there is something wrong with his brain.


In the evening, the two sisters finished their family studies and were called to the study by Yun Fei.

He did not take out the spirit-detecting ball immediately, but asked Lynn, "What do you think if your father decides to take you away from the Mies family?"

"Did the second uncle and the third uncle start a fight?"

Yunfei neither nodded nor shook his head.

Lynn said with a little sadness: "My mother and I naturally have home wherever our father is.

It's just that my second uncle and third uncle are afraid that they won't let us go, and they might exclude our family.

Moreover, if you leave the family, it will be difficult to obtain the resources needed for cultivation, which may affect your cultivation, father.

There is also the body of my younger brother. If I need the treasures of heaven and earth, I also need the news of the Mies family and a large amount of gold coins..."

In short, Lynn feels that it is not wise to leave the family at present.

(End of this chapter)

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