Chapter 7
Ji Qingyou's group ranked No. 18 when they got the flag and returned to the starting point.

"Eighteen? It's over, it's over, we're done."

"I asked Zhou He and his group, they didn't encounter any beasts at all, why are we so unlucky?"

After all 22 groups came back, Elder Ding Hua announced the result of the competition.

"The last assessment, No.1, group 22."

As soon as Elder Ding Hua finished speaking, everyone's eyes focused on Ji Qingyou's group.

Some were surprised, some were puzzled, some cheered, some were frustrated.

"Elder, we are obviously the first group to come back!"

"Yes, elder, did you make a mistake!"

Elder Ding Hua did not immediately answer everyone's questions.

"Does any of you know what the third test is about!"

Jiang Su held his head high, and answered with confidence.

"The test is unity, and the test is unity. I guess the reason why the elders judged our team to win should be because our whole team came back together."

"That's right, before the assessment, I told you that everyone should help each other."

Elder Ding Hua nodded appreciatively.

"When a powerful enemy stands before you, you cannot fight alone, but if you are united, it is possible to defeat him."

The final result is set.

Although Ji Qingyou's group won No.1, not all members were promoted. People like Chen Yufei were not on the list because they were too selfish.

"Elder, I want to report Ji You!"

"In order to win, she didn't care about my life or death at all. My leg injury was not very serious. After being dragged back by her, my leg could no longer move!"

Chen Yufei was a little reconciled, so she started jumping over the wall in a hurry.

Ji Qingyou didn't panic at all, and she didn't immediately stand up and explain, because she expected that someone would explain it for her.

"Elder, she was the one who first suggested that we leave Ji You alone. Ji You repaid her grievances with virtue and helped her back, but she is so ungrateful, which is really infuriating."

"Elder, I can also testify for Ji You."

At this time, the testimony of others is obviously more convincing than the defense of the party concerned.

Elder Ding Hua looked cold.

She winked at her disciples, and Chen Yufei was dragged away.
This year's apprenticeship assessment has finally come to an end.

The three people in 410, including Ji Qingyou, stayed in Guiyuanzong.

"In three months, the elders will have to verify their capital and accept disciples. With my appearance, I guess I can only be a handyman disciple in the outer sect."

"What's wrong with being a handyman's disciple? After three months, if you still can't draw Qi into your body, then you won't even have the chance to stay as a handyman's disciple."

"Avon Court? This is it... Wow, the environment is not bad."

Ji Qingyou followed a group of female disciples into the Avon Pavilion.

There is a lot of space in the room, and a bed is placed against the wall, about several meters long, enough to sleep a dozen people.

As for her, she likes places with light, so she immediately set her sights on the place by the window. As a result, as soon as she settled down, someone came to ask her to change places.

"You, get up, I want to sleep here!"

Ji Qingyou raised her eyes upon hearing the sound, and saw a pretty woman in a pink shirt slightly raising her chin, giving orders to herself.

In fact, if the other party's attitude can be better, or there is a reason why she has to sleep by the window, she doesn't have to dominate this position and not change.

But she had a bad tone and a very arrogant attitude, which made her a little upset.

"What if I don't let it?"

"Do you want money? Ten taels, that's enough!"


"Too little? A stinky beggar, who grows up so big, I'm afraid he has never seen so much money? I advise you to accept it as soon as you see it!"

Ji Qingyou narrowed her cold eyes.

Although she was dressed plainly and seemed to be from a poor family, even if she really didn't have enough to eat and became a beggar, it was not a reason for others to entertain and humiliate her.

"Take your money and get out!"

"Ten taels are not enough, so I will add another ten taels for you. As for humans, it is normal to be greedy, but if you are insatiable, it will be disgusting!"

"I said, take your money and get out!"

"If I give you money, it's for your face. Don't be ignorant! Today's position, I want to reserve, you have to let it go, and you have to let it go!"

It's not that Ji Qingyou has never seen arrogant people.

The one in front of him, relying on his family's power and power, is domineering outside, he is simply stupid and unaware.

"You want me to move? That depends on whether you have the ability!"

"You still dare to provoke me? I think you are toasting and not eating fine wine... Ah, it hurts!"

The person who was very crazy one second, was kicked to the ground by Ji Qingyou the next second.

"This is Guiyuanzong, not your family. If you want to be the boss here, it's useless to rely on money, you have to rely on cultivation!"

Ji Qingyou just entered the sect, she didn't want to cause trouble, and she didn't want to be the focus.

But the other party obviously didn't intend to let her go. After getting up from the ground, she just glared at herself angrily, gritting her teeth and uttering harsh words.

"You, you wait for me!"
"Why are you messing with her? Do you know who she is? Her name is Chang Suining, and she is in the same family as the head of the sect. Be careful, she will wear small shoes for you in the future."

Chang surnames are rare, and Ji Qingyou had guessed it a long time ago, but forbearance is not her character.

But when others kindly reminded her, she naturally wanted to appreciate it.

"thanks for reminding."

"My name is Zhang Xiaoyue. I was in the same group as you before. If it weren't for you, I might have been eliminated long ago."

Zhang Xiaoyue is not tall, but she is white and fat, with a thick voice.

"I think you are a very nice person, and you are also a heavenly spirit root. If you leave here because you offended someone, it would be too worthless."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Ji Qingyou actually didn't want to make enemies for herself. Her current cultivation base was not high, so to provoke Chang Hai was undoubtedly hitting a stone with an egg.

But she is not afraid of things.

If Chang Suining really came to rescue the soldiers, then she could only play by ear.
Newcomers start a three-month study.

They get up at Mao time every day and rest at Hai time. During the eight hours, apart from eating and studying, they are doing tasks and practicing.

The so-called task means that in addition to completing internal affairs, he also needs to listen to the arrangements of the steward and go to various departments to help.

"Ji You, Zhang Xiaoyue, you two clean the room, and the rest follow me."

This arrangement, at first glance, seems to be no problem.

But an ominous premonition suddenly rose in Ji Qingyou's heart, and this premonition lasted until the lunch break.

"Who moved my cabinet! The panacea in my cabinet is gone!"

Chang Suining's scream successfully attracted everyone's attention.

"Missing it? Are there still things missing in the sect? You need to look for it!"

"The cabinet is so big, how can I find it! Whoever steals it, you'd better hand it over to me. If I find it... Have you heard of the Discipline Hall in the sect? People who go in don't take off a layer of skin." come up with!"

Some people began to cooperate with Chang Suining in acting.

"Who cleaned the room today?"

(End of this chapter)

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