His words immediately resonated with the other monks.

"Yes, I also remembered when you said it, those people are indeed a bit more powerful than the monks in Tianshu City who were assistants before.

Not easy to deal with! "

"That's why I think we can face them as enemies.

Secretly exchange things with them.

Let's exchange the spirit grass for the elixir they have refined.

Only in this way can we strengthen our own body. Only when our demon cultivators become stronger and stronger, those human cultivators will not dare to make mistakes. "

She also asked to stand up against it.

"What do you want me to change?

Kill them directly, isn't their stuff all ours? "

Tang Wuyou asked him back,

"Can you kill all the human beings?
If you kill all the cultivators, who will refine the elixir for us?

Can you practice by yourself?

Not to mention that there are so many people cultivating people, they will definitely not be able to kill them.

Rather than being unable to kill them, it is better to make false claims with them.

Anyway, those cultivators are all very hypocritical! "

"It's the most hypocritical of those people.

When I think about doing business with people who are so hypocritical, I have no idea.

I'm afraid they're mixing some kind of mess with the ammunition. "

Tang Wuyou: ...

Can I still add food additives, monascus, and sodium nitrite to you?

"You don't want them to know that you are a demon cultivator?
What are you afraid of?
If we really let them know that we are demon cultivators, we will still buy their things.

Then I really can't tell you what to add to it!

So we must not let them know that we are demon cultivators! "

After everyone heard her words, several people nodded, "That's indeed the case."

It was originally a meeting to exchange the demon emperor's apprenticeship, but suddenly it became a meeting to exchange how to make a deal with Renxiu.

Tang Wuyou and the others were on the side, talking about how to avoid them, so that people would not recognize them as demon cultivators.

Many demon cultivators came over to listen to them.

Tang Wuyou knew a ghost!

She was just talking nonsense.

But she saw that many demon cultivators were interested, so she continued.

That old man over there is the demon emperor himself.

They all looked towards Tang Wuyou and the others with great interest.

Tang Wuyou suddenly had an idea, whether the demon emperor wanted to recruit disciples because he wanted to achieve such a goal.

Let the human cultivator and the demon cultivator make a deal in private.

What about the strong demon cultivator?
She thinks it is very possible, of course everything is just her guess.

Finally the old demon emperor spoke.

"You have said so much, the old man just listened to it.

Since you want to do business with Renxiu, why don't you form a caravan so that Renxiu won't know that you are demon cultivators.

In this way, won't you be able to do business with Renxiu openly and aboveboard?
To form another force, it is said that it was hard work to get it out of this monster clan.

Saying that you have a way, in short, is deceiving people to cultivate.

Let them not know that you are demon cultivators, so they can do business with you. "

Tang Wuyou thought about it, isn't this very similar to the smuggling in the previous life?

It's just that smuggling is a serious man Xiu gets things from Yaoxiu.

They are demon cultivators who get things from demon cultivators and sell them to others.

And it was aboveboard, so people wouldn't know that they were doing business with demon cultivators.

After understanding these points, she had a rough guess in her mind.

On the surface, the demon emperor said he was recruiting disciples, but in fact he wanted to find someone to organize such a force, right?
Tang Wuyou immediately agreed with his words.

"For the sake of seniors, your words won my heart deeply.

Then I have always wanted to form such a force, but no one supports me.

The elders in the clan said that I could not do this.Don't let me do it.

No one wants to support me, and I can't do it.

Senior, why don't we partner up?

Everyone, if you have not been selected by the Demon Emperor as apprentices this time, why not join us too!
We do business together. "

All the demon cultivators had weird expressions when they were fooled by her words.

Thinking whether to join or not to join?
The old man transformed into the demon emperor on the opposite side also twitched. This girl is not born with such a familiar temperament, is she?
Not bad!
Then he nodded and said:
"Yes, I like it."

What I saw was getting more and more strange.

He rode Juechen in a direction that Feixue Fox Demon couldn't control.

Feixue fox demon has a strange expression.

She felt that he couldn't wait any longer, and if he waited any longer, she didn't know how many demon cultivators would be won over by her!
"Everyone, you don't know yet!
She is actually a human cultivator, not a demon cultivator at all! "

When everyone heard what she said, they all looked at Tang Wuyou in surprise.

Tang Wuyou frowned slightly, knowing that this banshee was not a good person.

It seems that he realized that he was not a demon cultivator early in the morning, so he deliberately lured himself here.

"Sister Feixue, what are you talking about?
I am a fox clan in Qingqiu!
Why do you say I'm not a fox demon? "

Fisher sneered:

"I have a rare treasure to detect human cultivation and demon cultivation.

If you are not a demon cultivator, I can check it out.

So my judgment is not wrong, you are indeed human. "

She said to the demons:
"Everyone, don't be fooled by her.

What set up a caravan, what set up a force, it is because she wants to lie to us! "

Tang Wuyou looked at Feixue in surprise and said:
"You really disappoint me.

We walked all the way and you suspect that I am not a demon cultivator, so why did you bring me here?
Just to expose me here to show you can do it?

Then you are totally wrong, I was originally a demon.

If you don't believe me, I can transform into a show for you! "

As Tang Wuyou spoke, she turned around, and the little fox in her arms transformed into Tang Wuyou's appearance and appeared in front of everyone.

But Tang Wuyou hid in the space.

Qing Ran has been witnessing the whole process in Tang Wuyou's arms, and now she looks at Fei Xue coldly.

The nine long tails were shaking, and they raised their hands and slapped Feixue's face.

"Low-level fox clan, you dare to doubt my nine-tailed fox clan.

Can you slander our noble blood? "

Fei Xue was slapped and froze for a moment.

"How is it possible! You, you are that fox, not her?"

Qingran herself imagined a little fox holding it in her hand.

"Who says I'm not? I am!"

The old man in the form of a demon emperor just noticed the fluctuation in space, his eyes flashed golden, and he looked at the little fox Qingran whose face was still Tang Wuyou's.

He walked out with his hands behind his back and said:
"The old man can testify that she is the person just now, not some cultivator but a fox demon.

I didn't expect that people from the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan would come over today when the Demon Emperor accepted his disciples.

Little girl, come with Lao Fu! "

He let go of his aura as he spoke, and everyone knew that he was the Demon Emperor.

Immediately, the demon cultivator beside the demon emperor rushed over.

"Greetings, Lord Demon Emperor!"

The old demon emperor looked at the little fox with Tang Wuyou's face on his face and said:

"What you just said is very good, now go with the old man."

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