Tang Wuyou was happy.

"If I knew that the system has so many functions after the system upgrade, I would have upgraded you a long time ago.

Look at my spiritual root aptitude, is it going to grow up? "

Hearing what Tang Wuyou said, the system said:
[Good master, the subsequent rewards will be adjusted according to the master's demands. 】

Hearing what the system said, Tang Wuyou continued to play with her virtual image without worry.

"Inside the system, it looks like I'm overlooking the entire Tianshu City from a high altitude."

【Yes Master. 】

Tang Wuyou seemed to get a novel toy, and after playing with it for a while, he waved it apart.

She officially left Tianshu City and started to check in in other cities.

There are a total of ten cities stationed on the border of Shiwanda Mountain, and she has signed in all ten cities.

She had been there before when selling the elixir obtained from the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

But now that the system has been upgraded, she can sign again if she goes again.

It's just not necessary, she plans to go elsewhere.

The spiritual power in her body has reached the critical point of fusion and crossing the catastrophe.

The state of mind still needs to be improved in order to hit the Transcending Tribulation Stage in one go.

So this time she practiced, she planned to do whatever she wanted.

It's a pity that I didn't sign in every place in the world of cultivating immortals before.

This time, she plans to sign in everywhere in the spirit world.

Walk around casually, wherever you go.

After all, she didn't encounter any bottlenecks in her mental state all the way up the practice before.

This time, she suddenly encountered a bottleneck, and she still didn't know how to deal with it.

The advice given by several masters is to go out for a walk, experience some experience and increase your mood.

So Tang Wuyou headed to other places in the spirit world to sign in.

Try to sign the entire spiritual world into her map.

With this great wish, Tang Wuyou started her journey.

Go to a place every day, and don't repeat the same thing every day.

She sat on her Golden Douyun, and stopped to sign in when she passed by a place.

"Does this fellow Taoist want to form a team with us?"

Someone saw Tang Wuyou alone and invited her to form a team.

Tang Wuyou directly waved his hand and refused.

"Thank you for your friendship, I don't want to form a team with anyone."

Hearing what she said, the monk who invited her to form a team had no choice but to give up.

After all, at their level of cultivation, it's normal to be alone.

It's not like those little monks who have to form a team to survive.

After Tang Wuyou signed in there, he immediately went to the second place.

"This friend of mine happened to meet again, do you really not consider forming a team with me?

"Fellow Daoist, I just came out to practice, there is no need to form a team."

Hearing what Tang Wuyou said, he was still surprised and said:
"Huh? Didn't you go to the Yanhuo Mountains?"

Tang Wuyou was quite surprised when he heard that.

"Did something happen to the Yanhuo Mountain Range?"

"I heard that a strange treasure was born on the Yanhuo Mountain Range recently, and many Xiuxi rushed there.

I thought you, fellow daoist, were also going to the Yanhuo Mountains. Why don’t you, fellow daoist, plan to join in the fun? "

Tang Wuyou really didn't plan to go at first, but now, she plans to join in the fun.

Anyway, she practiced everywhere, not where she went.

It's just that she doesn't plan to form a team with the person in front of her.

Because from here to the Yanhuo Mountain Range, she has to walk there bit by bit, instead of flying directly, there is a gap in time.

"Thanks to this fellow daoist for letting me know, I plan to go there now.

It's just that I originally came out to practice, so I didn't go with fellow Taoists. "

Seeing that she had rejected him several times, the monk no longer insisted.

"Forget it, it seems that fellow daoist and I don't have this fate, so I will leave first."

Tang Wuyou said goodbye to him.

The monk also smiled. After the two parted, Tang Wuyou headed towards the Yuanhuo Mountain Range.

From her place to Yanhuo Mountain Range, she originally arrived in one day, but she changed it to sign in three times a day.

Originally, she stopped and stopped along the way, buying some of this and that every time she went to a place.

See if there is anything new.

Then she felt that she was not on the way to sign in, but on the way to eat melons.

The way to eat melons was very joyful. Tang Wuyou heard today that a female disciple of a sect eloped with a monk of another sect.

Then the two sects chased them together and beat the two of them with sticks.

Immediately afterwards, I heard that a male disciple from a certain family climbed onto the bed of the teacher's wife.

Oops, one by one is more explosive than the other.

There is also a nun from the Gu family who gave birth to a child out of wedlock, and then the Gu family bullied the orphans and widowed mothers.

Fortunately, when the orphan and widow were in danger, they blew the suona, and a Mahayana monk stepped through the void and wiped out the entire Gu family.

Not even the dog at the door was spared.

Looking at the pile of ruins in front of him, Tang Wuyou sighed, this is the destroyed Gu family!

When she walked to another village, she suddenly frowned.

"A mere cultivator who turns into a god, dares to make trouble under my nose"

After the words fell, Tang Wuyou had already shot a thunderbolt towards the dark place.

Jinglei directly blasted out an evil cultivator with black air all over his body.

The evil cultivator turned around and wanted to escape after being blasted out. He knew that Tang Wuyou's cultivation base was much higher than his, and he was no match for it.

Tang Wuyou is already a late stage monk at the moment of fusion, and he can easily run away against a monk at the Mahayana stage.

Then don't use her face as a fit monk.

She said why it was so strange to pass by this village. It turned out that this evil cultivator was here.

Absorb the soul power of those low-level monks in the village.

And when she came, most of the spirit power of those low-level monks had been absorbed by him.

In less than ten days, these monks will completely lose their spiritual power.

The soul will also be completely sucked into it by the black soul banner in the sky.

At that time, there is no way to save them, and we can only save them.

It can only be said that these people were lucky enough for her to meet them.

Throw a brick and beat the evil cultivator to death.

Then she raised her hand and shot a few thunderclaps towards the sky.

Wherever the thunder passed, all the formations arranged by the evil cultivator were wiped out.

At the same time, it also smashed the soul sail in the sky.

As the soul banner was shattered, hundreds of spirits flew back into their respective bodies.

For a moment, all the monks opened their eyes, and they were covered in sweat, as if they had been fished out of the water.

Their cultivation bases were not high, and they were around the Foundation Establishment and Golden Core, which allowed the evil cultivator in the transformation stage to succeed.

At this moment, they all flew out of the village and thanked Tang Wuyou in the direction.

"Ready to help."

Tang Wuyou waved his hand and left a sentence.

"Hands up!"

Turn around and fly away.

After flying far away, she took out a copper tile from the Xiexiu's storage ring.

I haven't seen this copper tile for many years. I still remember that there are two pieces in her storage bracelet.

Take out the other two tiles and put this one together. It is a bit miraculous that these three tiles look exactly the same.

Then something even more miraculous happened.

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