Chapter 420 Cleared
"Returning to this senior, we were in the Dark Cloud Valley before."

When the Mahayana monk heard the words Wuyungu, his face became slightly dumb.

"It turned out to be Wuyun Valley, which is one of the top ten forbidden places in the spirit world.

Unexpectedly, there are monks among them. "

Tang Wuyou smiled lightly and said:

"That's right, our village has been cultivating in the Dark Cloud Valley, and we can't go out.

It was because the second prince accidentally fell into our Wuyun Valley, which gave us a chance to get out. "

Hearing her say that, the Mahayana monk nodded. He had heard about it too.

I heard that the second prince Ruijin fell into Wuyun Valley, and then brought out the private soldiers in Wuyun Valley.

From his point of view, what kind of private soldier is this?
If the second prince had this thought, he would have secretly trained these people to the Mahayana stage.

Where will it be released now.

"The old man sees that the five of you practice different ways.

It is really rare!

Oh, by the way, I haven't congratulated the six little friends for their successful advanced fusion. "

Seeing him like this, several people also cupped their hands at the same time and said:

"Happy together."

Among them, the cultivator who crossed the catastrophe saw several people in the main room looking at them and said:

"The old man sees that the six little friends have just entered the fusion, and their cultivation has already stabilized?
Could it be because of the exercises? "

This time, Wu Jian Dao was speaking:

"Senior is right, our exercises may be a little special.

But it was still because the amount of rain falling this time was six times that of ordinary Gan Ninglin.

So it will have this miraculous effect, right? "

Hearing what he said, the monk nodded and thought about it.

How can normal rain fall so much?
It was the first time he saw the six of them crossing the catastrophe.

In the spiritual world, there really isn't an example of six people crossing a catastrophe together.

“Before that, there was no reference.

Alas, I knew that if these six people crossed the catastrophe together, the rain would be six times as many.


Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the cultivator who was on the side.

The cultivator who crossed the catastrophe gave him a white look

"Don't even think about it, where can you find six people who will go through the tribulation at the same time?

How can it be so accurate? "

The monk who crossed the catastrophe was right.

He rolled his eyes and said:
"You old guy, I just think about it and let people think about it?"

The cultivator who crossed the catastrophe and this one seemed to have been friends for many years, and they spoke freely and casually.

"Hahaha, I'm afraid that you will go find a few monks who want to go through the catastrophe together, and insist on letting them go through the catastrophe together."

"Go, am I that overbearing?"

The cultivator who crossed the catastrophe introduced Tang Wuyou and the others.

"My Taoist name is Mo Yan, and this old boy's Taoist name is Mo Yu.

He was so greedy that he insisted on having the same Taoist name as me. "

Hearing what Mo Yan said, Tang Wuyou and the others also laughed.

The Mahayana monk said:

"The old man's Taoist name, Qingtian.

Now that you have successfully passed the tribulation, the old man will go back and continue to retreat! "

Although what he said is a bit like, he helped them to cross the catastrophe.

But Tang Wuyou and the others don't have anything to worry about if their cultivation base is there.

Mo Yan, Mo Yu, the two great powers who have crossed the catastrophe, also said:
"Then we also went back to retreat, thanks to your blessings, our cultivation has loosened a bit.

If you need help with anything in the future, let me know, and I will never refuse to help. "

Hearing what he said, Tang Wuyou and the others responded with smiles, and watched the two leave.

Then there are two monks who have survived the catastrophe.

These two fit monks can be said to be the veteran fit monks in Tianshu City.

After all, before Tang Wuyou and the others entered the fusion period, only the two of them were in the fusion period in the entire Tianshu City.

At this time, there were six more monks in the integration period, and the two looked at each other.

Say hello to Tang Wuyou and the others

"Under Qianxuan."

"Ming below."

Tang Wuyou saw that they only reported their family names first, and they also reported their own Taoist names, so the two could be regarded as acquaintances.

It's just that they haven't spoken yet, Taoist priest said early in the morning:

"Congratulations to the six fellow daoists who have successfully advanced to the fusion stage!

Really gratifying! "

His tone was somewhat reluctant, Tang Wuyou and the others could naturally hear it.

But who cares about his emotions?
Fairy Jiuxiao on the side also stepped forward and smiled and said:
"Congratulations to the six fellow daoists who have entered the integration period."

Several people spoke in unison.

"Happy together!"

Because after they entered the body-fit environment, the rain that fell was absorbed by monks who absorbed the rain, which was also beneficial.

Even being able to use this to improve a small realm is not a happy event.

"In this way, there are only eight fit monks in our Tianshu City.

I don't know if I can report it to the above.

After all, our Tianshu City doesn't seem to need so many fit monks. Let's see what is scheduled above. "

Tang Wuyou frowned upon hearing this.

Isn't this to separate them from the brothers and sisters?
What is this man thinking about?

Then he also said:
"I don't think this should be necessary?
After all, in several other cities, there should also be monks who have advanced to the integration stage.

Or does Fellow Daoist Qingchen think we're an eyesore and doesn't want to see us anymore? "

Daoist Qingchen couldn't possibly say yes to her question.

He could only chuckle and say:

No, no, where would it be!
To put it bluntly, we suddenly had six more fit monks here.

If those demon cultivators dare to attack rashly, they will suffer a lot at that time, I am too happy to be too late! "

"Fellow Daoist said so, so we can rest assured."

While they were talking, suddenly a light flew in the sky.

Go straight to where the Mahayana monks are.

Several people looked solemnly at the residence where the Mahayana monks lived.

"Could it be that something happened to the demon cultivator?"

"It doesn't look like there is a change in the demon cultivator.

Yaoxiu has been very peaceful during this time.

Could it be that something happened in the dynasty? "

The two fit monks were guessing, and after a while, the Mahayana monk came out of the cave with a solemn expression.

To Tang Wuyou and the other six, they said:

"Six little friends, please follow me."

Hearing what he said, I saw his brows wrinkled again.

Tang Wuyou's heart tightened, could it be that the next ascension channel will be opened so soon.

Then someone flew up?
What she thought was really good.

That Ruohai Demon Emperor did what he said, and went directly to break through the restriction on the ascension channel that sealed the lower realm.

His actions immediately alarmed several major sects and three major dynasties in the spiritual world.

And then another fight.

If the sea monster emperor opened the restriction on the ascension channel, he would leave after fighting them again.

Not long after that, someone ascended from the ascension channel.

The prohibition on this ascension passage was lifted.

The following monks in the late stage of transforming gods immediately sensed the opportunity to ascend.

One by one, the spiritual power in their bodies encouraged Du Jie to fly up.

Those Mahayana monks from the major sects and the three major royal families frowned and looked at the passageway of ascension.

One after another, lower realm monks popped up, like mushrooms after that, one after another.

In a short time, more than a dozen people have come up.

(End of this chapter)

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