She was bound to win the immortal system at the beginning!

Chapter 41 Step by step orchid cultivation method!

As the saying goes, if you sharpen your guns before the battle, you will be happy if you are unhappy.

Lu Changhuan retreated immediately.

One close is nine days.

When she came out of the space, she had learned [-]% of the step-by-step Shenglan Gongfa.

Outside Zuimo Pavilion, Mo Chenyao had been waiting for her for a long time: "Chang Huan, follow me to the Shangqing Hall."

Lu Changhuan was very worried. After she got closer, she probed in a low voice: "Master, what's important?"

Mo Chenyao replied: "Sui Ning has been tied up for nine days, and has also been punished in the Discipline Hall. The dragon-binding rope should be taken back."

Lu Changhuan had long forgotten about this matter: "Oh."

At first, she just wanted to punish Ji Suining a little bit, but she forgot about it as soon as she retreated.

When she arrived at the Shangqing Hall, she didn't see anyone she wanted to see.

Mo Chenyao: "There is a rat demon in Jingcheng making trouble. If there are no accidents, Junior Brother Shen should be able to come back before the sect meeting."

Lu Changhuan: "Oh."

The three-day deadline has come, and it is unknown how the system will separate her and Shen Yu.

Inside the Zixia Pavilion, Ji Suining was losing his temper. When he saw her coming in, his eyes burst out with anger: "Lu Changhuan! You must have done it on purpose! You deliberately retreated for so long, making me a joke!"

Lu Changhuan immediately took back the binding dragon cable: "You can do such things as drugging Shen Yu, but you are afraid of being laughed at by others!"

Ji Suining knew that he was not Lu Changhuan's opponent, so he didn't dare to act rashly again: "I have written down the humiliation today, and you will pay it back a hundredfold in the future!"

Lu Changhuan said provocatively: "Then I will wait for my aunt in Taicheng Hall, I hope my aunt won't make me wait too long."

After coming out of Zixia Pavilion, Lu Changhuan was about to take a look at Shen Yu's room, and then saw a dozen disciples descending with swords, and the leader was a man whom he hadn't seen for several days.


Shen Yu saluted Mo Chenyao first, and then shifted his eyes to Lu Changhuan, his eyes were as cold as the twelfth lunar month.

Lu Changhuan was stared at and trembled.

I always feel that this is a harbinger of the coming storm.

Mo Chenyao: "Master is going out, you guys wash up and go directly to Shangyuan Hall to help."

All disciples: "Yes."

After Mo Chenyao left, Shen Yu directly brought Lu Changhuan to the back mountain.

"Uncle, do you miss me?" Lu Changhuan grinned at him, raised his foot and wanted to throw himself into his arms, but in the end, he held his sword against his neck, "What is your purpose of coming back to Yuanzong! "

Lu Changhuan's heart skipped a beat. It seemed that the system had already taken action: "You still don't believe me."

Shen Yu's hand holding the sword trembled slightly: "Your father has surrendered to the Nine-Tailed Fox and Yuemei, right?"

Lu Changhuan was startled: "If I say that I don't know, can you believe it?"

After a few breaths of silence, Shen Yu asked instead of answering: "You came to Yuanzong to return to Yuanzong under the order of your father, right? You came to help the demon world to pacify the cultivation world! You let me go out of the valley, and you came to Yuanzong in the name of Yuelao , it was all designed by you!"

Lu Changhuan's heart choked, he didn't believe her.

That's right, they've only known each other for a few days, and, in his heart, she was a woman full of lies, so it's normal for him not to believe her.

She has nothing to be sad about.

"Since you have determined that I approach you for some other purpose, I don't want to give any further explanations. You can expose my identity to your master right now, and we will make a clean break!"

Shen Yu and Lu Changhuan stalemate for a moment, and finally withdrew the long sword.

"I... believe you again."

Lu Changhuan let out a long sigh of relief, but she knew very well that Shen Yu didn't really believe her, and he might just be reluctant to let it go.

"I was born to my father and a servant girl. Although I was born with a spiritual root, it is the most useless pseudo-spiritual root. My father threw me behind the Xianglan Palace and never asked again. As for my Brothers and sisters, if you are not from the same mother, how can you really like me?"

"It is also because I am ignorant and useless that I have survived until now. I hate them to the bone, so how can I help them help the evildoers?"

"Besides, I have so many magic weapons in my body. I could call myself a king, so how could I be so stupid as to be inferior to others?"

"Shen Yu, whether you believe it or not, I came back to Yuanzong because of you! Today, you doubted me, and I am very sad. If there is another time, we will never live together again!"

Shen Yu bowed his head and admitted his mistake: "Sorry."

Lu Changhuan didn't want to waste time arguing with him. She took the risk of restarting the plot because she was greedy for his beauty and wanted to have an unforgettable love with him.

Lu Changhuan raised his foot and stepped forward, warning: "Just this one time, never again!"

Shen Yu had a complicated mood: "Yes."

Lu Changhuan raised his head and asked with a smile, "Did you miss me?"

Shen Yu looked away: "Yes."

Lu Changhuan stood on tiptoe, raised his arm, and directly wrapped his arms around his neck, forcing him to look at him: "Kiss me."

Shen Yu looked around and said in a deep voice, "The younger brothers are practicing swords nearby."

Lu Changhuan snorted coquettishly: "We are Taoist couples, what are we afraid of! They can only be envious when they see it!"

Shen Yu frowned: "It's a bright day, it's not appropriate to do this kind of thing."

Lu Changhuan retorted: "When you pressed me under you that day, it was also a bright day, so don't say it's indecent!"

Shen Yu was speechless: "..."

Lu Changhuan urged: "Are you going to kiss me or not!"

Shen Yu hesitated for a moment, and finally lowered his head to touch her lips, and they parted instantly.

Lu Changhuan gave him a charming smile: "You want to send me away like this? Have you heard a saying? Xiaobie is better than a newlywed! You are so indifferent to me, I reasonably suspect that you want me to be your Taoist partner just because you want to be responsible to me That's all!"

Shen Yu had no choice but to take her back to his bedroom.


After burning a stick of incense, Lu Changhuan saw Shen Yu's eyes sparkling with desire, retaliated and pushed him away, and then threw him a book.

"This exercise, you study it first, I will wait for you at night."

Shen Yu glanced at the book cover, and the blush instantly spread to the roots of his ears: "Tomorrow is the sect meeting, how is your swordsmanship?"

Lu Changhuan: "It's not that good."

Shen Yu probed her cultivation base, and it didn't increase at all: "You have just established the foundation, and the person who is looking for you to compete with must be at the same level as the foundation establishment. Even if you lose, the injury will not be too serious."

Lu Changhuan: "But I don't want to get hurt."

Shen Yu sighed helplessly: "Then put on the Wan Dao clothes."

Lu Changhuan muttered: "This is cheating, right? Uncle Shi, you always value principles, why are you making an exception this time?"

Shen Yu reached out and pinched her face: "What do you think?"

Lu Changhuan suddenly asked curiously: "Master, what do you like about me?"

Shen Yu muttered to himself, as if asking himself: "Yes, what do I like about you?"

Lu Changhuan taught him: "You should answer like this, I like everything about you."

Shen Yu laughed: "Why are you so narcissistic?"

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