Hearing her words, Daoist Yanzhen laughed.

"What do you mean by that, girl?
Could it be that those of us who are masters are worse than you?

Look at you, this is the back wave trying to push the front wave!
It seems that if we don't cultivate quickly, we will really be left behind by you.

All right, I won't talk to you about these useless nonsense.

That eldest prince dared to force you to swear your heart demon, find a chance to ask him out.

We set up the formation and lead him into the formation.

After detonating the formation again, I don't believe he can still be alive!

Even if there are Mahayana monks guarding him, my formation is still sure, and even the Mahayana monks were bombarded! "

Tang Wuyou likes the confidence of his master Yanzhen the most.

"That would be great, Master Yanzheng, tell me when you have arranged the formation.

This kind of thing can only be done by me, a person who has never sworn a heart demon oath. "

Hearing what he said, Yan Zhen said:
"Then I have to find him a 'Feng Shui Treasure Land', not in a hurry right now.

You cultivate first, don’t delay your cultivation because of such things.

When I find a good place to arrange the formation, we will attack the eldest prince. "

During this period, you must practice hard to improve your cultivation, and don't affect your Dao Xin because of this incident. "

Hearing Master Yanzhen's earnest words, Tang Wuyou nodded while holding the sound transmission jade slip in his hand.

Thinking of himself nodding, Master Yanzhen couldn't see it, so he said quickly:
"Master, don't worry!

We are not little monks practicing on the first day, so we promise not to affect our Dao Xin. "

Hearing her say that, Yan Zhen smiled.

"Yes, it seems that your hearts are very firm."

Tang Wuyou is still a little strange, why are her parents and her brother not there?
Why don't they talk?
Master Changsheng had already gone to choose a geomantic treasure, so he didn't have time to talk to Tang Wuyou.

Tang Mo left the city they were in directly, found a place to dig a cave, and took out the time formation to retreat.

Don't these people dare to bully his sister because of their high cultivation base and Dacheng monk's protection?
When she raises her cultivation level, it will make him dare to bully his sister.

He will make those people pay the price.

Even Lord Ning Shidao was silent, these people were too much.

Most of the monks who have obtained Tang Wuyou's elixir have already entered the integration stage.

It's not enough to just enter the integration period.

You still have to continue to practice upwards, crossing the catastrophe, Mahayana, and monks in the two realms, you can still suppress them to death.

In order not to be suppressed, I can only practice hard.

After Tang Wuyou and the others passed the sound transmission, most of the monks began to leave the city where they were.

In the name of going to kill demon cultivators, in reality it is going to the Hundred Thousand Mountains to find a place to hide.

Tang Wuyou was looking for a geomantic treasure in Yanzhen, and when she was preparing to set up the formation, she sent a voice transmission to the second prince Ruijin.

"Are you still practicing?
Your elder brother has already taken action, but you are still cultivating.

No matter how hard you practice, your elder brother will directly rule the Xingyao Dynasty. "

Ruijin speechless
"What kind of nonsense are you uttering?

As for my elder brother, he can rule the entire Xingyao Dynasty, are you kidding me? "

Tang Wuyou's voice was cold.

"I'm not kidding you, he has already looked for us."

He said about the heart demon oath:

"He wants us to summon all the monks from the lower world of Deadwood to form a force to obey him.

What do you think he wants to do? "

After hearing Tang Wuyou's words, Ruijin really felt the same way.

It's just that when monks fight, they don't look at the number of people, they only look at their cultivation.

If he really wants you to swear that demon oath, then why are you still telling me this?

Aren't you afraid of the demon oath?
Tang Wuyou gave him a white look:
"I must have my own way to escape the heart demon oath!

Otherwise, how could I report the letter to you? Forget it, believe it or not, just pretend I didn't say it. "

Hearing what Tang Wuyou said, Ruijin also became serious.

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just this, it's a little strange.

You have to let me digest it, what does my elder brother want to do with so many low-level monks? "

His cultivation base is low, his cultivation base is low, Tang Wuyou really wants to slap him.

They are all in the fusion period, and they say that their cultivation base is low!
Alas, Tang Wuyou and the others have traveled all the way from the realm of cultivating immortals to the realm of cultivating spirits.

But I don't want the spiritual world to be more involved than the world of cultivating immortals.

She swore to herself that if he reached the Mahayana period, she would not ascend until the last moment of her life.

She wants to enjoy it and lie flat like a salted fish.

"It doesn't matter what you analyze, it's what your elder brother wants us low-level monks to do.

He did find us, and asked us to integrate the forces of the Deadwood Lower Realm for his use.

So I just want to tell you, now I want to practice 886. "

Ruijin frowned, thinking for a long time not knowing what she meant by [-], so she stopped thinking about it.

Instead, he wondered why his elder brother wanted to integrate the monks from the Lower Realm of Deadwood?

After thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't figure it out, but there is one thing, the monks in the lower realm of dead wood, their cultivation speed is really fast.

It didn't take long before they entered the integration period.

If you continue to practice at this speed, you will be able to overcome the catastrophe just around the corner!
Could it be that he is fancying the cultivation speed of those monks in the Lower Realm of Deadwood?

If that's the case, let him come, and he won't force people to swear an oath!
Isn't this a proper way to draw hatred?

So what is this brother going to do?
Forget it, he couldn't figure it out, so he still told his father about it.

Just got up and then paused, if you tell his father about this matter.

Shaking his head, no, maybe his father would praise his elder brother for his vision.

Doesn't that make you look like a waste?

If Tang Wuyou only knew that he was such a waste, he wouldn't even tell him.

"The Feng Shui treasure land has been selected, and there is only one owner left!

When did you trick that eldest prince over? "

Good guy, it has to be the master of his Yanzhen, this speed is fast.

At that moment, Tang Wuyou sent a voice transmission to the First Prince:
"Your Highness, we have discovered an ancient immortal cultivation cave.

I don't know if this matter should be reported to the monks above, but if I know, I should tell you directly. "

Hearing what he said, the First Prince couldn't help but roll his eyes.

He felt that there was something wrong with this female cultivator's mind, wasn't she just telling himself at this time?

"Tell me the address of the ancient monk's cave, and I'll go there right away."

Tang Wuyou hurriedly told him the address of the feng shui treasure that was prepared for him.

After that she had to go there too.

The talismans made by the wishing stars like hers before were quite powerful, so she decided to superimpose them with Master Yanzhen's formation.

This pressure should be greater.

Not long after, the eldest prince arrived with the Mahayana monks beside him.

Seeing that Tang Wuyou was alone, his expression sank.

"How many of them are there?

But have you entered without my consent? "

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