"Second Highness, no matter what you say, the child was born through hard work by His Highness, you..."

Yue He, the servant girl of Baihua Palace, knelt directly in front of Huarong, but Huarong kicked her away before she finished speaking.

"...You can't take her away!"

Huarong walked up to the nanny, glanced at the baby in the swaddle, and snorted coldly.

"A half-human, half-demon thing doesn't deserve to stay in the Valley of Thousand Flowers!"

Huarong said that she was going to pick up the baby, but it was a step too late.

"Old witch, one can attain the Tao with a kind heart. If you are so cruel and merciless, let alone ascend to the Nine Heavens, it will be difficult even to be a loose immortal."

"Where did the wild child come from!"

Huarong turned her head when she heard the sound, and saw a boy about four years old standing in front of her. Although he was young, he looked quite calm. The crying baby stopped crying immediately in his arms.

"My name is Hua Xuanlin. My mother is lying on the bed, and my younger brother is in her arms. If you want to bully them, you have to ask me if I agree with you first!"

Although Hua Xuanlin was small, he had a strong aura, and when he stood there, he seemed like the little head of the Hundred Flowers Palace.

Hua Rong sneered when she heard the words: "Another bastard has appeared! You are not a small one! I want to see what kind of abilities you have, how dare you speak wild words!"

The beauty gathers Qi, and palms out.

The palm wind hurt the servants nearby, but it stopped suddenly in front of Hua Xuanlin.

Huarong turned pale with shock: "How is that possible!" In the next second, she was sent flying a foot away by a strong force.

Hua Xuanlin was holding the baby, and looked coldly at the terrified Huarong: "An evil beast in the world of monsters, how dare you yell at me!"

After Huarong got up from the ground, she asked him loudly: "Who the hell are you!" How could a kid of three or four years old have such a high level of cultivation!

Hua Xuanlin didn't bother to pay attention to her, but went straight to the bed, sat down on the side of the bed, and directly held Lu Changhuan's little hand.

"Mother, do you want to see my younger brother? He is very beautiful, like a doll."

Huarong wanted to make a sneak attack, but was hit by Hua Xuanlin's palm against the wall, and then, with a bang, fell heavily to the ground.

"I'm in a good mood now, so I don't care about it with you, but if you dare to provoke me again, although I'm not interested in the demon pill under the demon baby realm, I don't mind treating it as an appetizer!"

Huarong knew that she was no match for Hua Xuanlin, so she immediately went back to recruit soldiers.
Lu Changhuan's mind was a little confused. After the system issued the mission to her, she realized that she had transmigrated into a book, a female cannon fodder who had never lived Chapter 2.

The female cannon fodder's private life is chaotic. Although she has two sons, she doesn't know who the son's father is.

Yue He said that she just went out for half a year, and when she returned to the valley, her stomach was already enlarged. As for the child's brother, it was the first time they saw her.

Lu Changhuan looked at Hua Xuanlin, and then at the newborn cutie...

Unexpectedly, she would have a day of being a mother without pain.

Well, since it's here, let it be.

Her most important task now is...to find a good match for Shen Yu.

"How old is Da Yu now?"

Yue He: "Return to Your Highness, it is now the 36th year of Da Yu Zhen Yuan."

Lu Changhuan murmured: "The 36th year of the True Yuan?" In his memory, it seemed that it was the 35th year of the True Yuan when Shen Yu was abducted into the valley by 'her'.

Lu Changhuan asked again: "Last year, did I snatch a monk from Gui Yuanzong into the valley?"

Yue He: "Yes, but, His Highness benevolent, finally let him go."

Lu Changhuan was taken aback: "Let go? Then did he come back to seek revenge on me?"

Yue He: "No."

Lu Changhuan heaved a sigh of relief, that is to say, she won't survive Chapter 2, and she has passed it safely.

Yue He: "Your Highness, I'm afraid Second Highness won't let it go. Otherwise, you can take the child out to hide for a while."

Hua Xuanlin frowned, and said displeasedly: "Why are you hiding! With me here, my mother and younger brother will be fine!"

Yue He is still a little worried: "The cultivation base of the Second Highness is not high, but the cultivation base of the First Highness has reached the state of distraction, and the cultivation base of Hua Wang and Hua Hou has also entered the realm of demon riding Now, if you make another breakthrough, you will not be far from flying!"

Lu Changhuan glanced at the space in the system, and with a thought, she entered the space with Yue He and the two little babies.

Yue He looked surprised: "What kind of place is this?"

Hua Xuanlin replied: "Xanadu, hide here, no matter how powerful they are, they won't be able to find us."

Yuehe's eyes flashed brightly: "There is so much aura here!"

Hua Xuanlin said: "It's more than abundant? The spiritual plants and beasts here, eat them, and their cultivation will greatly increase!"

Lu Changhuan turned around in the space and found that there were farms, pastures, houses, servants and cooks.

There are many magic weapons in the warehouse;

In the supermarket, there are a variety of natural treasures on display;
Looking at the bank again, the balance actually has nearly 700 million high-level spirit stones!
Could this system have been bound when the original owner was still alive?
Lu Changhuan lay on the bed, studied the system for half a day, then spent 200 million high-level spirit stones to expand the space by another 2000 square meters, and then spent more than 100 million high-level spirit stones to buy some rare animal cubs.

She also spent all the manpower and material resources required for the expansion of the farm and ranch.

Lu Changhuan was not in a hurry to do the task, but confinement in the space for a month, eating delicacies from mountains and seas every day, her waist was obviously fatter.

If the task arranged by the system had no deadline, she would have liked to keep doing it badly, but there was no if.

"Mother, look, my brother smiled at me."

Hua Xuanlin was teasing his younger brother, Lu Changhuan looked at the two brothers with a complicated mood.

She accidentally saw Xuan Lin's real body, a black dragon!
In other words, Xuan Lin's father is a dragon!

But Xuan Ye is a human being!
The two brothers turned out to be of the same mother and half father... Lu Changhuan was in a mess!
"Let's go, I'll take you out of the valley for a few days."

In order to complete the task, Lu Changhuan had to take the whole family out of the space.

Seeing her 'return', the old slave of Baihua Palace rushed forward to report: "Your Highness, Kao and His Royal Highness have come down, they asked you to go to Wanhua Palace after returning to the palace."

Lu Changhuan didn't have the time to talk to them, and planned to leave Wanhua Valley with the child in his arms, but was stopped by His Royal Highness Hua Yin.

"Hua Yan, you are really getting more and more unruly now!"

"Rules? What is that? In my world, my rules are the rules!"

The man in front of him was beautiful, even more beautiful than a woman. Lu Changhuan had to admit that the genes of the Hua family were really good.

"Go back and tell Father Emperor, just say, since my daughter is so annoying to him, then she should sever ties with me!"

This month, she didn't just act badly, she understood everything that should be understood.

The original owner had lost her biological mother since she was a child, and she was neither valued by her father nor loved by her brothers and sisters. Many servants in the palace were arranged by the Queen of Flowers by her side. She seemed to linger in the flowers and was very playful. Lonely.

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