Chapter 18 The Bamboo Demon Qinglan
"I heard that going down the mountain can earn points."

Zhou He looked very excited. This was the first time he went down the mountain to practice after coming to the sect.

"That's right, the level of points will be divided according to the level of the evil spirits. With the points, you can go to Gongshan Hall to exchange for spirit grass and spirit stones."

As a senior brother, Li Yuan naturally has to worry a lot.

"Although there are many brothers and sisters on this trip, remember not to act recklessly. If you are in danger, it is important to save your life."

When parting ways with Shen Yu and the others, Li Yuan gave them a few escape talismans.

Although eliminating demons is important, your own life is even more important.
In the middle of the night, dozens of disciples of Guiyuanzong went down the mountain with their swords, heading towards various places of commotion.

Ji Qingyou followed Li Yuan to Yancheng.

There were 11 people who came with them, among them, Chang Xuejiao was the highest, followed by Li Yuan.

"Daoist priests, you have worked hard to go down the mountain all night! Come on, please come inside!"

Chang Xuejiao was dressed in purple, holding a spirit sword, and walked in the front in a heroic manner. Seeing the city lord coming out to greet her, she hurriedly bowed to salute.

"Does the city lord know, what monster is doing evil?"

"It's not very clear yet. All I know is that within half a month, all the deceased hanged themselves in a bamboo forest. When they were found, they were naked and covered in whip marks."

"Is the body still there?"

"Yes, they are all placed in the government morgue."

"Go and see first."

Under the leadership of the city lord, Chang Xuejiao and her party came directly to the morgue.

The six corpses were all men. Although there were welt marks on their bodies, their internal organs were all there.

Most of the evil spirits kill people for the sake of cultivation, but their internal organs have not been dug out, and their bodies do not appear shriveled after the essence energy has been sucked dry.

This incidates that……

"Why are you so sure that it was done by evil spirits? Is it possible that it was man-made?"


The mayor's tone was very firm.

"I have had people check them one by one. Since the accident in the bamboo forest, no one has dared to go there."

"Moreover, there are eyewitnesses to prove that these dead people entered the forest by themselves, as if they were bewitched."

Chang Xuejiao checked the corpse again, then said.

"There are still a few traces of demonic energy left on the corpse, the murderer is undoubtedly a demon, what do you think, senior brother?"

After pondering for a while, Li Yuan expressed his doubts.

"If it's a demon, what is her motive for killing people? The essence and internal organs of these corpses are still there."

"Do evil spirits need a reason to kill?"

When the word "yaoxie" was mentioned, Chang Xuejiao looked disgusted.

"Maybe it's just because of being unhappy for a while, or because...she enjoys killing people."

Li Yuan looked at the city lord and said bluntly.

"Where is that bamboo forest?"

"I'll have someone take you there."

The city lord was timid and afraid of harming himself, so he sent the guards around him to guide them.
The Green Bamboo Forest is in the northwest corner of Yan City.

The forest is quite big, and the further you go in, the more evil it becomes.

"Everyone follow closely, don't leave alone!"

Chang Xuejiao and Li Yuan, one walked in the front, and the other walked in the back. Among the group, they were the two with the highest cultivation, so they naturally had to shoulder the responsibility of protecting everyone.

"Where is the evildoer, don't show up quickly!"

In the silent night, the moonlight was bright and clear, and the lush bamboo leaves swayed with the wind, making rustling sounds, which made the whole bamboo forest even more eerie.

"You are for those few..."

A woman in green clothes suddenly walked out from the depths of the bamboo grove, her voice was as cool as water, with a touch of sharpness.

"An unfilial and unrighteous heartbreaker coming?

The person who led the way was so frightened that he lost his soul, screamed, turned his head and ran back.

Chang Xuejiao raised the lantern and looked at it, and saw the banshee in a green shirt, with three thousand black silk hanging down softly in front of her body, her palm-sized face with extremely delicate features, if she hadn't smelled the evil spirit on her body, she would have thought she was Which fairy is it in the sky?

"Those people, did you kill them?"

The evil spirits are so cunning, Chang Xuejiao immediately drew her sword in a posture of defending against the enemy.

The banshee Yoyo asked back.

"They don't honor their parents, they don't raise their children, they are unfaithful to their wives, they are unrighteous to their friends, and they have taken several lives on their hands. Don't they deserve to die?"

Chang Xuejiao didn't know the past of the deceased, nor did she care.

"Even if they deserve to die, it's not your turn to send them to hell!"

"So, you are in charge of this nosy business?"

"Killing pays for life, you will die today!"

Chang Xuejiao threw the lantern away, immediately drew out her sword, and stabbed at the banshee.

"Junior Sister Chang, don't underestimate the enemy!"

Li Yuan has always been cautious in doing things, seeing Chang Xuejiao rushing forward recklessly, he could only follow closely behind and give her a helping hand.

The banshee's eyes turned cold, and the bamboo forest blew up in an instant. The falling bamboo leaves turned several times in the air, and immediately turned into sharp weapons, flying towards Chang Xuejiao and the others.

Chang Xuejiao resisted with her sword.

The bamboo leaves collided with the blade of the sword, making a clanking sound.

Chang Xuejiao still underestimated the enemy, a bamboo leaf ran across her cheek, leaving a bloodstain.

"Place up!"

The evil formation requires only eight people.

As the disciple with the lowest cultivation base, Ji Qingyou took the initiative to give up her position.

Formation is naturally more powerful than personal skills, and Gui Yuanzong's most famous formation is the evil formation. The higher the cultivation level of the person who forms the formation, the greater the power of the formation.

Both Chang Xuejiao and Li Yuan were at the Spiritual Silence Realm, and the other six were also above the Alchemy Realm. If the banshee on the opposite side had a cultivation below the Demon Infant Realm, they would have no choice but to catch them.

But Ji Qingyou had a hunch that the banshee in front of her... was not low in cultivation.

"Evil Punishment Formation! Arise!"

Eight sharp sword qi slashed straight at the banshee.

Seeing this situation, the banshee showed no fear and did not panic at all.

When the sword energy gradually approached her, the bamboos in the forest suddenly began to shift, and the speed became faster and faster. Hundreds of bamboos instantly became her shield.

At the same time, more and more bamboos surrounded the few people who were in formation.

The bamboo in the front row split at the sound, and the bamboo in the back row immediately replaced it.

The two fellow students next to Ji Qingyou wanted to help, but they were too timid to step forward, and finally pushed her up.

Feeling the restlessness of the little guy in her arms, she hurriedly comforted her.

"Hey, stay in the bag, don't help without my permission."

Ji Qingyou didn't intend to kill demons, the banshee in front of her was not bad enough to make her want to kill.

But in front of so many fellow students, she had to put on a show.

"Little girl, you are not my opponent, and I don't want to kill you. I'll try to persuade you fellow disciples later. It's better to let go of some trivial matters! See you next time, I won't be so magnanimous!"

The banshee turned around to leave, but Ji Qingyou hurriedly chased after her. Before she could get close to her, she was sent flying two feet away by a palm wind.

There is a slight pain in the chest.

The cultivation base of this banshee is far above the demon baby realm.

Ji Qingyou spit out a mouthful of blood pretentiously.
After the banshee disappeared, the bamboo shield scattered and returned to its original position in the blink of an eye.

Chang Xuejiao's small face was injured by several bamboo leaves. At first glance, it looked disfigured.

She gripped the hilt of the sword tightly and stomped her feet angrily.

Li Yuan saw Ji Qingyou lying on the ground at a glance.

"Little Ten!"

He approached quickly, and while helping her up, he said with concern.

"Is the injury serious?"

Ji Qingyou shook her head slightly.

The two disciples who 'assaulted' on her earlier pointed their finger at her.

"Aren't you very powerful? Don't you have Lei Gong's protection? When you dealt with that banshee just now, why didn't you ask Lei Gong to help you! Or are you letting that banshee go on purpose!"

(End of this chapter)

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