Both Mo Chenyao and Shen Yu knew about the fact that the elders in the sect colluded with evil spirits, and they even had someone to suspect, but they suffered from insufficient evidence.

Ji Yuandao, their most respected master, is their primary target of suspicion.

Lu Changhuan was surprised that Shen Yu didn't shy away from her. After all, she was suspected of helping the evildoers. Seeing that he believed in her so much, she decided to help them: "I have a way to save her!"

Shen Yu and Mo Chenyao looked at her at the same time: "What way?"

Lu Changhuan raised his chin slightly, and said mysteriously: "To deal with a villain like Ji Yuandao, of course you can't use the gentleman's way!"

Mo Chenyao looked at her suspiciously: "... Changhuan?"

Lu Changhuan showed surprise on his face: "Master, you recognized me!"

Mo Chenyao looked at her, then at Shen Yu: "You..."

Shen Yu explained: "I believe her."

Mo Chenyao nodded: "Her nature is not bad."

Lu Changhuan was very surprised. He was surprised by Shen Yu's trust in her, and also by Mo Chenyao's attitude towards her. Doesn't he hate evil spirits the most?

Lu Changhuan was so moved that tears almost filled his eyes: "Don't worry, just because of your trust in me, I will definitely help you rescue Uncle Jiang!"

Shen Yu was worried about her because she was very unreliable: "What plan?"

Lu Changhuan replied, "Pretend to be a ghost."

Shen Yu is simply a roundworm in her stomach: "You want to pretend to be Uncle Ji?"

Lu Changhuan's eyes flicked back and forth between the two of them: "But I haven't seen what Uncle Ji looks like, you two... who will change his face first?"

Shen Yu didn't move.

Mo Chenyao sighed softly, seemingly helpless.

He silently recited the face-changing formula, and in the blink of an eye, a handsome young man turned into a young lady.

Lu Changhuan exclaimed: "Everyone says that Uncle Ji is beautiful, it seems that his reputation is really well-deserved."

Mo Chenyao changed back again: "Master, really beautiful."

Lu Chang said happily, although the book didn't mention this mensao, but she always felt that Mo Chenyao had longing for his uncle when he was young.
Lu Changhuan used the invisibility talisman and the face-changing talisman at the same time, and teleported directly to Zixia Pavilion.

Ji Suining hasn't slept yet, she is sitting on the couch, playing with the spiritual weapon in her hand, she seems to be in a good mood, there is a female disciple standing in front of the couch, she seems to be called Yao Yue, she has been with her for several years.

"How will the head deal with Jiang Wanqiu?"

"According to the sect's rules, those who collude with evil spirits will be deboned and lost their souls. This time... she was completely defeated."

Ji Suining was very gloating, Lu Changhuan was a demon, and Jiang Wanqiu colluded with the demon, and it was very satisfying to eliminate two rivals in a row.


A familiar female voice suddenly sounded from the room, and Ji Suining sat up straight in fright. At first he thought it was an auditory hallucination, but Yao Yue's reaction...

"Who is pretending to be a ghost? Show up quickly!"

"Suining, come here and be safe."

Lu Changhuan appeared, and she appeared in front of Ji Suining with Ji Qingyou's face, her long hair was loose, and her purple Zongyi was stained with blood.

Ji Suining was dumbfounded by the scene in front of him.

"you you……"


Yao Yue also met Ji Qingyou, and she screamed in fright.

Lu Changhuan threw the four talismans at the two of them respectively, and stopped talking.

"Sui Ning, uncle thinks he treats you well, why do you want to harm me? You know that I was framed, but you don't even let Xiao Ke burn me a piece of paper money!"

Ji Suining turned pale with fright, opened his mouth wide, but couldn't make a sound.

Lu Changhuan stood still in front of Ji Suining, she looked at her with dark eyes.

"Haven't you always been jealous of me? Jealous that I'm more talented than you, jealous that I'm prettier than you, jealous that I'm more popular than you, so when you find out that your father is in collusion with evil spirits and privately manipulated the great demon in Wuwang Tower , You feel that the opportunity has come."

"You took advantage of my weak spiritual power after crossing the catastrophe, fed me the demon pill, let me breed demon energy in my body, and forcibly pinned the crime of colluding with demons on my head."

"And these scars on my face, do you still remember how they came from? In the soul-elimination formation, everyone has a sword, and only you, with three swords in a row, swung the sword at my face."

"Do you think that my soul will return to Liuhe at that time, so I can humiliate me unscrupulously? But you are wrong, my life will not be accepted by Pluto, and everything will not be accepted!"

Lu Changhuan bought a heart-wrenching pill, fed it to Ji Suining, and then possessed Yao Yue.

"Ji Qingyou is back! She came back to seek revenge from the head!"

After Lu Changhuan ran out, he pretended to be shocked, and yelled when he met someone.

"She was framed by someone back then. The person who really let go of the big monster in the tower was the head. Elder Li didn't abscond in fear of crime. He was locked up by the head!"

"Junior Sister Yao, don't talk nonsense!"

"I'm not talking nonsense, Junior Sister Ji, Junior Sister Ji is already crazy!"

Hearing that Ji Suining has gone crazy, naturally no one cares about her anymore, they all ran to Zixia Pavilion.

And the rumors about Ji Yuandao's collusion with evil spirits and framed his master spread like wildfire, and it didn't take long for it to spread completely throughout Guiyuanzong.

Ji Suining was indeed crazy, she knelt down for a while, and yelled for a while.

"Uncle, I didn't mean to harm you. It was my father who forced me. It was he who colluded with the nine-tailed fox demon and wanted to unify the six sects!"

"Please, don't scratch my face!"


Ji Yuandao heard the confusion, and there was no trace of panic on his face. A real strong man can completely control his emotions.

"Where is the evildoer, dare to go up to my son! Don't show up quickly!"

Ji Yuandao directly used the evil-killing formation towards Ji Suining, and after a while, Ji Suining passed out.

"Send people back to the house, and send more people to watch!"


The rumors spread more and more, and Ji Yuandao, as the person involved, seemed unreasonable not to give his disciples an explanation.

So the next morning, disciples from all halls gathered in Shangyuan Hall.

Ji Yuandao's explanation is very simple: "If the evil spirits want to unify the Three Realms, they must first cause chaos within all walks of life. They deliberately stir up conflicts, create conflicts, and then disintegrate the sect's interior bit by bit. We must not be fooled!"

At this time, Shen Yu took the lead to stand up: "Master, I don't understand one thing. Even if Master Ji really deserves to die, it's fine for her to die alone. Why did Master want to kill more than 300 people in Wangchun Valley? Turning Wangchun Valley into my sect's spiritual grass plantation! This kind of demonic behavior is hard for disciples to understand and agree with!"

After Shen Yu finished speaking, everyone was in an uproar, because only a very few people knew about this matter.

"Wang Chungu was slaughtered?"

"People break the law, at most they will be punished by the nine clans. How can the neighbors and villagers be blamed!"

"To be honest, I still don't quite believe that Uncle Ji will collude with evil spirits. She is such a nice person, she even saved me before."

Ji Yuandao naturally refused to admit it, because the spiritual herbs in Wangchun Valley had not been recorded at all, and they were all swallowed up by him.

"Where did Ah Yu hear the news? Ji Qingyou is certainly guilty, but it's not a disaster for her family, let alone her fellow villagers. I have never sent anyone to slaughter Gu, and I don't know what's going on in Gu Zhong."

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