Tang Wuyou glanced at the third prince who was talking, this man really deserves to die!
But right now, the aura here is so strong, if you don't hurry up to practice and still have time to beep here, you are definitely an idiot.

Tang Wuyou didn't want to talk to fools, so the price dropped!
Anyway, they have already arranged a formation here, and now she has changed the formula in her hand, directly adding a sound-proof enchantment to the formation.

Seeing that he couldn't hear what he was saying, the third prince immediately turned dark.

Tang Wuyou saw that he was outside, his mouth open and peaceful, and he didn't know what he said.

He rolled his eyes and continued to practice.

The third prince outside stared angrily, but had no choice but to turn around and leave.

"Is there something wrong with this third prince?"

Qin Lan glanced at the third prince who left.

Tang worry-free.

"Senior sister, you can also see that this person is definitely out of his mind.

I watched Xingyao Dynasty, and among the three princes, the second child is a little bit normal.

That Emperor Xingyao should thank us for helping him eliminate two heirs with bad brains. "

Qin Lan couldn't help laughing when she heard her say that.

"You mean, the third prince plans to?"

Tang Wuyou nodded, she really had this plan.

"How about it?"

"What else, if you want to do it, let's do it!"


"I firmly support my junior sister's decision."

Qin Lan gave him a blank look.

He immediately added.

"Follow the steps of senior sister at all times."

Li Mubai shook his head amusedly.

"It's a bit tricky to deal with the third prince, let's make a good plan later.

It is also a disaster if it is not resolved. "

Ye Qingge nodded.

"Then find him a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters and bury him!"

Wujian smiled.

"I agree!
But what we need to do at this time is to cultivate first. "

After Tang Wuyou and the others made up their minds, they put this matter aside.

Concentrate on cultivation first, and then use the aura in it for your own use.

The third prince over there was completely ignored, and he looked here with a gloomy face.

He didn't know what he said to the people around him, but the people around him also looked at Tang Wuyou and the others with unfriendly expressions.

Cultivators have the most sensitive senses, and Tang Wuyou and the others also noticed the unkind eyes cast by the monks over there.

"It seems that before we do anything, the people over there can't hold back anymore."

"Forget about them waiting for us to finish training, just in time to supply us with supplies."

As time passed, there were more and more monks here, and the originally strong spiritual energy gradually became thinner.

Tang Wuyou and the others opened their eyes at the same time, and they looked at each other.

Remove the protective array around.

As soon as they moved, the third prince opened his eyes vigilantly and looked towards this side.

Seeing Tang Wuyou and the others leaving, they looked at each other and followed behind them.

Wujian: "Follow me."

Ye Qingge: "Let's choose a place!"

"Junior sister and I go first, you take them for a walk."

After Qin Lan finished speaking, she released an external avatar composed of formations.

Tang Wuyou also sacrificed her incarnation outside the body.

The two looked at each other and disappeared together.

When it appeared again, it was already thousands of miles away.

"Sister, this place is not bad."

Qin Lan looked around and nodded.

"It's not bad here, let's go here!"

After Qin Lan finished speaking, he began to set up the formation.

Tang Wuyou is also not idle, and her way of talismans can also be used in conjunction.

"Senior Sister, we have set up the formation, and we can attract people here."

In the group sound transmission jade slips, after Tang Wuyou finished the sound transmission, Ye Qingge replied.

"Roger that!"

Ye Qingge and the others looked at each other, and led the third prince and his party behind him to go directly to the place Tang Wuyou and the others had arranged.

"Fellow daoists, what do you mean by following us all the time?"

When they arrived at the place, Changhe and the others stopped and questioned the third prince.

"The road to cultivating immortals is so wide, how can you believe that we are following you?"

Wujian sacrificed Feijian directly.


"Hey! Just because you are so arrogant?

I think you really don't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth, but you dare to be so arrogant in front of me! "

The third prince seemed to have discovered something funny.

The tone of his speech was disdainful.

"Speaking of which kind of onion are you?
It's nothing more than a good birth, but unfortunately you don't know how to cherish it, so we will send you another birth. "

"Just relying on you fit monks? What a big tone.

If you kill me, believe it or not, you will not survive! "

Qin Lan x appeared behind them, waved his hand, and the formation was activated.

"The monks in the lower world of dead wood are all despicable villains, and they set up traps early in the morning.

But do you think that a mere formation can trap us?
It's so whimsical.

You Deadwood Lower Realm has been sealed for so many years, and the inheritance of Taoism has long been self-proclaimed and nothing new. "

The mouth of the third prince really owes.

"Remember to open your mouth next time you reincarnate, as long as your mouth is not so weak, you can die more quickly."

"Joke, this prince is the third prince of Xingyao Dynasty, do I need to speak nicely to you?

You monks who have ascended from the lower realm of dead wood, it is not easy for me to deal with you. "

As he spoke, his complexion changed drastically.

"Why can't I use my spiritual power?

What did you do? "

"Didn't it mean that the formations in our Deadwood Lower Realm are rubbish?

It seems that you have never heard of the ethereal formation.

Who is short-sighted and watching the sky from a well? "

"What spirit control array?
I think this is clearly a sorcery! "

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm going to die anyway, you don't care if we are evil or not.

It's a good formation to kill you. "

As Changhe said, he shot a few spirit pills into the formation.

The formation of people could still be seen at first, but the black mist filled the air instantly.

"Ahem, ahem, ahem, you actually use poison, despicable and shameless withered tree lower realm monks."

Tang Wuyou's face turned dark.

This man is really inseparable from the lower realm of dead wood.

She took the bricks and rushed into the formation first, slapping the third prince with a bang bang bang bang.

"What happened to the Witherwood Lower Realm?
Have you eaten your rice?
Did you drink your water?
The left sentence is the lower bound of dead wood, and the right sentence is lower bound of dead wood. Believe it or not, I will dry you up. "

Tang Wuyou scolded while clapping.

The third prince who beat him felt like crying.

"Why are you such a woman?"

Tang Wuyou: "...Am I being serious?

I'm sorry to hurt you, let me be gentle.

I just want your life, try not to hurt you. "

"Ahem, junior sister, you are being naughty."

Li Mubai was funny.

Tang Wuyou spread his hands.

"No way, who made me so kind?"

While speaking, she had already brought people into the space.

The rest are insignificant, just solve them casually. "


After the few people finished speaking, they quickly dispersed towards the surroundings, and then the formation trapping them exploded with a bang.

None of the monks in the formation survived.

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