I don't know what dirty things are thinking in my heart, and I have a smug smile on my face. On the table are the red wine glasses and candles that he specially prepared.

Look at the elegant atmosphere in the room. These female cultivators who only know how to practice, have never seen such a romantic thing before, and they don't believe that they can't beat her.

At this moment, Master Yuyan's voice sounded outside the door.

"Young master, someone has brought it."

"Okay! Come in."

Hearing Ye Lantang's excited shout, Tang Wuyou followed Master Yuyan into the room with a smile on his face.

I have a defense that is comparable to that of Huashen Cultivator, and I am afraid of his ass.

Ye Lantang smiled, seeing that the person who came in was actually Tang Wuyou, the smile on her face stopped immediately.

"why you?"

Tang Wuyou really wanted to send this old man home now.

Smilingly, he looked at the layout of the room, and then at the wine glasses and candles.

"Hey! This arrangement is quite romantic!
Ye Lantang, what are you planning to do? "

Ye Lantang feared that she had a third-order spirit beast on her body, so her eyes turned cold.

"Hmph! The person I want is your senior sister, what are you doing here?"

As he spoke, he sat back on the chair, cast a bored glance at Tang Wuyou and continued:
"This young master knows that you have a crush on this young master, but this young master doesn't like you."

Tang Wuyou had already sat across from him, picked up the red wine glass and smelled it, it turned out that it was really wine.

It contained spiritual power, and it seemed to be quite delicious, but she didn't dare to drink this kid's wine.

Just listen to Ye Lantang instructing the real Yuyan to say:

"Go again, you caught the wrong person, idiot."

Master Yuyan didn't expect that he would catch the wrong person, so he paused for a moment and was about to turn around and go out.

"Wait! You don't have to go.

My senior brothers and sisters are definitely not there right now, they may have rushed back to Fengmao City to save me.

So, just wait for my senior brothers and sisters to throw themselves into the trap, why bother? "

Ye Lantang raised her eyebrows, hearing what she said, it made sense after thinking about it.

But I heard her say:
"I remember I advised you not to provoke my senior sister. It seems that you didn't take my words to heart!"

Ye Lantang rolled her eyes, she didn't pay attention to her as a qi cultivator at all.

"Who do you think you are? Heavenly King Lao Tzu?
I myself have never heard of him, I want to listen to you?
funny! "

Tang Wuyou: "Fellow Daoist is like this, so there's nothing to talk about!"

"Hahaha! Talk to you, are you worthy?"

Seeing his arrogant appearance, Tang Wuyou was very upset.

"So you think I'm unworthy!

That's right, I only have a Tier [-] spirit beast.

Looking at you like this, you are confident, you must have the imprint of the divine sense imprinted by the cultivator of transforming spirits on your body! "

Ye Lantang smiled triumphantly

"It's good that you know it. If you want to do something to me, you have to weigh it."

While they were exchanging words, Tang Wuyou's brothers and sisters over there were also shocked when they saw that she had been taken away.

It's just that they want to chase but they can't catch up with each other at all.

The gap between Jindan monks and Qi training monks is too great, and the speed is even more incomparable.

"What should I do? Junior Sister was arrested."

Changhe looked at what had disappeared in the sky, leaving only a black spot and frowned.

Ye Qingge said with a sullen face:

"When we went back to Fengmao City, my junior sister was taken away for me. I saw that woman was dressed like a Golden Core cultivator of the Hehuan Sect.

If it is the He Huan Sect, it cannot be said that it is inseparable from the young master of the He Huan Sect. "

Qin Lan agreed with her words.

"Junior Sister Ye is right, I didn't expect that the young master He Huanzhong would do one thing in front of the other.

Seeing him walking swiftly just now, I thought he was really a carefree person.

But he didn't want to be such a despicable and shameless person. "

Wujian also said:

"Let's hurry back to town.

Although the junior sister has defenses on her body, she is afraid that the young master of the Hehuan Sect will use sound attacks on the junior sister, or poison her. "

When he said that, everyone became nervous.

"Let's go back quickly and use my Wordless Book."

Li Mubai held out a blank book as he spoke.

Everyone flew up and flew back to Fengmao City with the book.

In Fengmao City, Tang Wuyou was negotiating with Ye Lantang.

"I said, why are you so stupid?

You can't harm others, don't harm my senior sister? "

"I can see her, isn't it her blessing?
You must know that there are many advantages to being the wife of the Young Master Huanzong and me.

Daozong, who is always in your corner, is much better. "

Tang Wuyou: "But I remember that my senior sister has clearly rejected you."

Ye Lantang didn't care about what she said.

"So what? As long as the woman who has double-cultivated with me tastes the sweetness of double-cultivated, I don't believe that he will not want to try it again!

At that time, even if I drive your senior sister out of bed, your senior sister won't even get out of bed, believe it or not?Hahaha"

"You big-headed ghost, bastard!"

Tang Wuyou couldn't bear to hear him say such words.

Endure mammary gland hyperplasia for a while, and take a step back for ovarian cysts.

He jumped up and directly lifted the table, and with a bang, all the prepared food and wine on the table were overturned to the ground.

Ye Lantang looked at her actions with a gloomy expression.

If he hadn't been afraid that she had a third-order spirit beast, he would have killed this little female cultivator a long time ago.

"Who gave you the guts to act wild with me?"

Tang Wuyou thought about how to send him back.

"Why, are you afraid?"

While talking, he counted the things on his body, there was nothing, wait a minute, there is one thing that can be used.

With that in mind, she planned to do it as soon as possible.

Senior Sister and the others found that they were being taken away, so they would definitely try to save themselves.

Ye Lantang rolled her eyes angrily.

"What are you talking about! Aren't you afraid?"

Tang Wuyou thought of a good idea, so he chatted with him at this time.

"Fellow Daoist has an ever-changing accent. Isn't fellow Daoist a native of the world of cultivating immortals?"

Ye Lantang didn't know what she was talking about, she was very irritable and thought of an idea.

He planned to lock Tang Wuyou up and use it to threaten Ye Qingge.

Seeing that their senior sisters have such a good relationship, he must know that the junior sister is in his hands, and Ye Qingge will not sit idly by.

"Don't talk so much nonsense with me, since you're here, just stay here honestly.

With you in hand, I still don't believe that your senior sister doesn't obey obediently. "

Tang Wuyou opened his curious eyes and asked:
"I'm really curious what you did in your previous life, how could you be so shameless and brazen?
As the young master of the Hehuan Sect, you shouldn't be short of women, right?
Why hold on to my senior sister? "

"Hahaha, you don't understand, what you don't get is always the best.

If you want me to let him go!
Let me taste it, if it tastes bad, maybe I will let her go. "

These words were really infuriating, Tang Wuyou laughed angrily at him.

At the same time, I also chose something in the storage ring.

"Hey, why are you like this? Do you know why I was arrested instead of my senior sister?"

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