Chapter 444

"Sao fox, you dare to use charms on me, I'll kill you! Don't poke your eyes out."

It was the first time that Nine-Tailed Fox was scolded like this, and he didn't feel strange, only angry.

"Come on! Let's see if you die first or I die first!"

As the little fox spoke, her nine tails shook for a while, and she made a mudra with her hands. Halfway through the mudra, she took out a talisman lucky star from the storage ring and threw it over.

It was specially refined by Tang Wuyou, with several layers of superimposed power.

There is no problem dealing with the same-level fit monks.

The chasing wind on the side whined, and a burst of wind blades formed like a tornado, blowing towards the nine-headed bird on the opposite side.

Immediately afterwards, the sharp teeth on his tiger claws flashed, and he was about to go up and fight the opponent.

But with a glance, he saw the array plate thrown out by the little fox, and turned around and ran back after rushing forward.

It was not only him but also Wu Feng who turned around and ran back.

"Little fox thought you were going to use some big move, but turned out to use a talisman. If you didn't say it earlier, it would kill the bird!"

After throwing the talisman, the little fox turned around and retreated.

Seeing them all retreating, the Nine-headed Bird immediately became vigilant and looked at the huge Lucky Star Talisman that was thrown over like a dynamite bag.

For a moment, I wanted to fly away, but it was too late.

As soon as he turned around, the talisman exploded directly in front of him.

In an instant, his whole body was blown to pieces.

The little fox was the first to rush up, and swooped towards the spirit of the nine-headed bird.

"Quack, you want the soul, I want his inner alchemy.

Roast bird meat for Zhuifeng to eat! "

Zhui Feng gave them a blank look, but he really likes to eat roasted birds.

After the three divided the nine-headed bird, they quickly chased Tang Wuyou into the cave.

Inside the cave, Tang Wuyou and the others saw a huge dragon claw.

The dragon claw looked lifelike, it was inside the cave.

The rest of the Dragon Claw is also in the mountain.

"It has the breath of the ancient dragon clan on it, is this really a dragon's claw?"

The cultivator who came in with them looked at the dragon claw, his eyes glowing eagerly.

Tang Wuyou has different opinions.

"Friend Daoist, calm down.

If this is really the claw of the ancient dragon clan, it has been placed in the dangerous place of Longyan for many years, why no one took it away? "

Ye Qingge also said:
"Also, why hasn't this paw been dried after being here for so many years? Or is it revealing the white bones?

I think everyone should be more careful, maybe this is a cover-up. "

Hearing what he said, everyone was extra careful when looking at the claw.

The monk on the side shook his head.

"Do you know what this is the dragon's claw, even if the dragon's claw is put on for tens of thousands of years, it will not dry up and weather as you said.

Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, let me see if it is the claw of a real dragon. "

Seeing that the monk was about to touch the dragon claw as he spoke, the other monks with him immediately stepped forward to stop it.

"Wait a minute, this thing is too dangerous, and I don't know if it is a dragon claw.

If you go up rashly like this and touch something, wouldn't it be harming everyone? "

"Go away! Since you don't believe me, I'll go up and help you find out. What do you mean by blocking me?"

"It's up to us to find out.

How can you be alone? "

Seeing what they were talking about, Tang Wuyou was about to make a move, and retreated calmly with his brothers and sisters.

Let these people fight first, and they will reap the benefits when the time comes.

Those cultivators had already fought together unconsciously, senior brother and sister Tang Wuyou looked at each other, and they leaned back.

So as not to be splashed with blood.

Not only did they stay back, they also opened up their defense.

Watching a few monks fight like a raging fire over there.

"Brothers and sisters, have you noticed anything?
Why were those people beaten so severely? "

Tang Wuyou frowned and looked at those monks in puzzlement.

Qin Lan looked at Changhe, who raised an eyebrow at her.

"Senior sister, do you want to promise to be with me?"

Tang Wuyou: I didn't expect his parent, Senior Brother He, to have a love brain.

Qin Lan rolled his eyes at him, and looked at him with gritted teeth.

"You didn't notice, what's different in the air?

How could those people beat their brains into dog brains? "

Li Mubai shook his head, once again exuding a sense of grandeur.

Just when Changhe was stunned, he opened his mouth and said:

"There's something weird about it, I did feel the aura of an ancient divine beast from those two claws, but whether it's the dragon's claws or not remains to be determined.

At least for now, the breath it exudes will make people confused.

But my awe-inspiring aura just restrained the aura emanating from the dragon claw. "

Li Mubai took out a few pieces of paper with the mantra of pure heart written on them, and distributed one to each of several people.

"Take this with you, it can help you get rid of the devil's miasma that seeps out of that dragon's claw!"

Li Mubai's eyes suddenly lit up as he spoke.

"Yes, it's the devil's miasma.

I didn't know how to describe this breath before.

Now it can finally be determined that what seeps out of this dragon claw is the miasma of the devil, which shows that this dragon claw is not a good thing. "

"Could it be that the monks who came in before were all because of the devil's miasma coming out of this devil's palm.

So they killed each other and finally died in their own hands. "

After Wu Jian finished speaking, he felt that this was very possible.

At this time, Changhe reflexively pulled back.

"Junior Brother Mu Bai is right, I also didn't find any unusual medicine habitat here.

That seems to be a miasma, fortunately we are protected by the noble spirit of our junior brother.

Otherwise, wouldn't we have to be like them, attacking each other in confusion? "

He was talking about three people who came in outside, it was Wu Feng who was dressed in black.

Qingran dressed in white.

Chasing wind in a black and white cassock.

Tang Wuyou looked at these three people walking in side by side, how could this combination make people speechless.

Hurry up and send them a voice transmission.

"Come here, there is a miasma in the air that disturbs people's minds."

The three of them froze when they heard her voice transmission.

Not daring to relax, he quickly released his spiritual power to protect himself, and then flew towards Tang Wuyou and the others.

But before they reached Tang Wuyou's side, the red-eyed people over there spotted them and rushed towards them.

"Master, there is a voice in my sea of ​​consciousness shouting, kill!"

Tang Wuyou hurriedly said to Li Mubai:

"Brother, give me three more pieces of paper of Qi of Virtue, they have already been disturbed by that magic wand."

Li Mubai raised his hand and flew three pieces of paper towards Wufeng, Qingran and Zhuifeng.

Very precise on them.

The three of them, who had started to lose their size gradually, finally showed a trace of clarity in their eyes.

They came towards Tang Wuyou and the others.

"Set up!
Liumang is too dry! "

After Qin Lan finished speaking, he threw out the formation plate, and Tang Wuyou and the others immediately took their positions.

Shun Wufeng and the others aside.

"You are responsible for protecting the law. Don't let anyone here slip through the net."

(End of this chapter)

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