Hearing what he said, what else does Tang Wuyou not understand?

For these demon cultivators, the ten thousand year stalactites can improve their cultivation.

And it just so happens that they don't have many things, but the most ten-thousand-year stalactites.

Those demon cultivators who want to obtain the ten thousand-year stalactites have to find a way to exchange them.

So it is still necessary for her to make this trip.

Tang Wuyou slapped the table and stood up, saying:

"Go, let out the wind.

Let's go to the monk's side again.

After this trip, we have to wait a hundred years before going there.

Anyone who has something good will quickly take it out.

As the guarantor, the Demon Emperor will never leave their things.

I won't sell them at a low price.

This trip is mainly to exchange for Wannian stalactites as the first choice. "

Zuo Ying hesitated.

"Do those monks really have so many ten-thousand-year stalactites?"

Tang Wuyou gave him a supercilious look.

"You don't know that, do you?
To tell you the truth, I searched for the soul of a monk.

From the monk's soul search, it was found that the ten-thousand-year stalactites got as many as a pond at a time.

Think to yourself, how much is that? "

Hearing what she said, Zuo Ying opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"Then what are we going to do in exchange?

Let's just find a way to grab it, okay?"

"Are you stupid?

Do you know that besides the Mahayana monks, there are many monks who have merged and crossed the catastrophe?

Rob?I think you want money rather than life, and you can get it peacefully, so why do you want to get it by violence?
I'm so bored, hurry up and send a message. "

Hearing what Tang Wuyou said, he felt that it made sense!
She immediately went out to spread the news.

Tang Wuyou waited in the room, and after a while, Zuo Ying who went out to spread the message came back.

"Fairy Wu Rui, we have passed the news to you.

They'll be sending over the elixir they want in exchange soon.

This time, in addition to the elixir, there is also a batch of pangolins that the demon cultivators want to exchange for ore.

If they ask about the ore, will you accept it? "

Tang Wuyou nodded.

"Accept! Why not?
I want not only the ore, but even their skins!

Oh, by the way, you can ask the Jiao clan about this. "

"Then, do you want my molted claws?"

Zuo Ying couldn't help asking Tang Wuyou curiously.

Tang Wuyou rolled his eyes at him.

"It's not whether I want it, but whether there are monks who want it.

Is there a market?
Can I finish all the things of everyone by myself?
It's the market!
Take it for sale, what if someone wants it? "

Zuo Ying seemed to have found another way to make money, turned around and disappeared. "

Tang Wuyou watched him run out, and after a while Youshu came in with a bunch of storage rings.

"Fairy Wu Rui, these are the supplies I collected, all of which are to be exchanged for Wannian stalactites."

Hearing what he said, Tang Wuyou's eyes lit up.

"Show me!"

Putting these storage rings aside, she took out a jade slip and began to examine the contents on it.

The words in the jade slips are densely packed.

Tang Wuyou watched from beginning to end, and sure enough, he found that there were many elixir that he needed.

There are even a few pieces of ore.

It happened to blend into his own flying sword to improve his cultivation.

It's been a long time since she went shopping elsewhere.

The sign-in system has been accumulating points because of her practice, but it didn't urge her to sign in.

She is now wandering back and forth between the Hundred Thousand Mountains and the monks, putting the jade slips away calmly.

"Is there any more?

I'll give you another ten days.

It took ten days to spread the news to every corner of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

All the demon cultivators who want to change things will collect their things.

Tell them that with the demon emperor as their guarantor, they will never take anything from them.

After all, we have had a successful experience. "

To be honest, the game is still a bit frustrating.

Fairy Wu Rui.

"Did we collect too much this time?"

Tang Wuyou angrily grabbed the jade slip in his hand and threw it at him.

"Who am I working hard for?
Are you changing things for you?

Although I earn a little from it, don't you earn it?

Don't you know it yourself?
Who would dislike Lingshi earning less?
Besides, I have sales channels, and I have a guarantee from the Demon Emperor.

They dare to hand things over to us, what are you afraid of?
How can you do great things with your guts? "

Seeing that she was angry, You Shu immediately faltered.

"I know, I know, so I will continue to collect it?"

Tang Wuyou waved his hand.

"Go, go, explain it to them clearly, the demon emperor guarantees it!
What are you afraid of?
If I dare to be ignorant, the demon emperor can't chase me for thousands of miles, right?
Hurry up! "

Ten days later, Tang Wuyou looked at the one two three four five on his desk.
Five strings of storage rings, each with twenty pieces.

Add up to a hundred or so.

There are more than a hundred storage rings, and there are spiritual herbs and medicines. If you think about it with your knees, you can see how many there are.

Just like the charter woman's key.

With a wave of his hand, Tang Wuyou put all these things into his pocket.

"Let's go! Let's go and change things over there now."

Hearing what she said, the two demon cultivators immediately went with her to the cultivator's side.

Tang Wuyou didn't notify Ruijin first this time, but kept close to himself and others.

Pick out what you want first.

Then take out what the brothers and sisters want.

Then there is her elder brother Tang Mo, and her masters.

After doing these things, it was the monks who ascended from the lower realm of the dead wood.

After all, they all have stalactites of ten thousand years old.

Not to mention, these things really can't be covered by the monks in the lower realm of dead wood.

Tang Wuyou notified Ruijin to come over for the rest that they didn't need.

Pick out what you want first.

Then take out what the brothers and sisters want.

Then there is her elder brother Tang Mo, and her masters.

After doing these things, it was the monks who ascended from the lower realm of the dead wood.

After all, they all have stalactites of ten thousand years old.

Not to mention, these things really can't be covered by the monks in the lower realm of dead wood.

Tang Wuyou notified Ruijin to take care of the rest that they didn't need.

And also named Wannian stalactites.

When Ruijin came, she complained.

"Sister, what you want are ten thousand-year stalactites, that's not as common as the water in the pond!
If I have ten thousand-year stalactites, what kind of treasures of heaven and earth would I trade for? If I did it in one go, wouldn't my cultivation increase in a hurry? "

Tang Wuyou said worriedly: If you saw the ten thousand year old stalactites and the environment they existed in, you wouldn't want to drink them.

"Then take the pill!

A elixir used by monks from the Nascent Soul stage to the Fit stage.

No matter what kind of elixir, I want all of them, especially those that heal wounds, as well as spirit elixir and the like. "

Ruijin raised an eyebrow.

"Look at the goods first!"

Tang Wuyou threw a jade slip to him.

"Look at what's there first, and then talk about whether to look at the goods."

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