Chapter 68 The Finale
After the battle, Qing Lan and the others returned to Lingmai Mountain.

Lu Changhuan glanced around but didn't see his younger son, so he asked Shen Xuanlin, "Where's younger brother?"

Shen Xuanlin: "Still in Yaozhuang."

Lu Changhuan was about to leave the valley to find his younger son, when he saw the younger son returning with a man.

"Mother, I saw a handsome guy outside, so I brought it back for you!"

When Lu Changhuan saw Shen Yu, his pupils trembled.


Wearing a black cloak, Shen Yu glanced at the scenery in the valley, and finally set his eyes on Lu Changhuan's face.

"Tell me how you came back from the dead."

Lu Changhuan bared his teeth and sneered, and when he told a lie, his face didn't turn red and he couldn't breathe.

"Ah? This... Yuemei lied to you, I didn't die at all... I was just seriously injured, and I was so neat not long ago."

Shen Yu said indifferently: "Oh, is that so?"

Lu Changhuan winked at his son, signaling them to leave for a while, and after they left, he walked up to Shen Yu shyly: "I originally planned to go to the Devil Realm to find you in a few days."

Shen Yu's eyes froze: "Haven't you already been there?"

Lu Changhuan's eyeballs rolled around twice quickly, feeling extremely guilty: "Master is really good at joking, I just came out of retreat not long ago."

While talking, Lu Changhuan secretly looked at Shen Yu's expression, seeing that he still had a cold face, and when he was thinking about how to coax him, his body suddenly hung in the air.

"Master, Master!"

Lu Changhuan was startled, and in an instant, she was carried into the hall by Shen Yu.

After a few minutes, the bed curtain began to shake slightly.
After the reunion, Lu Changhuan was wiped out by Shen Yu in such a daze.

"Master~ I couldn't save you from Yuemei, would you blame me?"

Lu Changhuan felt that he couldn't die, because Shen Yu still wanted to sleep with her, which proved that he still cared about her.

Shen Yu closed his eyes slightly: "I know that you have more than enough heart but not enough energy."

Lu Changhuan asked curiously, "Then you and that vixen... have you paid homage?"

Shen Yu suddenly opened his eyes, and looked at her coldly: "What do you think?"

What Lu Changhuan actually wanted to ask was whether the two of them had a bridal chamber, but he felt that it was a little inappropriate to ask: "Haha, that, no matter whether you have physical relatives or not, I will not dislike you."

Shen Yu snorted coldly: "Do you think I will let her insult me?"

Lu Changhuan stammered: "Of course not, but you and her are so different in strength after all. By the way, you suddenly fell into a demon, is it really because of me?"

Shen Yu: "Don't put gold on your face."

Lu Changhuan pouted, and in order to compensate Shen Yu, she directly gave him a super-high-level lightning protection umbrella: "This thing cost 98 high-level spirit stones."

Shen Yu: "What's the use?"

Lu Changhuan: "It can resist all thunder disasters in the Hollow Realm."

Shen Yu: "You should keep it to yourself."

Lu Changhuan: "If you don't accept it, then I will give it to someone else."

Shen Yupi replied with a non-smiling smile: "You can give it a try."

Shen Yu finally accepted Lu Changhuan's gift and lived in Wanhua Valley.

Because the two of them gathered all five seven-star beads, they practiced extremely quickly, and within two years, they had already entered the tribulation-crossing state.

It only took Shen Yu a few months to slaughter the demon world, and Yuemei was not spared.

Since then, he has retired from the Three Realms and led Lu Changhuan to live in seclusion.

(End of this chapter)

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