Chapter 29 Shen Yu Was Arrested
Ji Qingyou followed in.

The furnishings in the room were quite simple. Shen Yu was sitting cross-legged on the bed, concentrating his energy and practicing. The smell of delicious food did not entice his taste buds. He was still sitting there, motionless like a mountain.

Mei Yao put down the dinner plate, turned around to Shen Yu, knelt down, and begged very humblely.

"Shen Lang, why don't you eat all the time? If you want to escape from here, you have to be alive."

Shen Yu slightly closed his eyes, without any intention of opening them.

Mei Yao wasn't angry either, she lay half on the side of the bed, resting her chin with one hand, just looking at Shen Yu, her eyes full of admiration.

"Shen Lang, when you are alive, you have to enjoy yourself in time. If you only focus on cultivation, how boring life is!"

Humans and monsters have different paths, they are not suitable to be together at all, and it is not beneficial to each other's cultivation.

Ji Qingyou didn't show up, she felt that there are some things that need to save face for others.

She exited the hut, used the teleportation technique, moved one mile away, and then released Qing Lan.

"Bring her here."
In the blink of an eye, the plum demon chased Qing Lan out, and when she saw Ji Qingyou, she was wary.

"Are you here to look for Shen Lang?"

Since Ji Qingyou showed up in Zongyi, she was not afraid of being recognized by her.

"A twisted melon is not sweet, what's the point of keeping him by your side so forcefully!"

Mei Yao is full of confidence.

"He doesn't accept me now, just because I'm a demon. I believe that as long as I treat him sincerely, in time, he will definitely like me!"

"I'm afraid... you won't have this chance."

As soon as Ji Qingyou finished speaking, the dragon-binding rope in her hand went directly to the plum monster, so fast that the plum monster couldn't even react in time.

"This...what is this!"

Ji Qingyou walked slowly to Mei Yao and said softly.

"If you don't commit any crimes, I can let you live."

Mei Yao begged aggrievedly.

"Can you not take Shen Lang away?"

Ji Qingyou sneered, laughing at Mei Yao's innocence.

"Go back and let me go, don't mention me!"

"I won't let go!"

Ji Qingyou flipped her right hand, and the Taomu sword immediately pointed at Mei Yao.

"It seems that you would rather die?"

"Sister, save me!"

The twins have telepathy, and after realizing that the younger sister is in danger, the older sister appears immediately.

In Merlin, a gust of wind suddenly blew up.

The blood-red plum petals rolled directly into the air, quickly approaching each person and bamboo with great power.

Ji Qingyou didn't panic at all.

"Tie the dragon rope, go!"

The dragon-binding rope that originally bound the younger sister immediately dragged her to her side. When the dragon-binding rope bound the two sisters together, the plum petals that attacked Ji Qingyou instantly lost their power and fell to the ground.

The elder sister is very knowledgeable about current affairs, she is devoted to cultivation, just to become a fairy, and she is about to break through the realm of the demon, she is not willing to return to the dust like this.

"My sister and I have never harmed anyone, so please spare our lives."

Ji Qingyou raised her eyebrows slightly and sneered.

"Haven't harmed anyone? Imprisoning others and depriving others of their freedom, isn't that a disaster? My brother is still in your sister's residence!"

My sister immediately assured Ji Qingyou.

"As long as the elder lets us go, I will immediately send the person out safely, and I promise that I will never step out of this forest before I cross the catastrophe and become a fairy!"

Ji Qingyou didn't intend to put them to death at first, so after taking back the dragon-binding rope, she turned and walked outside the plum forest.

"Don't mention me in front of him!"

"Thank you Elder for not killing me!"

After regaining her freedom, the older sister immediately dragged her younger sister, knelt down on the ground, and saluted in the direction Ji Qingyou left.
Not long after Ji Qingyou returned to Fengmian City, Shen Yu came back.

He didn't say a word about being imprisoned in Meilin by the plum demon, he only said that he was seriously injured by a few little demons on the day he disappeared, and he returned immediately after he healed his wounds.

Now that Shen Yu has found it, there is no need to keep the water demon in the 'room'.

The demon pill of the water demon went directly into Xiao Hei's stomach.

And the ice green sword held by the water demon went directly into her 'spiritual weapon storehouse'.

"People are dead in Yushui City! The head told us to gather downstairs!"

Ji Qingyou was drawing a talisman in the house, and then was called out of the house by the elder brother.

"What did the demon do?"

"It's not clear yet."

Downstairs, Chang Hai was discussing this matter with several elders. They suspected that even if the evil spirit in Yushui City was not the water demon, it must have something to do with her.

"Let's act together, take care of each other, and try not to be alone."

After a few words of advice to all the disciples, Chang Hai took the lead to stand up with the sword.

All the disciples followed closely behind, and they arrived at Yushui City in the blink of an eye.

It was learned that the deceased were two women, only twenty-eight years old, with beautiful looks, who had been tortured before their death. When they were found, they were covered in scars and their clothes were scanty.

The demonic aura on the deceased's body has not dissipated, and the murderer is most likely a lecherous male demon.

The toad demon began to play to her strengths again.

"As far as I know, there is no male monster in Yushui City, unless this male monster just takes shape."

If the shape is rigid, it means that the cultivation level is not high.

But she was so cruel when she first became a spirit, this monster must not stay!
The monster search talisman led everyone to Merlin outside the city.

Ji Qingyou's eyes changed.

This case is related to those two plum demons?

A mighty group of people suddenly visited Merlin, which naturally alarmed the owner here.

But it was not the two plum demons who came out to 'greet' them, but a male demon with a face like a crown of jade, holding a jade fan in his hand, like a handsome young man in the world.

"I'm not interested in men, keep those two beautiful ones, and I'll spare your lives!"

"you wanna die!"

Chang Suining couldn't hold her breath at all. Holding the spirit sword in her hand, she stabbed directly at the male demon. As a result, before he even got close to him, he was blown several feet away by a strong wind.

"Place up!"

Chang Hai and several elders immediately set up an evil formation.

After several rounds of confrontation, both sides were injured, but the male monster was obviously slightly better.

"You want to put me to death just a few times out of the Aperture Realm? If you want to kill me, call the elders above the Composite Body Realm in your sect!"

As soon as the male demon used the jade fan, hundreds of peonies flew towards the elders!

After several more rounds of sparring, the elders were already a little bit powerless.


As soon as Chang Hai gave the order, all the disciples supported each other and planned to withdraw from the Merlin, but Chang Xue, aunt and nephew were suddenly swept in front of the male demon by a gust of evil wind.

"Father, save me!"


In the blink of an eye, the male demon disappeared in front of everyone with his aunt and nephew.



Ji Qingyou chuckled in her heart. It seems that being ugly also has its advantages.

Chang Hai knew that he was no match for that male monster, so he turned around and asked Ji Qingyou.

"Ji You, can you send a message to Lei Gong on my behalf, as long as he can send Xuejiao and Suining back safely, I would like to set up a golden body for him and offer incense to him for the rest of my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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