Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 698 The protagonist of the waste material flow is actually my "son" 24

Chapter 698 The protagonist of the waste material flow is actually my "son" 24
The juggling is also pretty good to watch, and the performers are low-level spiritual masters, so there are some magical shows mixed in.

They spent the afternoon shopping in the streets and bought a lot of specialties, ready to go back and give them to their families.

Then he went to Wanbao Trading Company.

It is indeed a big trading house. The people who are shopping in the building can tell by their clothes that they are either rich or noble.

Next to each customer is a maid introducing the products.

Seeing Yun Fei and others come in, a maid immediately came forward to greet them, "Dear guests, would you like me to introduce the products?"

"Just take a look first."

"Okay, guests come this way. The things on the first floor are relatively basic, including medicine powder, low-level magic weapons, etc.

The ones on the second floor are more suitable for guests on the 4th to 7th floors, while the things on the third floor are more precious and rare.

If you want to buy a storage magic weapon or a flying magic weapon, you need to wait until the auction in two months. "

Not every issue of the auction will have these two kinds of spiritual weapons, but the next issue will happen to have these two kinds of treasures.

The trading company has already begun to promote the company, so it doesn't matter if the maid tells the news.

Yunfei: "Let's take a look at the second and third floors."

The things on the first floor can be bought even in third-class cities, but the things are just not that complete.

"Okay, distinguished guests, please come with me." The maid maintained respectful etiquette and led them upstairs.

After all, we are opening a store in the main city, and the etiquette of waiters and maids in basically every store is up to standard.

Even though they are dressed in rags, they will politely come forward and ask if they need any help.

Normal beggars don't have the guts to come to such a luxurious place and act arrogantly. Who knows if those who dare to come are some wandering people experiencing the power of life?
Therefore, Wanbao Trading Company's reputation has always been very good.


"Guests can take a look. As for armor, we have a new set of leather armor made of exploding tiger skin, which is enchanted with one earth attribute and one fire attribute magic crystal.

The local seventh-level spiritual master's attack is not a problem, even the eighth-level one can block a blow. "

"There is also this bracelet, which is very suitable for this lady. It is the work of Master Lingyue. Although it is only inlaid with three third-level earth attribute magic crystals, it can play the role of sixth-level armor."

Because it is on the second floor, everything is on the 4th to 7th floors.

Yunfei didn't seem to be as strong as he was when he first came to this plane, so he didn't have any ideas.

Then the group went to the third floor.

The things on the third floor are really good, but the prices are also high.

Yunfei can make many things by himself, and the effects are better, so there is really nothing to buy.

But after being introduced for so long, he still picked out a few things and bought them.

For example, spell cheats and so on.

These things will come in handy if you go to a magic plane in the future and cannot use cultivation techniques and items.

After thinking that he was not short of gold coins, Yunfei bought a few more.

I bought a staff with various attributes on the second and third floors.

I thought about the armor and bought a few sets.

He didn't buy the medicine powder, which was less effective and contained more impurities. He has advanced medical skills and can recognize herbal medicines in any plane he goes to.

I also bought some special gadgets.

For example, magic ice machines, fans, heaters, lanterns, etc.

These things are not very expensive.

I also took down a lot of things from the first floor. I might be able to use them, but it doesn’t matter if I don’t use them. I can just keep them as gifts or something.

Yunfei's habit of saving things has never changed.

As long as there is enough space, plastic bottles should also be placed, leaving them for water, sand, or various other things.

Have money but don't waste it.

Be frugal but not stingy.In order to take the children to have fun this time, he had already prepared money.

I refined five 5-square-meter storage rings and sold them to several first-class cities in exchange for a large amount of gold coins.

To be honest, he doubted that the storage artifacts that Wanbao Trading Company said would be auctioned in the next issue were the five he took out.

But it didn't matter whether it was or not, he was too lazy to bother with the auction.

So it was sold at a fixed price.

One 5000 million gold coin was exchanged for a total of [-] million gold coins.

After checking out today, 3000 million gold coins were spent directly.

Even the maid responsible for entertaining them did not expect it.

Suddenly rich, she was stunned by the surprise. The customers on the third floor were still showing a lack of interest, so she thought they would not buy anything.

Unexpectedly, the twists and turns...

After all, this is a trading house, not an auction house. People who can spend [-] million gold coins at a time are really rare.

Even if a big family purchases it, it won't cost so much.

After calculating the account with trembling hands, the maid hurriedly bowed and said: "Thank you for your consumption, distinguished guests. Your purchase amount is large. Our firm will give you a product as a gift. Do you have any other items you like?"

"Then let's take the ruby ​​necklace on the third floor."

Yunfei didn't like it at first, but since he wanted to give it away, he would choose the most expensive and most beautiful one among the remaining ones.

"Okay, our people are already packing as soon as possible. The guests can sit down and have a cup of tea first."

Then the maid came again soon, and she respectfully handed a jade card to Yunfei.

"Dear guest, this is a VIP jade token given to you by our firm. With this jade token, you can participate in every auction at will without an invitation letter.

You can also go to any branch of Wanbao Commercial Bank to reserve goods first or post a task to find a certain product. "

Yunfei asked: "Can I give it to others?"

"Yes, we only recognize cards, but if you need it, you can also only recognize people."

"I get it, thank."

"You're welcome, distinguished guest, so I won't disturb you."

When the maid left, she was still sighing in her heart, this distinguished guest is so friendly.

I really hope we can have more customers like this.

"Jinsheng, Lynn, is there anything else you want to buy?"

Both shook their heads no.

They didn't lack anything, they just picked out one or two items that they were interested in, but didn't buy anything.

As for gifts for their families, they did not plan to ask their father to pay for them, but planned to use their own pocket money, so they did not choose anything for their families.

Yunfei chose a lot.

After shopping, we arrived at the third must-visit place.

Watch the lanterns and listen to ditties on the cruise ship.

The evening breeze was blowing, and the waves were rippling on the river. The lanterns all around were of various shapes, and they were so beautiful.

Occasionally, one or two relatively exquisite flower boats will pass by, and you can see beautiful men and women singing and dancing.

There is also a melodious voice singing a unique ditty, and Wu Nong's whisper is very pleasant.

There are also ships with several red lanterns hanging on them with the words "Grocery Ship" written on them.

It will approach passing cruise ships and ask people on board if they need to buy anything.

There are food, drinks, musical instruments, lanterns, pens, ink, paper and inkstones for purchase.

It was the first time for the two children to see this kind of extravagant entertainment at night, and their eyes were dazzled.

(End of this chapter)

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